Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 573: Heavenly Rong

Chapter 573: Heavenly Rong (1)
"You really know a lot!" The sour words came out of Feng Qianyun's mouth. Feng Qianyun swore that even if someone told her that Lie Que's brain was actually electronic, she would believe it!

Lie Que smiled, "Isn't mine yours?"

Lie Que's intentional guidance made Feng Qianyun's cheeks blush, what does it mean that what is his is hers?Who does he think he is?

After the two arrived at the entrance, Feng Qianyun set foot in this kind of place for the first time.

The stones here are all transported from the nearby field entrance.

This place is quite lively, this is Feng Qianyun's first impression of what she saw.

As two "strangers" stepping here for the first time, what to do in the first place is really a problem.

At this moment, a man came over.

There was surprise in Feng Qianyun's eyes when she saw a man for the first time, but it was only the reaction of a human being when she saw handsome men and beautiful women.

The other party is very handsome...but it's not just handsome, because...Feng Qianyun felt a kind of domineering in this man. This kind of domineering is usually only found in high-ranking people, and ordinary people don't have it. Feng Qianyun feels that This kind of courage is very similar to that of Lie Que, and the feeling of being able to look down on all sentient beings really surprised her.

This feeling is very subtle and strange. The man's clothes are nothing special. He also wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. His bangs cover his forehead, and his thin lips have a faint cherry color. With shaved cheekbones, the man has a delicate caricature face.

Also, this man has a pair of coquettish eyes, revealing an evil spirit.

Compared to appearing here, Feng Qianyun felt that this man was more suitable to appear under the spotlight, or... to appear at a certain business meeting.

"This beautiful lady, are you here to play? If you don't mind, I can be your guide for a while." The man said to Feng Qianyun with a smile.

What made Feng Qianyun feel wrong the most was the aura between this man and Lie Que. What he said was right to Feng Qianyun, but Feng Qianyun felt that the man's attention was on Lie Que. of.

Lie Que put his hands on Feng Qianyun's shoulders calmly, "Then I will trouble you."

Feng Qianyun turned her head, her research eyes swept over Lie Que, trying to find something from Lie Que's body, but unfortunately, Feng Qianyun didn't find anything from Lie Que's appearance.

The next thing became a little weird, this man did start to introduce related matters to Feng Qianyun, and he was very patient, which made Feng Qianyun suspect for a while that this man was in this business.

But Feng Qianyun absolutely does not believe that the powerful aura exuded by this man is fake.


Lie Que acted nonchalantly.

Feng Qianyun first suppressed the doubts in her heart, since Lie Que didn't respond, she just stood still.

Here, there are not many rules, but they are all iron rules.

First, you must bring cash. Credit cards are not accepted for payment, and Alipay is not acceptable. No credit, no theft, or you will have to chop your hands.

Second, betting on stones is not an open auction, but a hidden bid. The seller puts the stone in the middle, gives each person an envelope, writes their own price, and sells to whoever has the highest price.

Although there are a lot of people here, they are surprisingly quiet. You can't get together and ask questions, because betting on stones is like betting on your life, and you can't be disturbed. You can only change after people have finished watching. The rules are very strict.

"By the way, after talking so much, I haven't asked your name yet?" Feng Qianyun asked the man tentatively.

"My name is Tianrong." The man replied with a smile, and he seemed to be a very cheerful person when he smiled.

God?Feng Qianyun silently repeated the name in her heart.

Intuition tells Feng Qianyun that this is not the first time this man and Lie Que have met today, but...why do they seem to not know each other!
"What about you?" Tianrong asked Feng Qianyun.

He has a nice smile and is a very polite person from any angle, but Feng Qianyun just feels that there is an evil spirit in him that cannot be removed.

"Feng Qianyun." Feng Qianyun took her own life, but did not relax because of the man's attitude.

"Feng Qianyun, right? Come on, you can see what you're interested in, and you can ask me if you don't understand anything, but let me declare first that I can't guarantee that the opinions I provide will guide you correctly."

Feng Qianyun smiled, but didn't say anything, guidance... She doesn't seem to need it, she has her own way to deal with the situation she may encounter next.

After Feng Qianyun went around a lot, she didn't go looking for the sellers who were surrounded by many people, but instead focused on some relatively unpopular stones.

It's not that those stones favored by old experts and experts are not good, it's that Feng Qianyun has no intention to join him in this fun, and there are some good things among those unpopular stones that are not cared about by others.

They are also good things, some need to fight with others to get them, some are the sellers who are eagerly waiting for you to buy them, of course Feng Qianyun will choose the latter!

Therefore, Feng Qianyun's approach is to specifically select the few people to start with. Without competitors, Feng Qianyun can get a big bargain.

Because there is no one else, Feng Qianyun took an envelope with the seller and wrote her own quotation. The price is not high, but it is within the acceptable range of the seller. Before Feng Qianyun came, she did her homework at home. After reading some information, I probably remembered the stone betting transaction and the prices of various types of jadeite in my mind.

Although it is impossible for her to be a temporary helper to the level of those professional experts, at least she is not so dazed that people will be tricked.

After Feng Qianyun finished writing the price, the boss glanced at it, thought about it, and nodded in agreement. If someone competes with Feng Qianyun at this time, the price written by Feng Qianyun may be difficult to take down the stone. Yun only wrote [-] yuan, which is probably the money to sell a very ordinary gambling stone.

Tian Rong on the side saw Feng Qianyun's deal, and said with a smile, "You made it so soon? Don't you want to see more?"

Most people would look at it repeatedly when they came to buy gambling stones. It is the rule in this industry to look more and less to start. Once they come up, they just buy it without asking or looking at it. From this point alone, Feng Qianyun can be regarded as an outlier.

"It's useless for you to be jealous of things like character." Feng Qianyun's face was filled with a confident smile from the beginning to the end, because she knew that there must be something in the gambling stone she held in her hand.

Only the best jadeite can make her feel the existence of spiritual power after gathering the aura of heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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