Chapter 571
If Shang Xiaoye still refuses to agree, Ouyang Zhimin really wants to jump into the Huangpu River.

Shang Xiaoye took the ring, "I promise, I promise, don't jump."

Now Ouyang Zhimin was happy, "No dancing, no dancing, now that I have a wife, of course I won't dance!"

After returning from the hot spring hotel, Feng Qianyun did not expect to see Han Zhengtao.

Han Zhengtao should be in Yanjing, why did he suddenly come to Province Z?
Feng Qianyun invited Han Zhengtao to sit at home and made tea for him. The two of them sat down and told Feng Qianyun intuitively that Han Zhengtao came to find her something this time.

"Uncle Han, why did you come here?" Feng Qianyun glanced at Ouyang Zhimin, whose nose was bruised and swollen by Han Zhengtao, and silently mourned for her little brother. He was Han Mojue's father. It's not too unfair to be beaten...

Han Zhengtao said seriously, "Feng Qianyun, if I say that I came this time to arrest you, what do you think?"

"Arrest me? Isn't it the duty of the police to arrest people? Isn't it too much for me to ask Uncle Han to arrest me personally?"

"Don't be surprised, I did come to arrest you." Han Zhengtao didn't look like he was joking at all.

"Uncle Han, I know you're not the type to make fun of this kind of thing, but I'm afraid it's a bit difficult for you to let me not be surprised?"

Feng Qianyun heard something from these words, who is Han Zhengtao?But he got orders to come and get her, so what did that mean?
Feng Qianyun knows that it is not a matter of a day or two that she is being watched by the police, and it is already four years ago that she got into trouble with the National Security Bureau, but...she has been in Kunlun for four years, and she just came back not long ago, how could it be Offended?This unscientific!

"Then, are you here to catch me?" Feng Qianyun narrowed her eyes. Even if Han Mojue's father wanted to catch her, she wouldn't be able to raise both hands in front of him. Handcuffed and dragged away.

"I'm here today as Han Mojue's father. As for arresting you, let's wait until my subordinates arrive!"

Han Zhengtao was hinting that he came to report to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun, who understood Han Zhengtao's intentions, thanked Han Zhengtao, "Thank you, Uncle Han. I don't know if Uncle Han can tell me why I made such a big fuss? Or who did I offend?"

The person behind it who can make Han Zhengtao take action is really not young.

"This is confidential, and it's not convenient for me to tell you, but I can remind you that there is someone behind this woman, Qiao Yun." Han Zhengtao couldn't tell Feng Qianyun who gave the order clearly, so he could only tactfully say Tell Feng Qianyun the direction of thinking.

Qiao Yun?

Qiao Yun, a woman herself, seems to have no abilities, but the person behind her...

Feng Qianyun thought that Qiao Yun was relying on someone from the National Security Bureau, but now it seems that the people behind Qiao Yun are not as simple as she thought.

"Thank you Uncle Han for telling me this." Feng Qianyun thanked Han Zhengtao.

"You're welcome, I'm sorry I can't help you this time, by the way, what about Mo Jue?" Han Zhengtao thought that Han Mo Jue would be with Feng Qianyun.

"Him? I don't know. I haven't seen anyone these days, and I don't know what I'm busy with." Feng Qianyun realized that after four years of absence, Han Mojue became mysterious, always mysterious. do something.

"Well, I brought what he asked me to bring last time."

"What did he ask you to bring?" Feng Qianyun asked curiously, what has Han Mojue been doing so mysteriously recently that he asked his father Han Zhengtao to bring him something?
Han Zhengtao showed Feng Qianyun what Han Mojue asked him to bring.


Feng Qianyun took a bunch of things from Han Zhengtao, including transmitters, ultrasonic jammers, signal shielding devices, locators...

These things don't look like normal people need to use them.

If Han Mojue asked Han Zhengtao to bring him a dozen condoms, Feng Qianyun would find it easier to accept.

"What's the matter, don't you know that he took these things with me?" Because these things made by the military are much more refined than those bought in the market, and some things cannot be bought in the market, so Han Mojue Ask Han Zhengtao to bring it over.

"I don't know." Feng Qianyun thought to herself, what is going on with Han Mojue, what is the mysterious plan to do?Go back and ask him well.

It was three days before Feng Qianyun saw the old man again, and the old man handed over a letter of recommendation to Feng Qianyun.

"You can just take this letter to see that person. I have already settled with him about your matter, but that person's temper is quite weird. You'd better bring a gift that can please him when you go. .”

"Thank you." Very well, with this letter, Feng Qianyun has obtained a permit to enter the National Security Bureau.

"By the way, you know that he has a wrong name... Stone Laomeng, tell me, why?" The old man smiled, and seemed to casually mention this matter to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun read something from the old man's words, "Thank you, old man."

The old man handed the letter to Feng Qianyun and left. He didn't discuss the details with Feng Qianyun in detail. In fact, the old man thought he could tell Feng Qianyun all he had said, and the rest was Feng Qianyun's own business.

Stone Laomeng?Feng Qianyun thought, she has to find out how Shitou Laomeng got the wrong number.

This question is really difficult to check. If the other party is an ordinary person, Feng Qianyun can ask the people around him and he will have the answer. The key is that this person is a decision-making figure in the National Security Bureau. It is protected as a secret.

His subordinates probably only know his full name, and they probably have no chance to know his wrong number, let alone how he got his wrong number. Only people like the old man can get his wrong number. Call it.

Just as Feng Qianyun was lying on the bed and thinking about it but couldn't find the answer, a man came to the door.

When the door opened, Feng Qianyun glanced at Lie Que who appeared at the door of her room, and immediately turned her eyes away.

"Why are you here? Why didn't you come in to my room without knocking?" She was definitely not guilty, definitely not guilty, whoever said she was guilty, she was in a hurry!
"Is there any problem if I enter my fiancée's room?" Lie Que not only entered, but also sat down on Feng Qianyun's bed.

Feng Qianyun immediately pushed away a few feet, distanced herself from Lie Que, "Let's break off the engagement now!"

"When I put the ring on you, I didn't say that you can break off the engagement. Even if you insist on breaking it off, I won't admit it if I don't admit it."

In Lie Que's place, you Feng Qianyun has already been stamped, and you are already a member of his Lie Que family.

"That was your unilateral decision, I protest!" Feng Qianyun was dissatisfied, pouted, her red lips were a little moist, and she invisibly seduced Lie Que who was close to her.

Lie Que lowered his head and found that Feng Qianyun was only wearing a pair of pajamas... Then from his angle, he could see Feng Qianyun's... looming... very intriguing...

Finding where Lie Que was looking, Feng Qianyun immediately put her hands on her chest and jumped away, "Se Que, where are you looking!"

"It's not my fault, it's just that you wear less." Lie Que smiled innocently.

"I'm in my own room. Is there any problem with wearing a pajamas? It seems that you broke in suddenly!" Feng Qianyun found that four years later, Lie Que was more attractive than before!Obviously, at that time, he would not have evil thoughts while holding her to sleep, but now he will aim at certain places specially!

"It's daytime now, is it okay for you to be alone in the room in your pajamas?" Lie Que refuted Feng Qianyun with a light smile.

"Can't I take a nap?"

"It's eleven o'clock at noon, isn't your nap time a little earlier?"

"I want you to take care of it!" Feng Qianyun said unhappily, true love life is far away from Lie Que, lest he ask her if she likes him again.

"Since you are so free, how about us..." Lie Que suddenly moved closer, almost touching Feng Qianyun's face.

"It's not as good as you! You're a pervert! I'm thinking about something!" Feng Qianyun looked at Lie Que's neck, who was close at hand, and swallowed. She really wanted to kiss him... Er... Could it be that she was in Kunlun Too long, inexplicably hungry?

"Thinking about a problem? Thinking about what?"

"I was wondering why a person named Shitou Laomeng had such a wrong number." Feng Qianyun grabbed the pillow from one side, hugged it to her chest, and put a distance between her and Lie Que.

"Because he loves jade, especially jadeite, all the money he has bought is precious jadeite for collection at home." Lie Que instantly helped Feng Qianyun solve the problem that had troubled her for several hours.

"How do you know?" Feng Qianyun thought, even if Lie Que really did something to steal information, he wouldn't even know what other people's wrong numbers mean, would he?
What is the structure of this thing? !

"Interested?" Lie Que asked with a smile.

His fox-like smile made Feng Qianyun immediately choose to take back the question she just asked, "I'm not interested, I'm not at all curious about how you know, I just need my answer, okay, it's nothing Come on, go away!"

Lie Que was in a good mood because of Feng Qianyun's expression of 300 taels of silver, he tore off the pillow Feng Qianyun was holding on his chest, and then grabbed Feng Qianyun into his arms.

Although she has grown up, Lie Que still has no problem hugging her.

Lie Que kissed Feng Qianyun's natural blush without makeup. "In a few days, when you are officially full, let's see how I eat you."

(End of this chapter)

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