Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 575 Good idea

Chapter 575 Good idea (1)
"This matter has nothing to do with you." Lie Que was unwilling to talk more about this matter with Tian Rong.

This is not something Tianrong can interfere with.

"It doesn't matter? Heh, it doesn't matter?" Tianrong smiled ironically, and the evil spirit on his face increased instead of diminishing, "Yeah, it has nothing to do with me. Who are you and who am I? It's a friend, and I'm the only one who thinks so!"

Heh, yes, who is he in Lie Que? He regards Lie Que as his elder brother, but what does Lie Que think of him?He said his affairs had nothing to do with him!
To Lie Que, his Tianrong is just an insignificant existence!Let alone a brother, he doesn't even have the qualifications to be his subordinate and follow him!Otherwise, why did he suddenly disappear without even saying a word, he would rather keep such a woman by his side, even if he needs his beauty!

"Tianrong, go back to the place you should go back to, don't get involved in this matter, that person won't pretend that he doesn't know anything when he sees you coming to me."

Lie Que knew very well what it meant for Tianrong to appear here. If Tianrong knew it, then that person must have known it too. This could also explain why Feng Qianyun was being targeted by the people from the military department. That person is inseparable.

"Don't let me interfere? In what capacity are you talking to me now?" Tianrong asked Lie Que back, with a distorted expression on his face.

Tian Rong laughed at himself, laughing at himself for coming here today!
"Don't make me say it again." Lie Que's invisible pressure was frightening, even Feng Qianyun standing beside him could feel this unusual pressure.

Faced with Lie Que's determination, Tianrong's eyes clearly showed injury.

"Who do you think you are, why do you order me!" Tian Rong roared back at Lie Que.

"Tian Rong!" Lie Que frowned, showing his displeasure.

Seeing Lie Que's expression, Tianrong felt even more pain in his heart, and then he took out a special magic weapon he was carrying.

He didn't intend to use this magic weapon at first, but now, he doesn't care!
A magic weapon in the shape of a small box turned into an invisible cage instantly after leaving Tianrong's hand.

"Sura Prison?" Lie Que's body was trapped by an invisible wall.Lie Que was no stranger to this thing!
Asura Prison, it turned out to be Asura Prison?

How could something like Shura Prison appear on Tianrong's body?
Shura Prison is not only a magic weapon, an ancient treasure, but also the existence of the most powerful prison in the military!The horror of Asura Prison is shared by the military!

But isn't Shura Prison that person's property?How could it be on Tianrong's body!
There is only one explanation, Shura Prison was handed over to Tianrong by that person.

"That's right, it's the Shura Prison! He gave it to me. He knew that I couldn't beat you, so he specially sent me to the Shura Prison! Even you can't escape the Shura Prison!"

Tianrong gritted his teeth, looking at Lie Que who was trapped in Shura Prison, he felt uncomfortable, no, it was Lie Que who was bad, it was Lie Que who was not good!

He closed his eyes and said, "Take it!"

In an instant, the Shura Prison that he had just released was taken back in an instant, and returned to his hands. It still looked like a small box, but Lie Que was trapped by him.

Tian Rong stared at the Asura Prison in his hands, he trapped Lie Que in it, and now he is going to take him back!

When he asked that person for instructions, he didn't come with such a mentality. He came today to ask clearly the reason for Lie Que's sudden disappearance that year, and why he ignored them for more than ten years, but Lie Que The sentence "None of your business" hurt him deeply.

Even Lie Que has no way to escape from Asura Prison. Asura Prison is an ancient treasure and an invisible prison. Unless the caster takes the initiative to release the shackles, the people inside can only stay in it for a lifetime and never come out. Not coming!
After putting away the Asura Prison, Tianrong's eyes came to Feng Qianyun, this woman!
"Lie Que, I heard that you care a lot about this woman, and you even exposed your identity several times for this woman. We haven't found any news about you for more than ten years, because of this woman, you actually chose to expose yourself and show up on your own initiative. Showed up in front of Zhen Tianyi in Yanjing."

Tianrong knew that although Lie Que was trapped in Shura Prison by him, he could still hear the voices outside, and Lie Que could hear what he said.

While speaking, he held Feng Qianyun's hand with one hand, and pressed her lifeline with his fingers.

Feng Qianyun looked at Tianrong with surprise in his eyes, "After being poisoned by ambergris, can you still have such speed?" This was beyond Feng Qianyun's expectation. People with saliva poison should not be able to exercise at this time, and their bodies are weak and weak.

Tianrong sneered, "Woman, are you underestimating me too much?" Ordinary people with profound internal energy are rarely able to move after being swallowed by the dragon's saliva.

He was indeed poisoned by Feng Qianyun's ambergris, and his combat power was greatly reduced, but it didn't mean that he couldn't even deal with a stinky girl!

"You do the same, come with me! Although Shura Prison can hold more than one person, you are not worthy of using that kind of thing." Tianrong held Feng Qianyun's lifeblood and forcibly pulled her away.

"What did you do to Lie Que?" Feng Qianyun asked, she probably knew that Lie Que was taken away by some magic weapon.

"Asura Prison, haven't you heard that the strongest prison in the military can be trapped even if it is not owned by humans. Once trapped, it is impossible to escape. Asura Prison is indestructible. So far, Shura Prison has never failed." Tianrong looked at Feng Qianyun coldly.

Damn it, he would actually be jealous of the woman in front of him, because he knew from the information in his hands that the woman in front of him had received special love from Lie Que, and the man who had always been indifferent was actually special to her!

Heh, he has known Lie Que for so many years, but he is not considered a friend by him, and she has only known him for so long!

"Since it is the most powerful prison in the military department, why is it in your hands?"

Feng Qianyun's reaction now is very calm, and she didn't panic because Lie Que was arrested.Panicking is one of the most useless things in the world.

"You will have a chance to know!" After Tianrong roared angrily, he grabbed Feng Qianyun's hand mercilessly.

The palm patted Feng Qianyun's shoulder, and three vertebral nails sank into Feng Qianyun's body!

Vertebral nails?
Feng Qianyun immediately knew what Tianrong had done to her.

This man is ruthless enough, the vertebral nails, the average person loses more than half of his internal strength if he receives one nail, and if he receives two nails, he will kill half his life, and three...

(End of this chapter)

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