Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 587 Happiness

Chapter 587 Happiness (8)
Facing bad guys, Feng Qianyun could be a little more despicable, but facing the current situation... it seems that she can't be too despicable.

Thus, Feng Qianyun stretched out her claws...

"Ah, what are you doing?" Ariel jumped up, "Itches, itches, don't touch me!"

Being tickled by Feng Qianyun, A Lie's face turned red unconsciously, he is ticklish!

"If you don't agree to me, I'll tickle you." Feng Qianyun found out that A Lie was unexpectedly ticklish within a few strokes, and scratched his creaking nest and waist vigorously.

"Stop, stop, stop... itch... you rascal!" A Lie accused Feng Qianyun of his actions.

"You can't help a rascal, anyway, just promise me!" Feng Qianyun shrugged helplessly, a rascal is a rascal.

"You..." Ariel paused, he saw the worry in Feng Qianyun's expression.

Turning over from the bed, both feet fell to the ground, "Okay, I promise you."

With an impatient look, he arrogantly looked away, not looking at Feng Qianyun.

Although he was reluctant, A Lie went to practice fighting with Feng Qianyun. As a result, the two fought on the rocky cliff all night, A Lie stayed up all night, and Feng Qianyun did the same.

Early in the morning, when Xingweng got up refreshed, he saw two people in a panic.

Although Feng Qianyun's elixir can replenish mental strength, they fought all night, even if they fought all day in broad daylight, they were still exhausted and embarrassed.

"You two don't sleep at night, do such strenuous exercise?" Xingweng smiled ambiguously at Feng Qianyun and A Lie, "Since you both work so hard, today will be added. A task."

Ariel had no objection to Xing Weng's sudden request for additional tasks. In terms of martial arts, he always obeyed the arrangement, and he practiced whatever Xing Weng said.

Feng Qianyun had no objection anymore, she wished to strengthen the training intensity of A Lie so that he could succeed as soon as possible.Although, the idea is not ethical.

"The task is very simple. Ariel should know that there is a strange flower and grass on the southeast side of this mountain. There is a kind of piranha growing there. It looks similar to piranha, but due to the influence of the aura in the mountain, these flowers are stronger than ordinary flowers. The piranhas grow better, and of course they are more dangerous, I call them Overlord piranhas, you two can go to the Overlord piranhas for a day."

Xingweng's tone was relaxed, but the task itself was not easy at all.

Feng Qianyun looked back at A Lie, but he had already taken a step ahead.

Could it be that she is still angry with her for digging him out of bed last night?Even if he wants to be angry, he can only let him live.

The two made it to their destination.

To be honest, this is really not a pleasing place. Before stepping into the territory of the overlord piranha, a strong and disgusting aroma hit.

This aroma is a bit like the smell of food, mixed with a bloody smell, which is emitted by the Overlord Piranha to attract prey.

Overlord piranhas are very big, about the height of Feng Qianyun's waist. Large flowers are distributed on the green ground, and the flower heart will open at any time to bite the prey that approaches it.

"You'd better not let it touch them, they will secrete a kind of acid, which is very corrosive." Ariel seemed to say casually.

"En." Feng Qianyun nodded, needless to say, she also knew that this thing was relatively dangerous, otherwise Xingweng would not have let her and Ariel come, and things that were not challenging would greatly improve Ariel's strength. Not helpful at all.

A Lie and Feng Qianyun walked together as much as possible, carefully watching the surroundings, these overlord piranhas are not kind.

Feng Qianyun and A Lie who walked among these giant flowers were extra careful, but within a few steps, their feet were entangled by green vines.

I was too busy paying attention to the giant flower itself, not the green vines extending from the root of the flower!
Feng Qianyun, whose feet were entangled by green vines, tried to break free, but felt the internal strength in her body was draining. There were tiny barbs on these vines, and while entangled with the prey, the barbs pierced into the prey's veins. A neurotoxin secreted can paralyze a person.

For the toxin, Feng Qianyun was mentally prepared for this, but Feng Qianyun was shocked by the internal force being absorbed along the vine.

This is what Xingweng said, affected by the aura in the mountains, are these piranhas more terrifying than those in other places?
But at this time, Feng Qianyun had no way to call Qixing Longyuan out, otherwise, with Qixing Longyuan's demon-breaking power, it should be able to cut off these vines.

Ariel was no exception, his feet were entangled by vines, and the vines tried to pull him to the main body.

There is only a wooden sword pinned to his waist, which he usually uses for practice. He pulls out the wooden sword and stabs it into the vines under his feet. He has seen the wooden sword corroded badly by the liquid from the vines. Can no longer be used.

The situation was very unfavorable for the two of them. They had already practiced against each other all night, and their bodies were in a state of excessive exhaustion.

"Heaven and earth are innocent——Vulcan's borrowing method——Yan Rong!"

The vines burned, and under the threat of the fire, the vines that were originally wrapped around Feng Qianyun and A Lie's feet temporarily retracted.

Fire overcomes wood, and fire is more or less useful to these overlord cannibals.

"Let's go." Feng Qianyun grabbed A Lie's hand, ran away, and jumped onto a rock.

It is easier to observe the movement of these overlord piranhas from a height.

"Are your feet okay?" While carefully observing the surroundings, he asked Ariel at the same time.

Ariel shook his head, "My feet are fine."

Ariel's expression was a bit unwilling, he was actually rescued by her, although she was older than him, but after all he was a boy, being rescued by her made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry too much about it. There's nothing shameful about being protected by me. Besides, you know exactly how much strength you have, don't you?" Feng Qianyun glanced at A Lie and knew what he cared about.

"You practiced with me all night, and you should be exhausted by now."

A Lie secretly glanced at the tired look on Feng Qianyun's face, and said that she would not be able to protect herself now if she said to protect him.

"Well, yes." Feng Qianyun doesn't deny this point, there is not much difference between Ariel and herself, and it is also a real effort to practice with him, not to mention that she is running towards the goal of making him improve, which is naturally impossible Turn on the water, so after a night, her consumption is not less than that of Ariel.

Feng Qianyun reached out and patted Ariel's head, "It's okay, I won't let anything happen to me, and I won't let anything happen to you."

Seeing Feng Qianyun's smiling face, Ariel was stunned. Her eyes were so gentle. She said such words not because of overconfidence, but because she had the determination and awareness.

(End of this chapter)

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