Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 586 Happiness

Chapter 586 Happiness (7)
By the stream in the mountain, Feng Qianyun was standing on the bank, while Ariel was soaking in the water. He was taking a bath, but Feng Qianyun ran over.

"What are you doing?" Ariel hid behind the rock, stuck his head out and looked at Feng Qianyun vigilantly.

"It's nothing, I want to wash your marrow and cut your bones." Feng Qianyun took out a needle bag and expressed her intention of coming.

Ariel's face flushed, "I'm taking a bath, besides, I don't need any marrow washing or bone cutting."

A Lie, who was hiding naked behind the rock, stared blankly without noticing his naked Feng Qianyun.

"Whether I need it or not is for me to decide now, come out quickly." In terms of martial arts, she is not as good as him, but in terms of pharmacology, she is an expert. She said that what is needed is what is needed.

"Let's talk about it next time." Ariel glanced at his clothes on the other side and his wet body now.

"There will be next time next time, I don't have this international time to wait, what I want is right now!"

Before Ariel could react, Feng Qianyun had already run to the stone and fished Ariel out of the water.

"What are you doing?" Poor Ariel couldn't beat Feng Qianyun, and he who was grabbed by Feng Qianyun and lifted out of the water couldn't resist Feng Qianyun.

Ariel's face was already red... He was not wearing anything!
While being stuck with the needle, I tried to cover myself, but the result was that I was stretched and I couldn't take care of everything.

With A Lie's current body shape, Feng Qianyun could easily catch him, "Hey, don't move around, I'm not interested in watching your little sister."

In Feng Qianyun's eyes, Ariel is just a child, a child...not a grown man, there is nothing to shy away from.

"Let go, let me go!" Ariel puffed his cheeks, kicking Feng Qianyun in displeasure. For a second, Feng Qianyun had the feeling that she had molested him.

"Hey, I'll wash your marrow and cut your bones for you. It will be of great help to strengthen your body." Feng Qianyun let go of A Lie anyway, and helped him get clothes for him to put on his pants.

Ariel lowered his head halfway, with anger still on his face.

After a while, "Don't you just want to leave here early?"

"That's right, it's not wrong for me to want to leave here quickly, don't you want Shicheng to leave here soon? Staying here is a very boring thing for you, an eight or nine-year-old boy?"

Not to mention Ah Lie's age, even Feng Qianyun would feel bored staying in one place for such a long time. Of course, there is no way to make appropriate sacrifices in order to cultivate and improve one's own strength.

"Me!" The two big characters "depressed" are clearly written on the pretty face, "It doesn't matter where I am."

Feng Qianyun scratched A Lie's wet hair, "Don't say such dull words for children."

"Don't treat me like a child, and you can't do it again next time..." Ariel lowered his head as he said.

"How about it?" Feng Qianyun glanced at A Lie's blushing face, and immediately understood, "Are you saying that I accidentally saw your naked body?"

This is not "accidental", she obviously did it on purpose!

"It's good that you know." Ariel glanced at Feng Qianyun as a protest.

"Okay, okay, I'll pay attention next time, but I'm still going to strip you naked and throw you into the bathtub to take a good soak in the medicinal bath." It's a pity that there is no bathtub or bathtub.

"You..." What stripping...can't she say it well..."You are so troublesome!"

The stuffy feeling is very strange to A Lie, he rarely has contact with other people, and he will not have such a feeling in the process of contact with the master.

Feng Qianyun's reaction to A Lie's Tsundere was just a warm smile, "Okay, be good, sit down, I'm ready to start."

Although Ariel's skin is quite fair, his body is very strong. He has a very strong body after practicing martial arts all the year round, even though he is still young.

Feng Qianyun squeezed the silver needle and gently pierced it into Ariel's back. During this process, her fingertips inevitably touched the skin of his back.

The warm and soft touch made Ariel's body tremble slightly.

"What's wrong?" Feng Qianyun asked, because she has always been very accurate in giving acupuncture, if the acupuncture point is accurate, it will not cause pain.

A Lie trembled a little, Feng Qianyun thought he was in pain.

"It's can continue." Fortunately, Feng Qianyun had her back turned to her, so she wouldn't see that his face was even redder than before.

"If you have any discomfort, just tell me." Originally, Feng Qianyun was very confident in her acupuncture techniques, but Ariel's physical condition may be different from ordinary people, and this is not impossible. Which child, like him, has such abnormal achievements at a young age?


The place where the master and the apprentice live is very simple, it is a small wooden house of some age, there are only two rooms in total, one for Xing Weng, one for A Lie, and a small room for eating.

In the first few days, Feng Qianyun even found a way out at night, so there was no problem with sleeping. When Feng Qianyun's goal changed, she spread a cloth on the edge of the dining table and sat on it to practice the God-controlling Art. Yushen Jue can also help her regain her spirit.

It's been about ten days like this.

But tonight, Feng Qianyun, who was supposed to meditate on the ground next to the dining table, ran into A Lie's room.

Ariel has always been vigilant, even though there is no one else here except the three of them, his training since he was a child allows him to maintain a keen insight 24 hours a day, even when he is asleep, he is more vigilant than others.

As soon as Feng Qianyun opened the door, he opened his eyes.

There is only a wooden bed in the room, and an old cabinet, the red paint on it has fallen off.

When Feng Qianyun walked to the bed, Ariel finally couldn't help but speak first.

"What are you doing?" Because it was night, Ariel lowered his voice.

"Take you out to compete!" Feng Qianyun said, grabbing A Lie's arm.

"It's night now." Ariel reminded Feng Qianyun in displeasure, what did this woman do, did she do things regardless of day and night?

"You can also compete at night." What's wrong with this.

"I need to rest at night." Ariel tried his best, but he still couldn't withdraw his hand from Feng Qianyun's grip.

"I have prepared a lot of elixirs to ensure that you will stay awake at night and be in good spirits." Feng Qianyun assured Alie, although it was a little too much to ask others, but Feng Qianyun has no other way now.

"No, I refuse." Ariel turned his face to the other side, not looking at Feng Qianyun, and protested silently to Feng Qianyun.

For the past two days, she let him eat medicinal food, take medicinal baths, and do acupuncture every day. At night, she even took him out to compete!

(End of this chapter)

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