Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 565 Chapter 7

Chapter 565 No.17 Bureau (1)
The old man didn't say anything, and let Feng Qianyun get his pulse.

The old man felt a cool feeling spread from Feng Qianyun's fingers to his body, and that feeling spread from his arms to his surroundings, and then returned to Feng Qianyun after turning around.

This subtle and strange feeling made the old man couldn't help but look at Feng Qianyun a few more times.

When that strange feeling disappeared from the old man's body, Feng Qianyun also took the old man's pulse.

"Could you please bring me a paper and a pen?" Feng Qianyun asked the maid beside her.

The woman went to a kitchen cabinet and took out a paper and pen.

Feng Qianyun wrote a prescription on the paper with a pen and handed it to the old man, "Follow the prescription written on this prescription to get the medicine, boil four bowls of water to make one bowl of water, and add one more bowl of water every time you boil the medicine." this one."

Feng Qianyun handed another small bottle to the old man.

The old man's eyes swept over the prescription written by Feng Qianyun. The elegant font matched her very well. The prescription on it was also professionally written. The old man looked at the small porcelain bottle in his hand, opened the bottle, and sniffed it , a smell of medicine, but what it is, the old man is not a doctor, and he can't smell anything. Even a doctor, it's hard to know what the medicine in Feng Qianyun's small porcelain bottle is just by smelling it like this .

The old man gave both the prescription and the porcelain bottle to the maid, "Give me the old man's money for the prescription, and ask him to get me the medicine."

"Old man, take this medicine first. After a few days, I will feel better. I will come to see old man again." Feng Qianyun looked at it and felt that it was time to leave, so she stood up.

"If the house you opened is really effective, you will get what you want." The old man told Feng Qianyun very clearly.

"Then I will thank the old man first."

"Don't be too happy." The old man reminded Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun is very confident, if she didn't have this confidence, she wouldn't be here today, "I have this confidence."

Feng Qianyun told the old man very clearly that she was quite sure.

"It's good that you have this confidence, but I only accept the facts." The old man's face had only one expression from the beginning to the end, making it difficult to read any information from his expression.

"The junior will take his leave today and come back in three days."

After Feng Qianyun, Ouyang Zhimin, and Han Mojue left the community, Ouyang Zhimin finally had the opportunity to express a question in his heart.

"Boss Yunyun, I haven't seen you for four years. Why has your medical skills not only failed to improve, but instead regressed?" Ouyang Zhimin asked Feng Qianyun puzzled.

"Regress?" Feng Qianyun laughed.

"Yes, I thought that with your medical skills, you should be able to treat rheumatism on the spot!" Anyway, in Ouyang Zhimin's cognition, Feng Qianyun should be such a magical existence.

"Why should I cure him on the spot?" Feng Qianyun asked Ouyang Zhimin back. In fact, what Ouyang Zhimin said is not wrong. She is indeed capable of curing the old man's rheumatism, but she has been careful from the beginning No attempt was made to cure his ailment.

Ouyang Zhimin was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

If Feng Qianyun cured the old man's illness in one go, then the old man would indeed meet Feng Qianyun's conditions as he promised, but after that, it would have nothing to do with him.

But now, Feng Qianyun prescribed a prescription for him, taking it for a long time can save him from rheumatism, but it can't cure it, so the old man will need Feng Qianyun's medicine for a long time.

Feng Qianyun is also very particular about the medicines prescribed to the old man. It is not just giving him a bottle of unknown medicine to make him feel completely controlled, nor is it just giving him a prescription so that he will never need it from now on. A place with a thousand rhymes.

The prescription that Feng Qianyun gave the old man is partly transparent, which is the prescription written by her. If the old man just ask any Chinese medicine doctor, he will probably be able to find out some famous tricks, and the other part is opaque, which is Feng Qianyun. The contents of the small porcelain bottle given to him were obviously that Feng Qianyun deliberately concealed some medicines in it, so these medicines were ground into powder in advance to make them into pills, and they were specially added in when making them. Some medicines with a strong taste and disturbing effect but no actual medicinal effect interfere with vision.

Although Lu Dafeng is not as good as Feng Qianyun in terms of medical skills, he does not even know the specific type of rheumatism the old man has. He told Feng Qianyun the exact condition of the old man early in the morning, so Feng Qianyun prescribes the right medicine. Have that bottle of pills ready.

In this way, the situation changed. After the old man arranged Feng Qianyun into the National Security Bureau, he couldn't pretend that he didn't know anything. He would naturally want to protect Feng Qianyun, and he would become Feng Qianyun unconsciously. A talisman of Qianyun.

Since Feng Qianyun intends to join the National Security Bureau, she naturally has to consider the matter thoroughly. No matter whether she will encounter difficulties that she cannot handle after entering, it is always right to prepare first!

Ouyang Zhimin's admiration for Feng Qianyun, as expected, the boss of Yunyun is worthy of being the boss of Yunyun! "But Boss Yunyun, why do you suddenly want to join the National Security Bureau?"

"I don't like the National Security Bureau, what's the reason?"

Feng Qianyun's answer was really arrogant, normal people wouldn't take the initiative to make trouble with government agencies, right?
"Boss Yunyun, is this reason too...something?" Ouyang Zhimin also felt that Feng Qianyun's idea was a little arrogant, but he liked it, haha!

Three days later, when Feng Qianyun came to visit again, the old man's spirit improved a lot, probably because his body was much more comfortable, and his mood also improved a lot when he saw Feng Qianyun face to face.

"Sit down." Seeing Feng Qianyun, the old man pointed to a seat opposite him with the crutch in his hand.

Today, the old man asked Feng Qianyun to meet in the park downstairs in their community. In the park, the old man was sitting at a round stone table, looking old-fashioned.

There were no other irrelevant people around, and there were people standing around at several points, who were the old man's bodyguards.

Feng Qianyun graciously sat down opposite the old man.

"How does the old man feel about his health today?" Feng Qianyun asked about the old man's health.

"Very good, very good." The old man nodded in satisfaction. The old man usually doesn't say yes, but when he keeps saying yes, it can be seen that he is very satisfied.

"That's good. The old man also knows that rheumatism is like high blood pressure. It is a long-term disease. It will be difficult to cure it for a while. For the next time, as long as the old man insists on taking the medicine according to the prescription I prescribed, it should be under control. Stay sick."

(End of this chapter)

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