Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 579 Good idea

Chapter 579 Good idea (5)
"Feng Qianyun, what do you want? Don't mess around!" Of course, Qiao Yun knew how much these things in her hands would torture people. It was precisely because they were cruel and terrifying that she wanted to use them. Feng Qianyun's body.

"Qiao Yun, I've met you a few times, but you still don't seem to know me well about Feng Qianyun." After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she took the syringe and medicine from Qiao Yun's hand, and skillfully drew one of the medicines, and then While Qiao Yun was still in a trance, he stabbed into her arm and injected the medicine into her body.

Up to now, Feng Qianyun has never been cruel to Qiao Yun. Does this make Qiao Yun have the illusion of Feng Qianyun's kindness?So when she was pinched by Feng Qianyun, she still put on a proud posture, as if she believed that Feng Qianyun would not do anything to her.

The reaction of the medicine was very fast. With the blood circulation system, the medicine quickly entered the blood vessels of her body, and the painful feeling seized all of Qiao Yun's senses instantly.

Only at this moment did Qiao Yun realize that Feng Qianyun is a woman who can do anything.


The people outside also heard the shrill voice coming from the room, but the people stationed outside didn't take it seriously. It didn't take much to think that it must be the woman Qiao Yun who used the potion on the prisoner. This is her favorite interrogation Way.

Because they knew who Qiao Yun was, the other people in Bureau No.17 were very used to this kind of voice coming from the interrogation room, and never thought that the woman who was suffering was Qiao Yun herself.

The amount of the first injection was not very large, and the pain subsided a lot after [-] minutes.

Qiao Yun's face was pale, her head covered in sweat, and she was lying on the ground in a distorted posture, and she didn't even have the strength to yell out.

"Now, are you in the mood to answer my question?" Feng Qianyun stood beside Qiao Yun, looking down at her, and asked her in a cold tone.

Qiao Yun flinched instinctively when she heard Feng Qianyun's voice.

"What do you want to know?" Qiao Yun's voice became hoarse. The torture just now made her voice hoarse.

"I was brought by Tianrong. As a member of Bureau No.17, you secretly took me away. What is your purpose?" Feng Qianyun said while drawing other medicines with a new syringe, her movements were unhurried, Also revealing a bit leisurely.

Qiao Yun gritted her teeth, trembling all over, she didn't want to say it deep down in her heart, but faced with this situation, she dared not say it!

"Huh?" Feng Qianyun turned around.

This sound broke Qiao Yun's remaining willpower!

"You and Lie Que were our prey in the [-]th game, why should I give you up to Tian Rong?"

"Huh?" Feng Qianyun's long nasal voice was full of menace.Qiao Yun said that she could only half believe it. Tianrong is not alone. Behind him is the entire military department. It is true that the National Security Bureau and the military department belong to different systems, but it does not mean that the National Security Bureau can offend the military department.

"Tianrong didn't receive the order from the military department at all. He was good at making claims. The military department obviously sent Han Zhengtao to carry out this mission."

Qiao Yun added.

Her addition made Feng Qianyun smell a little unusual, "What is the order of the military department? How can the No. 17 bureau know? Don't say that the [-]th bureau may not know it. You are in the [-]th bureau. The inside is just a middle class, so how do you know this?"

Who the military wants to hunt down is the military's own business. It's fine for Han Zhengtao to do it. It's fine for a small mission. A mission for the lieutenant general to dispatch in person can be known casually?
Qiao Yun knew that she had said something she shouldn't have said, but anyway, she had reached this point, and she had nothing to hide.

"Feng Qianyun, I have already said that I, Qiao Yun, are someone you can't touch! Yes, I, Qiao Yun, was only a small player in the seventeenth game! But there is someone behind me, Qiao Yun! An order from that person Then let Han Zhengtao carry out the task of hunting you down!"

Even though she was made to roll on the ground by Feng Qianyun, even though she was in a state of embarrassment at this time, Qiao Yun still did not forget her arrogance.

"Is there someone behind?" Feng Qianyun chuckled, she probably already knew, "Qiao Yun, has anyone told you that if you don't die, you won't die?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Now that you have arrested me, it is clear that you are going to make trouble with Tianrong. Regardless of whether Tianrong arrested me on his own initiative, as a senior general of the military department, he has the right to do so, even if he does not get more An order from the superior. So... if I can be sure, besides taking me away, Bureau No.17 should also be dealing with Tian Rong, right?"

It is indeed a shocking thing for the [-]th bureau to want to rob people from the military, but it is not impossible. Judging from the current situation, Feng Qianyun does not think that Qiao Yun will risk being scolded by Tianrong kidnap her.

Feng Qianyun thought of a good idea.

Qiao Yun didn't know what kind of mood she was in at this moment, she felt that Feng Qianyun was too weird, much scarier than she imagined.

Feng Qianyun has strength, she has seen it before, in terms of martial arts, she is not as good as Feng Qianyun, she knows this in her heart.

Feng Qianyun has a trick, and she knows it.

But all of the above did not constitute a reason for Qiao Yun to be afraid of Feng Qianyun. She didn't need anyone to remind her that Qiao Yun was not good at martial arts.But she has not climbed to this step yet, she has a backstage, she has connections, and she has her own status, she will not be afraid of anyone because of such trivial things, because even if she can't beat that person, the other party will be afraid of her back power, and had to retreat.

She thought that Feng Qianyun was no exception, otherwise she had the opportunity to ruthlessly attack her before and she didn't do so, she only dared to use a little trick.

Tianrong adjusted his breath in the lounge provided by Meng Guocheng, trying to force out the ambergris poison in his body.

damn it!That damned woman, what kind of poison is not good for her, but why did she choose ambergris poison?
damn it!
Sweat broke out on Tianrong's head, running down his cheeks and flowing through his temples.

At this time, the closed door was suddenly opened, and Meng Guocheng came in with a sweet soup, "Brother Tianrong, I saw you coming in for a while, I asked someone to buy sweet soup, I know you like mung beans Soup, specially bought mung bean soup, would you like to try it?"

Tianrong gritted his teeth, wanting to curse. He is now trying to force out the ambergris poison in his body. The most annoying thing is that someone is disturbing him at this time. Didn't he tell Meng Guocheng before he came in just now, don't disturb me casually? His?
(End of this chapter)

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