Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 574: Heavenly Rong

Chapter 574: Heavenly Rong (2)
Although the entire venue is very large and there are many gambling stones, thousands of gambling stones are placed here, but there are not many gambling stones that can be easily noticed by ordinary people, and the initial estimate is only 30 yuan. But these are not all being scrambled by everyone, many of them are placed in inconspicuous corners, no one cares about them, just like this stone that Feng Qianyun just bought for [-].

There are machines and professionals specially used to open stones in the stone casino.

"How about, let me help you open this stone?" Tianrong smiled and asked to help Feng Qianyun open the gambling stone in his hand.

Looking at the inviting hand stretched out by Tianrong, several thoughts flashed in Feng Qianyun's mind.

First, she still doesn't know whether Tianrong is a good person or a bad person to her.

Second, whether it is necessary to hand over the gambling stone in his hand to Tianrong is another question.

After thinking about it, Feng Qianyun handed over the betting stone in her hand to Tianrong. A [-] stone let her find out the details of this man named Tianrong. This deal is a good deal.

After the betting stone came into Tianrong's hands, Tianrong calmly and seemingly professionally began to interpret the stone.

Judging by the way he holds tools, he looks a bit like an insider. Feng Qianyun stared at Tianrong's slender and favorable fingers with a gleam in his eyes. If this man was still four years ago, Feng Qianyun might have Let this man be fooled, but Feng Qianyun has not just practiced in Kunlun for the past four years. The closed-door study method is not advisable. History has told us this point.

Some people take too many weapons. Even if the tools in their hands are replaced with ordinary tools, they will give people a sense of oppression and deterrence invisibly.

Because for some people, any item in their hands has evolved into a very lethal weapon, even if it may be just a fruit knife and a screwdriver.

Feng Qianyun laughed, if this man had been holding a weapon for a long time, then the domineering and evil spirit she felt from him from the very beginning could be explained.

The stone was untied bit by bit, but until the end, there was still no green to be seen.

The bit of spiritual power that Feng Qianyun had felt from the gambling stone was gone.

A gambling stone that was supposed to be a high-quality emerald turned into a complete waste in the hands of a man.

After Tianrong finished unpacking the stone, he told Feng Qianyun apologetically, "Unfortunately, the stone you bought seems to be a piece of waste."

Tianrong is still smiling at this time, the smile is very beautiful, but the evil spirit in his eyes is not fake.

Just in front of Feng Qianyun, Tianrong dispelled a gambling stone, and dismantled the gambling stone that Feng Qianyun liked, which was sure to produce green, into waste.The reason for this, you don't need to ask to know what's going on.

Tianrong squinted her eyes at Feng Qianyun, wondering what kind of angry expression she would have?

Unfortunately, Tianrong was disappointed, he didn't see any negative emotions such as sadness, anger and sadness on Feng Qianyun's face.

If Feng Qianyun would be sad, disappointed, and afraid like this, Tian Rong really underestimated Feng Qianyun!

"Waste is just waste, who hasn't bought waste!" Feng Qianyun said lightly, as if to her, more than 1 yuan was just the tip of the iceberg.But in fact, it seems to be the case. Although she has been bored in Kunlun for four years, her assets have been increasing, but they have not stopped increasing. As for how much assets she has now, she may not know herself.

"Miss Feng is so bold!" Tianrong smiled and applauded Feng Qianyun's grandeur. As for what his true thoughts deep in his heart, I am afraid that only he knows.

"Thank you, thank you." Feng Qianyun also had a bright smile on her face, and then ran to find the next target, as if she didn't notice the weirdness of what happened just now.

Feng Qianyun soon bought a new gambling stone, this time it cost a little more than the first one, twenty-seven thousand.

Feng Qianyun handed the stone in front of Tianrong, "Please help me untie it again."

Hearing Feng Qianyun's words, she didn't seem to doubt Tianrong anything.

"Happy to help." When Tianrong took the stone, he was feeling one thing in his heart. After all, this Feng Qianyun was a little more innocent. It seems that there is no need for him to make such a special trip today for such a woman. of.

The result is obviously that the whole stone has been solved, and there is still no green color. It is so weird that it seems that what Feng Qianyun chose is a piece of waste, but Feng Qianyun is very clear that what she chose cannot be waste. You can't go wrong with ability.

Faced with the same result as the first time, someone nearby just shook his head silently. This kind of situation is very common here. Others have nothing to say except regret. As the woman herself said, who hasn't bought scraps?Even one of the best stone gambling kings in the stone gambling world will sometimes make mistakes, let alone this immature woman who didn't know where she came from?

In the face of everyone's sympathetic and regretful eyes, Feng Qianyun didn't care, and continued her "burning money" behavior, not only continued to spend money to buy stones, continued to lose money, but also let Tianrong handle every stone.

After Tianrong handled several stones for Feng Qianyun, he took a special look at Lie Que who was beside Feng Qianyun. It is normal that Feng Qianyun didn't notice anything. It is impossible for Lie Que to notice nothing. Then What is he thinking?

The only doubt in Tianrong's mind right now was on Lie Que. As for Feng Qianyun, he no longer had any scruples about such a stupid girl.

After going through more than a dozen waves like this, Tian Rong smiled and asked Feng Qianyun, "Do you still want to try? Maybe you should listen to other people's opinions, and try again after seeing more."

Tianrong's smile was a little weird, and he was clearly mocking Feng Qianyun.

But Feng Qianyun gave an unexpected answer, "Again? I don't have any problems, and I can still afford to pay a few hundred thousand more, but..." Feng Qianyun deliberately paused, her eyes fixed on Tianrong's The body wandered back and forth for a while.

Tianrong frowned at her deeply inquiring gaze, and he read something called "bad intentions" from Feng Qianyun's gaze.

"Are you sure you can take it?" Feng Qianyun finished her sentence after a while.

What Feng Qianyun paid was money, and she could afford to pay a little more, but Tianrong, she might not be able to bear it!

Did he really think Feng Qianyun didn't find anything?Feng Qianyun is not a fool!

Feng Qianyun calculated the time and the amount of medicine she administered, and reckoned that Tianrong should have noticed it.

Tian Rong paused, subconsciously lucked out, but found that there was a needle-pricking pain in his dantian, and suddenly felt something bad, and then he realized that Feng Qianyun had tampered with him!

Tianrong couldn't believe that he would fall into Feng Qianyun's way!

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, compared to your wretched smile, I look much more pleasing to my eyes." Feng Qianyun responded to Tianrong with a smile.

"What did you do?" Tianrong didn't know when Feng Qianyun attacked her. She had never touched him from head to toe. Moreover, if it was an ordinary poison, it would be impossible for him to do anything. Functional.

"Me? Oh, every time I choose a gambling stone, I like it too much, and then I like to make a little bit of my mark on it, but... I don't know why, every time you put the stone As soon as you untie it, the mark is gone! It's like something it originally had!"

Feng Qianyun smiled like a flower, and gave an explanation for being so angry and out of place.

Tianrong is a master, a master who can absorb spiritual power without crossing his legs to gather energy, so once the gambling stone chosen by Feng Qianyun falls into his hands, it becomes an ordinary stone, not even green. Can't see it anymore.

Since he likes to absorb the spiritual power in the stone so much, Feng Qianyun asked him to absorb more and add some condiments by the way.

"What did you add?" Tianrong's complexion became increasingly ugly.

"Dragon saliva poison."

Ambergris poison is known as the magic medicine for killing immortals. To put it simply, this poison is attached to spiritual power. To ordinary people, ambergris poison is like oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea. It has no effect, but For experts with deep internal strength, ambergris poison is a very lethal poison.

Ambergris poison is not easy to get, and Feng Qianyun only refined a little in the four years in Kunlun.

With more than a dozen gambling stones, Feng Qianyun lost hundreds of thousands of money, but for Tianrong, the loss was not just money.

Tianrong's complexion was a bit ugly, but this ugly complexion was not because of the ambergris poison in his body, but the fact that he was possessed by Feng Qianyun.

Tianrong looked at Lie Que again, and Lie Que's expression told Tianrong that he expected this to happen early in the morning. Maybe Lie Que didn't know exactly what Feng Qianyun did, but he knew that Feng Qianyun was not so easy to fool. It's because Tianrong underestimated Feng Qianyun. Feng Qianyun is not someone who can be played with casually. If you bite her, she may leave a wound, but at the same time, you will have to pay a heavy price yourself. cost.

"You did something you shouldn't do." Lie Que said to Tianrong in a calm but intimidating tone.

"Lie Que, you betrayed us, you traitor has no right to accuse me!" Tian Rong could have maintained his mask, but after Lie Que spoke, his mask could no longer be maintained. Talk to him in this tone of lecture!Why should he!
"I didn't betray you." Lie Que answered Tianrong's question in a very calm tone, and he had a clear conscience.

"Then what do you look like now? Since you didn't betray, why did you run away, why did you change your identity and live in hiding?" Tianrong couldn't forgive Lie Que for what he had done!
Deep down in Tianrong's heart, he hoped that Lie Que would explain that he disappeared inexplicably, and all the facts point to his betrayal!
(End of this chapter)

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