Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 585 Happiness

Chapter 585 Happiness (6)
"I don't know." Biting her lip, she felt a little depressed when asked this question.

"do not know?"

"About nine."

perhaps?Feng Qianyun suddenly understood, yes, this person is an orphan, adopted by Xing Weng, Xing Weng probably doesn't know his exact date of birth.

"Don't you need to complete the task your master entrusted to you today?" Feng Qianyun asked.

"You can rest today."

He doesn't practice every day. He has two days of rest in about a month. In the past, he didn't know what to do even if he rested. Today, there is one more person here. He unconsciously came to see her and continued to search for it in vain. way out...

"You rest today? Then help me find the way!" Feng Qianyun decided, two people are better than one.

"I told you, it's impossible to get out, why are you so persistent?"

"Even if there is only one ten-thousandth hope, I have to try, otherwise, what else can I do here? Wait for you to succeed?" It's his business whether the teacher succeeds, and she can't help much.

Feng Qianyun's words made Ariel pause for a moment, also, she can't do other things here.

"Let me show you around, maybe you can find some clues." Think of it as comforting this lost woman.

"It's so cute! Hehe!" Feng Qianyun reached out and patted Ariel's head approvingly.

"Don't touch my head!" Ariel immediately turned his head away to stop Feng Qianyun's hands from stroking his head, "You can't touch a man's head casually!"

Feng Qianyun was sweating, she decided to take back what she said about him just now.

When she finished speaking, Feng Qianyun also finished eating the cornbread.

"By the way, is there nothing else to eat? Why do you always eat cornbread?" If it weren't for knowing that the master and apprentice also ate cornbread, Feng Qianyun would suspect that they deliberately abused her.

"Master can only do this." A Lie gave Feng Qianyun a very serious look, and replied.

"So, you two have been eating this?"

Ariel nodded, Feng Qianyun burst into tears.

Feng Qianyun leaned against the cliff with her back, holding a piece of dogtail grass in her mouth.

What should I do... This is the first time she has encountered such a situation, there is no enemy, and the only solution has nothing to do with her.

This feeling is like walking on the street and being robbed of your wallet. Obviously you have the ability to catch up with the thief and beat up the thief and snatch the wallet back, only to find that your feet have been shackled as soon as you step forward.And the police who can help chase the thief are still drinking milk from the baby bottle in the cradle, so there is no hope at all.

"Girl, why are you in a daze by yourself?" Xing Weng walked over with a smile, he actually knew that Feng Qianyun was not in a daze, but was thinking of a way, she had been getting needles for a week, and she still hadn't given up.

This girl is unexpectedly persistent.

"I'm wondering if you'll kill me if I wreak havoc on this mountain." If you can't get out, I don't know if it's okay to dig a tunnel to get out.

"Hehehe... No, no, but I think there is a faster way than you wreaking havoc everywhere."

"What? You didn't say it earlier!" The old man, didn't he see that she was in a hurry now?

"Didn't I tell you a long time ago, you can leave when the brat is finished." He told her the method from the very beginning.

"Tch, that will have to wait until the year of the monkey. His current level is much lower than yours." The gap is too big, and she doesn't have that much time. This week alone made her extremely anxious.

"What if I tell you that brat is not far away from his master's day?" Xing Weng smiled, his small eyes narrowed into two arcs.

"It's not far away? How is it possible? He can't even beat me now, and he is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from getting your true biography."

"Oh, that's because I put a seal on him." Xingweng explained.

"Added a seal?"

"That's right, a little progress gained when the seal is applied will be magnified when the seal is lifted. This kind of cultivation method is passed down by my master's ancestors. It has always been like this. A single seal can reduce a person's strength by half. "

"So that's the case. In this way, his real strength should be twice what he is now. Isn't that already stronger than me?" Feng Qianyun felt that she had learned a lot...

"No." Xingweng denied Feng Qianyun's words.


"The brat now has seven seals."


Sevenfold? !

Feng Qianyun received a major blow...and then..."What can I do to help him?" He was already so badass, she couldn't help him anywhere.

"This is your business." Xingweng smiled, and then walked away.

help him……

Oh, by the way, she can use pills to help him accumulate more internal energy!

You can also use decoction to strengthen his muscles and bones!

"What are you doing?" Ariel glanced at Feng Qianyun vigilantly, with speculation in her eyes, isn't she looking for a way to get out of here, and today she suddenly kindly cooks food for him?

"It's nothing, I made some food for you!" Feng Qianyun smiled.

There is no shortage of herbs in the mountains, and there is no problem with the Xuanyin Cauldron she carries, so she can refine elixirs and prepare various prescriptions.

Now, she pinned all her hopes of leaving here on this brat.

"Eat?" Ariel glanced at the simple dishes that were placed in front of him.

One fried wild vegetables, one braised... rabbit meat, one soup.

"Yes, eat it! Eat it quickly! Don't worry, it won't be poisonous. If it is poisonous, your master won't kill me?" Feng Qianyun urged A Lie to eat it quickly.

Although, the appearance is indeed a bit ugly, but it is a medicinal diet, the key is the efficacy and taste, so don't care so much!
Feng Qianyun also tasted it herself just now. From the perspective of the taste of the food, these foods are so unpalatable that they are hard to swallow. The bitter taste of the medicine cannot be offset. Besides...Feng Qianyun really has nothing to do with cooking Research.

A Lie looked up at Feng Qianyun, then lowered his head and started eating.

Originally thought that the bitterness of the food would cause Ariel to react, but from the beginning to the end, he ate with a blank expression, without frowning, and his expression was so indifferent that it gave people the illusion.

"I'm done." Putting down the bowl and chopsticks, Ariel stood up, then went outside to continue practicing.

He... didn't think there was any problem?

Although Feng Qianyun hated the nameless mountain that trapped her to death, she had to admit that the scenery here was still very good.

(End of this chapter)

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