Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 572 Mysterious Man

Chapter 572 Mysterious Man
It's okay for Feng Qianyun to run away from Lie Que now, but when she is full, Lie Que doesn't plan to wait any longer.

"You really are lustful! I didn't even say I like you, you've already thought about such lustful things!"

"I've thought about it for a long time." Lie Que said bluntly.

"Ah, Se Que, Se Que, let me go!" She actually said that he had been thinking about it for a long time, and she thought he had been Liu Xiahui for many years!
"Don't let go, give me a kiss first, I'll let you go today when I feel better."

"You big lust, don't kiss!" Feng Qianyun turned her face away and refused to kiss Lie Que, although he was very attractive, even though she wanted to kiss him very much, but it is wrong to give in to the lust of lust!

"Then...let me kiss you!" Lie Que said while holding the back of Feng Qianyun's hand with one hand, and kissed it.

Feng Qianyun hid, Lie Que chased after them, the two played and fought on the bed for a long time.

The old man handed the letter to Feng Qianyun and returned to his home. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the man sitting on the sofa in his living room. The old man paused for only a few seconds, and soon he recovered. After coming over, Zheng Jing calmly walked to the opposite side of the man and sat down.

The old man didn't ask first, took out the medicine from the side cabinet, and started to take it unhurriedly.

"What disease?" the man asked.

The old man didn't stop taking the medicine, but instead laughed at the man for asking stupid questions, "I'm old, why should I get sick?"

"You don't welcome me?" The man could hear the rejection of himself from the old man's tone, it seemed that he was not very popular.

"You don't seem to be here." The old man commented leisurely without looking at the man.

The man laughed, "Should I appear here or not? It's too early to draw conclusions. I heard that you arranged for a girl named Feng Qianyun to join the National Security Bureau?"

"You care about things you shouldn't care about." The old man's words were sneering. It's not up to the man in front of him to point fingers at his affairs.

He is not qualified enough.

Hearing this, the man smiled instead of anger, "Old man, you are not young anymore. Although your status is still there, this era is destined to belong to us. You, your arrogance can only be brought into the coffin went."

"I will become the past tense, won't you?" The old man talked to the man in a tepid manner.

It's not that easy for the old man to get annoyed by others. He has eaten more salt than this man has eaten rice.

This old man is stubborn!After the man gave the old man a comment, he turned to say, "I didn't come to argue with you today, I came to tell you that the girl you arranged to enter the National Security Bureau has a deep relationship with Lie Que, and you probably did it." A thing that lures wolves into the house."

"Leading wolves into the house? I have really led wolves into the house many times in my life. Being able to attract wolves proves that I have a good vision." The old man did not show any surprise because of the man's words.

If you were surprised, the old man did. It was when he just found out some things about Feng Qianyun. At that time, he was indeed surprised by Feng Qianyun.

It's impossible for him to arrange people into the National Security Bureau without knowing anything about Feng Qianyun. Just because she cured her illness and put her into the National Security Bureau, the old man will still do some understanding.

As for what the man said, there is a deep relationship between Feng Qianyun and Lie Que, although he is not very clear about the specific relationship between Feng Qianyun and Lie Que, because what he can understand is relatively limited , but probably there is such a thing he still knows.

The man heard the meaning in the old man's words, he seemed determined to protect Feng Qianyun!

"So, you know who Feng Qianyun is, but you still put her in the National Security Bureau!" The man said clearly.

This old man is really difficult to deal with!It's the same as Huiwu's stubborn stone!
"It's just a girl anyway, why are you so excited?" The old man said unhurriedly, looking very leisurely, "Or, this decision of mine has caused you some trouble? This matter seems to be only related to It has something to do with the National Security Bureau, but it has little to do with your military department, right?"

The man knew that the old man was annoying him on purpose, so there was no need for him to stay any longer, "Since you and I don't have much in common, I won't say much. I'm going to leave today."

The man stood up, slammed the door and left.

In terms of seniority and aptitude, the old man is Taishan Beidou, but now, the old man is already a commoner in a sense, but a man has an identity that can scare many people out of their courage.

After the man left, the old man stood by the window and looked away when he saw the man go out from their community. The old man felt emotionally, the human really the most difficult thing to understand.

After Feng Qianyun knew the meaning of the old man's hint to her, she decided to do a good job and find a good jadeite as a gift for her wife.

People are drifting in the rivers and lakes, gift giving is inevitable!
Since the identity of the person to be given is not ordinary, the gift that Feng Qianyun wants to prepare naturally cannot be done in an ordinary way.It would be better not to send it.

If you want to get top-quality jadeite, going directly to a jewelry store doesn't seem to work, because top-quality jadeite doesn't appear in ordinary jewelry stores, auctions...that depends on luck.

Therefore, after weighing it all, Feng Qianyun decided to go to the gambling quarry to pick it out.

As a kind of stone with great aura, jadeite can feel the difference of aura emanating from different jadeites.

High-quality jade such as imperial green is still a good product for cultivation. Although Feng Qianyun has no research on this aspect, she has heard of it more or less.

As the saying goes, have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run?

What's more, she is still a high-level treasure appraiser after all, and this jadeite can be regarded as a treasure.

After thinking about it, Feng Qianyun quickly packed up and prepared to go to the entrance of the gambling stone field closest to Province Z. Maybe she was lucky enough to find the top-quality jadeite she wanted in a short time.

Originally, Feng Qianyun wanted to be alone, but in the end, Lie Que went with Feng Qianyun in the name of being a driver.

Lie Que's idea is actually very simple, take the time to develop a relationship with her, this girl looks carefree on weekdays, but in fact she is very awkward in her heart, it is not easy for him to trick her into telling him the truth. It takes a lot of work.

Instead of giving her time and space to think about it on her own, Lie Que felt that it would be more effective to push herself a little harder, whoever made Feng Qianyun the kind who would go forward bravely when encountering other troubles, never compromise and never shrink back. When encountering emotional problems, just like an ostrich, if you can't think about it, don't think about it, if you can't find it, don't find it.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have discovered Han Mojue's thoughts on her until now.Now Feng Qianyun is the only one who doesn't know that Han Mojue likes her, even Shang Xiaoye and Ouyang Zhimin know it clearly.

"Lie Que, let me ask you something." Anyway, the journey is boring, so Feng Qianyun just ask Lie Que some questions.

Feng Qianyun just asked casually. She was a little tired at this time, and she probably fell asleep after chatting for a while.

"Ask what?" Lie Que offered his shoulder so that Feng Qianyun could rest on his shoulder.

"There should be no relationship between the National Security Agency and the military, right? Unless there are some special circumstances, the two may cooperate, but in general, they belong to different agencies and have different management levels, right?"

Feng Qianyun leaned on Lie Que's shoulder, playing with her hair boredly with both hands.

"That's right." Lie Que gave Feng Qianyun an affirmative answer, "But this is theoretical. In fact, if you consider personal factors, it's hard to say what's inside. statement."

"Except for knowing you, a super villain and SSS-level wanted criminal, I don't seem to have done anything to feel sorry for the society and human beings, but why am I being targeted by people from the National Security Bureau and the military department at the same time? Obviously you are only People from the National Security Bureau are just watching." Feng Qianyun has been thinking about this issue for the past two days, it's not that she's not smart enough, but that this matter is a bit too strange, she has never offended the military department, there is no reason To become a thorn in the side of the military department, and the military department directly dispatched a lieutenant general to arrest her, wouldn't this look a little too big?
"It's not that the military doesn't want to arrest me, but it can't arrest me. As for the National Security Bureau, to a certain extent, the National Security Bureau will list me as an SSS-level wanted criminal after receiving some guidance."

Lie Que's explanation made Feng Qianyun feel sleepy all of a sudden, she suddenly raised her head and asked Lie Que, "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, I'm just answering your doubts." Lie Que said with a smile, looking at him, it seems that what he said just now is really not a big deal, but in fact, Feng Qianyun was shocked by what he said Surprised.

There must be something tricky here!
And this trick is related to Lie Que's real identity!
Feng Qianyun looked at Lie Que suspiciously for a while, and then said to herself, "You old fox, now I'm being chased and killed, you seem quite happy!"

Is it a small thing to be hunted down by the military?Obviously not!

"Hehe, the military department has a lot of rules. Even if they want to attack you, they won't be as petty as the National Security Bureau."

The style of the No.17 bureau has always been one that only seeks the result but not the process, so relatively speaking, it seems not so open and aboveboard, but I have to admit that this style of work is still very effective in some aspects, but it is inevitable that people who are interested It was taken advantage of, turning this advantage into the biggest disadvantage.

(End of this chapter)

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