Chapter 570
Qiao Yun smelled the scent on her body, "Ugh—"

She herself was disgusted first, it smelled so bad, she felt like she crawled out of a rotten egg!
How can it be so bad!

Damn Feng Qianyun, what kind of medicine did she put in the hot spring water? !

After Qiao Yun came up from the hot spring, she couldn't care about anything else. She immediately went back to her room to take a bath.

Qiao Yun scolded Feng Qianyun thousands of times every time she washed it, and then sulked in the room alone, but she didn't even dare to go out the door, because of the stench all over her body, she didn't even have the courage to open the door and go out. nothing.

After Feng Qianyun returned to the hotel room, Shang Xiaoye, who was with her, was still immersed in a tangled mood.

"Come on, sister Xiaoye, come here, this contract was given to me by Han Mojue before I came here, please sign it and press your thumbprint." Feng Qianyun pushed a document in front of Shang Xiaoye, and at the same time put the pen into it. Put it into her hand, point to the place where a signature is required on the contract and ask her to sign it.

Shang Xiaoye trusted everything that Feng Qianyun asked her to sign, and with her current mood, she was not in the mood to see any contract.

As a result, the name was signed in such a muddled manner.

Feng Qianyun smiled in satisfaction, "Very well, you will sell yourself to me from now on."

"What?" Hearing this, Shang Xiaoye suddenly came to his senses, as if something went wrong.

"The one you owed just now is the contract of sale. From today onwards, you belong to me." Feng Qianyun showed the content of the contract to Shang Xiaoye, which basically meant that Shang Xiaoye voluntarily handed over her marriage to Fengqianyun and the like.

"Yunyun, how could you let me sign such a weird contract?" Shang Xiaoye became anxious after reading it.

"Why not?" Feng Qianyun asked back, "Okay, hurry up and go through the registration procedures with my little brother. As for the wedding, you two can prepare slowly."

"Yunyun! That contract is too messy!" How could such a messy contract be made?

"What's wrong, Sister Xiaoye, do you just want a reason enough to convince yourself not to be entangled? Now you are forced by me, so don't be entangled. If you think it's not enough, I have other What about despicable means, such as pouring you some aphrodisiacs to make you have sex with Ouyang or something, or just go to your mother directly, she seems to listen to me pretty much."

"Yunyun, how can you be so bad!"

Feng Qianyun spread her hands, "Women are not bad, men don't love them."

As a human being, why follow the rules?Besides, Feng Qianyun didn't feel that she had done a bad job in this matter. She didn't directly tie up people and throw them on the bed. She went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to sign.

Feng Qianyun walked to the door of the room and opened it, "Okay, come in."

Outside the door, there were Ouyang Zhimin, Shang Xiaoye's mother, Zhang Chuan and Zhang Luyao.

"You...why are you all here?" Seeing that everyone was there, Shang Xiaoye didn't know what to say.

Shang Xiaoye was a little at a loss, her mood was obviously in a state of entanglement one moment, and was bombarded by a bunch of bombs the next moment.

Ouyang Zhimin was a little shy, but under Feng Qianyun's gaze, he still bravely walked in front of Shang Xiaoye.

He held Shang Xiaoye's hands, "I have used many ways to propose marriage, but none of them worked. You always have a reason to shirk every time. Now that Master Yunyun is back, you obviously have no reason to refuse any more. I'm dead, but you still refuse to agree to my marriage proposal. I have no choice but to ask Boss Yunyun to help me, but Boss Yunyun told me that there must be a reason for your refusal to agree to my marriage proposal, and then I just thought about it all night, trying to figure out what I did wrong that made people refuse to agree to my marriage proposal."

Shang Xiaoye's nose was sore.

Ouyang Zhimin went on to say, "In the end, Boss Yunyun told me that your refusal to agree to me is probably because of your body. If I have any opinions on your body... after you control that power, It’s hard for me to accept that I’m stronger than me. As for the others, fuck it! It’s not important, there are too many people in the world who can’t have children, what azoospermia, what gynecological disease, just say it Dadui, I'm not such a pedantic person, so please don't avoid things between us because of this, okay?"

Shang Xiaoye shed tears uncontrollably. Although she deliberately told herself not to care about that matter, deep down in her heart she didn't really care about it.

It's just that she never really talked to Ouyang Zhimin...

"Ouyang, do you really not mind?" Shang Xiaoye asked cautiously, she was really afraid of hearing words of mind from Ouyang Zhimin's mouth, because she really cared if he really minded.

It's easier for her to be true, and it's the same with feelings. Once you identify one, you want it to be for a lifetime.

"I thought you knew my thoughts a long time ago. I told you that I didn't mind when I first found out about it four years ago. It turns out that you haven't figured out my determination. Now I'm very solemn again. Let me tell you honestly, Shang Xiaoye, I like you, I don't mind those things, I love you as a person, and all other additional conditions are not important!"

Ouyang Zhimin's every word was resounding, he told Shang Xiaoye with his sincerity that he was sincere, and he held his whole heart in front of her for her to see.

As the elder brother, Zhang Chuan helped Ouyang Zhimin to speak well, "Xiaoye, elder brother has been in the mall for so many years, and there are quite a few people who see it. Ouyang is sincere to you, such a good brother-in-law, I will recognize him first. "

Zhang Luyao made a small joke, "With the second brother here, if he treats you badly in the future, the second brother will definitely sue him for bankruptcy when the divorce is over."

As soon as Zhang Luyao finished speaking, Feng Qianyun kicked him hard, "If you want to file a divorce lawsuit, go find a wife yourself, and don't say unlucky things here." What kind of brother is this, my sister He's not married yet, so he's talking about divorce here. Could it be that his EQ is negative?Feng Qianyun turned around and urged Ouyang Zhimin, "Idiot, hurry up and propose to your future wife, I'll watch!"

Hearing this, Ouyang Zhimin took out the ring he had prepared for a long time, and knelt down to propose to Shang Xiaoye on the spot.

"Shang Xiaoye, I, Ouyang Zhimin, formally propose to you now. Boss Yunyun said, this is my last proposal. If you don't agree again, I think I will take this ring to jump the Huangpu River with the dead pigs now." Companion is worth it."

(End of this chapter)

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