Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 577 Good idea

Chapter 577 Good idea (3)
Meng Guocheng's face turned ugly for a moment, but it was only for a moment, and he quickly covered it up.

"It's okay, it's okay, but according to the latest news from our No.17 bureau, it seems that Feng Qianyun has been acting together with Lie Que during this time. You have arrested Feng Qianyun, and Lie Que..." Meng Guocheng said tentatively Ask Tianrong.

"That has nothing to do with you!" Rao Meng Guocheng, who had a friendship before, talked about things related to Lie Que, and it was difficult for Tian Rong to show a good face.

Meng Guocheng's face darkened, no matter how powerful you are, you are still a member of the military department, why are you showing off your power in front of him like this?
But Meng Guocheng has already become a fine person, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he can always look good on his face.

"You know I don't mean anything else. Lie Que is the target of our No.17 bureau. About him, we have to inquire about him according to the situation and reason."

Tianrong also realized that what he said just now was a bit rushed, it was all because of Lie Que that made him feel so bad!
"Old Meng, from now on, your No.17 Bureau will stop chasing Lie Que." Tian Rong calmed down and decided to have a good talk with Meng Guocheng. The National Security Bureau is chasing Lie Que, but it may not be clear. Now they The Lie Que they were chasing was not the same person as the Lie Que they knew.

The Lie Que that the National Security Bureau thought had passed away during that mission.

And it wasn't that Lie Que who became the terrifying existence that the National Security Bureau feared after that.

"Tian Rong, it's very difficult for me to say something like this. Our Bureau No. 17 also follows the rules. As a senior official of the military department, you know something about Lie Que. Such a dangerous existence, How could we turn a blind eye and let it go in the [-]th Bureau?"

Meng Guocheng looked embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I didn't just say this casually. Later, our military department will give a complete explanation and inform you of Bureau No.17 in the form of a red-headed document. It won't make it difficult for you." Tianrong replied.

Even if Lie Que was to be hunted down, it should not be done by their National Security Bureau, but by people from their military department, which was originally their military department's business.

"You mean, you have every reason to convince us to stop chasing Lie Que?" Meng Guocheng was puzzled, listening to Tian Rong's tone, as if Lie Que shouldn't be the target of their No.17 bureau.

"Yes. I'm still curious why Lie Que became the target of your pursuit."

Based on Tianrong's understanding of Lie Que, if Lie Que doesn't want people to know, he will hide it well. These years, even the military's top reconnaissance system has not found Lie Que. Why did the National Security Bureau find out so much earlier than them? If it wasn't for the military's action this time, he wouldn't even know that Lie Que had been regarded as an SSS-level wanted criminal by the National Security Bureau for several years.

"This... I'm sorry, this involves the secrets of our National Security Bureau. Even if you are from the military department, we are inconvenient to disclose it." Meng Guocheng avoided Tianrong's question, but his eyes flashed.

Even Tianrong has made a move, and it seems that Shi Laomeng can't pretend that he doesn't know anything about this matter.

"Chief! What the hell is going on? Why did Tian Rong intervene in this matter!"

In the small conference room on the tenth floor of Bureau No.17, Qiao Yun questioned Meng Guocheng.

Meng Guocheng was weighing the priorities of the matter, "Although Tianrong is the last of the five generals of Wang Bing, his strength is indeed a headache."

Although Tianrong looks quite young, he is a lieutenant general in the army.

"I'm asking about Feng Qianyun now!"

Qiao Yun was angry, she didn't care what the origin of that man named Tianrong was, she only knew that whether it was Feng Qianyun or Lie Que, they were all her prey!

What's more, you can't spoil that person's affairs now.

"Our No.17 bureau has been in charge of this matter for so long, and we haven't made much progress. If this time, the military department takes it as soon as it takes a shot, from now on, our No.17 bureau may never be able to hold its head up again. coming."

Meng Guocheng's considerations are far more far-reaching than Qiao Yun's. The existence of Bureau No.17 is very subtle. A few days ago, at the summit meeting of the bureaus of the National Security Bureau, someone proposed to ban Bureau No.17. Said that the No.17 game has not been effective for many years, and Meng Guocheng also wanted to solve the problem of Lieqian so as to block the public's mouth.

If the people from the military department took the lead, then he might not be able to hold his head up for the rest of his life!
This is not just about hunting down Lie Que, it is related to the life and death of the entire [-]th Bureau, and it is related to his rights and status of Meng Guocheng.

Although it looks calm on the surface, in fact, the situation is already very serious!
Tian Rong had no idea how much impact this decision he made on the spur of the moment had on Meng Guocheng.

"Tianrong said just now that he had said Feng Qianyun's words, and his face seemed to be in a bad mood. It seems that something happened." Meng Guocheng thought, "Then he asked me for a quiet one. place, said to rest..."

Gathering all these information together, Meng Guocheng can easily deduce that Tianrong is in a very bad state at this time.

Now Tianrong is in his National Security Bureau, Feng Qianyun is in the National Security Bureau now, and Tianrong's health has a problem again, isn't this the great opportunity God sent him to Meng Guocheng?It seems that God has not blocked all the roads in front of him, but left him a road.

"Qiao Yun, you have always been my right-hand man, and I understand your desire to hunt down Lie Que. This time, Tianrong knows that Lie Que and Feng Qianyun are the targets of our National Security Bureau, but he still wants to attack. If We just ignore Feng Qianyun and let him take Feng Qianyun away. Where will we put the face of our No.17 Bureau? You pick a few A-level agents to follow me, and I will let Tian Rong know that our No.[-] Bureau Not to be trifled with!"

When Qiao Yun heard this, her brows were filled with joy, what she wanted was Lao Meng's words!She was afraid that Lao Meng would compromise, and let Tian Rong take Feng Qianyun away. Then wouldn't she have a chance to seek revenge from Feng Qianyun? How could that be!

"Okay, don't worry, chief, I will definitely take care of this matter for you!"

"Don't underestimate Tianrong, I'll check his current situation in a while, I don't know how much strength he still has left!" Although Meng Guocheng has decided to rob Tianrong, it's better to be careful in everything. If this matter is not done well, the entire No.17 game will be lost.

On the basement floor of the administrative building of Bureau No.17, Feng Qianyun was temporarily detained, and the temporary guards were still people from the military department brought by Tian Rong.

"Ding——" Accompanied by an inconspicuous crisp sound, a vertebral nail fell to the ground, and Feng Qianyun quietly put away the fallen vertebral nail.

(End of this chapter)

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