Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 578 Good idea

Chapter 578 Good idea (4)
This is already the third one. In this way, all the vertebral nails in the body came out.

After being hit with three vertebral nails, Feng Qianyun took a while to force them all out of her body.

Feng Qianyun stretched her muscles and made sure that her body was fine.

Three vertebral nails can indeed kill many masters, but unfortunately, for Feng Qianyun, this is not a problem.

After solving the problem of the vertebral nail, Feng Qianyun looked around and found that she was locked in the prison. She thought that Tianrong originally wanted to take her to see someone, but the man himself was also conflicted, so he couldn't make up his mind for a while. Come to Bureau No.17 to stay for a while, and come to get rid of the poison she gave him.

She's not in a hurry to run away, she's more inclined to figure out the whole thing than run away.

Tian Rong kept saying just now that Lie Que betrayed them, but Feng Qianyun knew that Lie Que would not betray them, and would not betray anyone, so there must be something going on here.

That's why Feng Qianyun didn't resist Tianrong from the very beginning, otherwise Feng Qianyun wouldn't have no power to resist at all given Tianrong's poisoning condition, and let the other party put a vertebral nail on her.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was an unusual smell in the air.

This taste...

It's the smell of hypnotic gas.

Feng Qianyun pointed sharply at the smog warning system on the roof. This kind of system is usually installed in buildings, and water will be sprayed when there is smog. But now, there is a strange gas coming out of it.

Feng Qianyun took a detoxification pill into her mouth.

Next, Tianrong's people fell down one by one, and Feng Qianyun also fell down. When she "fainted out", Feng Qianyun took a good posture, leaning her back against the corner and facing the cell. What's the matter? When someone comes, you can know what the other party is doing immediately.

When everyone in the military department passed out, several people wearing gas masks came to the cell.

Feng Qianyun was familiar with the breath of one of the women, Qiao Yun.

As for the other few, Feng Qianyun judged from their internal strength, it was the first time she met them.

"You guys, take her away."

It was Qiao Yun's voice, and she directed several men to take Feng Qianyun away.

Feng Qianyun, who had collapsed into "a puddle of soft mud", was carried by one of the men on his shoulders, and was taken away from the cell on the basement floor.

It doesn't taste good to be carried away, especially when the person who is carrying himself is someone who doesn't know how to be sympathetic to others, and who simply treats himself as a piece of cargo.

Feng Qianyun was carried from the basement floor to the interrogation room on the third floor, and changed location, her identity remained the same, she was still a prisoner, if there is a difference, it should be No.17 from a prisoner of the military department The bureau's subordinates are imprisoned.

"You all go out." Qiao Yun spoke again, and she drove everyone else out, leaving only herself and Feng Qianyun in the closed interrogation room.

Feng Qianyun, Feng Qianyun, you are still in my hands after all, as I said, you will be my prisoner sooner or later.

Although what happened this time was a bit unexpected, it didn't make any difference to Qiao Yun. Anyway, she caught Feng Qianyun, so she could settle accounts with Feng Qianyun.

With a sound of "哐——", the door of the interrogation room was slammed shut, and only Feng Qianyun and Qiao Yun were left in the claustrophobic interrogation room.

Qiao Yun approached and was randomly thrown on the ground. Feng Qianyun was like a puddle of mud. She raised her foot, and kicked her black heel on Feng Qianyun's body, "Damn girl, last time you made a fool of me. ? You will feel extremely regretful for offending me!"

Qiao Yun is a woman who will take revenge if she has a grudge, and everyone who knows her well knows that she has a "grudge" with Feng Qianyun. Now that she has the opportunity, she will undoubtedly get it back twice as much. In fact, even if Feng Qianyun and her had no feud, just because Feng Qianyun and Lie Que got so close, Qiao Yun wanted Feng Qianyun to die a thousand times or ten thousand times.

Anyway, she will destroy everything she can't get!
Qiao Yun walked to the side, opened the drawer, and took out a disposable syringe and some unopened medicine bottles from it.

The potion placed here is specially used during interrogation. It will have a great impact on the human body, making people miserable, worse than death. Then, next, it's time for Feng Qianyun to enjoy it!
Qiao Yun was so preoccupied with choosing the potion to be used by Feng Qianyun later that she didn't notice that someone stood up behind her.

Feng Qianyun probably knew what was going on now, and Qiao Yun must be planning to take personal revenge right now.

Qiao Yun had just finished choosing, when she turned her head, she met Shangfeng Qianyun's clear eyes.

"You, what are you..." Qiao Yun looked at Feng Qianyun in surprise, her face instantly turned livid from the joy of the previous moment.

Feng Qianyun stepped forward with a smile, Qiao Yun was shocked, and instinctively backed away, but it was simply impossible for her to escape Feng Qianyun.

"Feng Qianyun, what do you want? Don't forget, you are now in the National Security Bureau!" Qiao Yun yelled at Feng Qianyun, even though Feng Qianyun was controlling her, her mouth was still domineering.

"You don't need to remind me where I am, and don't look at me with that attitude. If you want to call for help, call for help. If the speed of rescue can catch up with the speed of me strangling you to death, you can let go of your voice and call." Feng Qian Yun smiled charmingly.

By the time Qiao Yun called for help, people outside heard it and rushed in. Feng Qianyun had already killed her more than a dozen times.

Qiao Yun's back felt cold, "Didn't you be..."

"Forget it, hypnosis gas, you're not afraid of insulting my IQ when you use it?"

Feng Qianyun's arrogance made Qiao Yun's face turn green and then pale.

"Now, I want to ask you a few questions. If you answer honestly, I can consider letting you go. If you don't answer well, temper is not very good!" Feng Qianyun emphasized "she I have a bad temper", as for how it is not good, you are welcome to imagine for yourself!
"Don't even think about it! It's my bad luck that I, Qiao Yun, fell into your Feng Qianyun's hands today! Do you want me to bow down to you bitch? It's a good idea!" Qiao Yun held her head high and said to Feng Qianyun domineeringly.

For Qiao Yun's non-cooperation, Feng Qianyun was not angry, she looked coldly at what Qiao Yun was holding in her hand, "This seems to be the 'good thing' used by your No.17 Bureau to interrogate prisoners, I think you have been in No.17 for so long, you should know how people who use these will react, but you must not have tasted it yourself."

Feng Qianyun's smile and light and melodious voice became Qiao Yun's reminder by the way!
(End of this chapter)

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