Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 135 Something Happened!

Chapter 135 Something Happened!
In particular, Qi Longyin has experienced, Lingfeng faced the He family's successive revenge, let her know that it must be full of danger.

If there is something wrong with the little brother, she doesn't even know what happened, which is not allowed for her.

"Sister Yin, there's nothing wrong."

Ling Feng could naturally see the concern on Sister Yin's face, and this heartfelt expression moved him a little. From childhood to adulthood, Sister Yin was the only one who cared about him so much.


Qi Long said in a voice.

Seeing Yin's elder sister lowering her head slightly, Ling Feng suddenly felt an indescribable discomfort in his heart.

"Sister Yin, let me tell you, it's really not a big deal."

Ling Feng thought about it, anyway, Sister Yin is also a martial artist now, so it's okay to tell her, and he has been rampant all the way up to now, and no one can do anything to him for the time being, Sister Yin won't worry about it.

Qi Longyin's eyes lit up, and he listened carefully to what Ling Feng said.

Ling Feng thought it over for a while, since he met Fang Dingxiao, except that he has the Dragon God system, he has said most of it, and he didn't hide much.

Facing Sister Yin, there was nothing to hide. If it wasn't for the fact that the Dragon God system was a bit unbelievable, it wouldn't hurt to talk about it.

Speaking of him accepting Ling Xiaoxia as an elf and Ling Xiaojie as a foodie, Sister Yin burst out laughing.

With this smile, Ling Feng was a little stunned.

To sink a fish into a wild goose, to overwhelm the country and the city is to say that she is someone like Sister Yin.

Sister Yin is not as innocent as Qian Linger, not as lively as Lan Qing, not as cold as Tang Hongxue, and not as lovely as Qin Yiyun. Her body has a calm and clear feeling like water, which makes people feel that being with her can purify themselves clouded mind.

It's like coming home, back to my hometown.

Let go of a lot of troubles.

"Little brother."

Qi Longyin's face turned slightly red:

"When will you meet Xiao Xia and explain them away?"

"Ah... ok, ok."

Ling Feng came back to his senses, a little embarrassed, and hurriedly continued.

Speaking of the battle with the patriarchs of the four major families, Qi Longyin looked nervous and his heart was raised.

"Little brother, you are too risky!"

Qi Long said in a voice.

"I see, Sister Yin."

Ling Feng laughed and said:

"Actually, I've done what I'm sure of."

Having said so much, Ling Feng was not bored, on the contrary, he felt a little elated.

In this world, only sister Yin cared so delicately for him.

When Ling Feng said this, he also said something about Jiangcheng's martial arts world, including answering some questions from Sister Yin.

Sister Yin was brought into martial arts by him, as long as he knew, he would tell her.

Ling Feng was about to speak when his phone rang.


It was the call from Hei Lang, and Ling Feng answered the call:
"Why, have you found the Five Elements Crystal?"

"No, it's not."

The voice from Hei Lang stammered a bit:
"Master, Wang Meng and the others seem to be detained by the Meng family!"

Jianghu City.

Hei Lang's face was ugly, and he was also taken aback when he got the news.

In fact, he didn't know Wang Meng before, but they were all looking for Wuxingjing. Ling Feng also told Wang Meng about the situation of several people, so that he should not have conflicts when they met.

Who would have thought that they would hear this news when they first came to Jianghu City.

"Detained by the Meng family? They are so courageous! My people dare to move, do you want to die?!"

A cold light burst out from Ling Feng's eyes:
"You are paying close attention to the movement there, I will come over now."

Ling Feng hung up the phone.

No wonder.

Ling Feng hasn't received calls from Wang Meng and Ling Xiaoxia for the past few days, that's why.

"Little brother, something happened?"

Qi Long said in a voice.

"He Jie's mother, Meng Feirong's natal family, detained Xiao Xia and the others."

Ling Feng nodded and grinned grimly:
"Sister Yin, don't worry, I'm going to Meng's house now, they are really brave, I want to let them know how the red rose withers."

"How about I go with you?"

Qi Longyin hesitated for a moment.

At this moment, Qi Longyin wanted to become stronger.

At this moment, she felt that even if she asked a question, she felt that she was holding back her younger brother. She didn't like this feeling very much.

"it is good."

Ling Feng didn't think much about it. Anyway, with him around, the Meng family couldn't do anything about it.

Moreover, Sister Yin became a martial artist, so it was right to bring her to see the world.

However, when the two had just left the hotel, he unexpectedly met Qian Ling'er and a middle-aged woman.

"Brother Lingfeng, you are indeed here."

Qian Ling'er trotted over, took Ling Feng's hand and shook it lightly, giggling.

He looked at Qi Longyin again, and said with a smile:

"Sister Yin!"

Qian Ling'er and Qi Longyin knew each other three years ago, and they even went to sea together twice to look for Ling Feng.


Seeing the two of them holding hands, Qi Longyin still smiled as he moved his long eyelashes.

"Ling'er, why are you here?"

Ling Feng asked curiously.

"Aunt Lin and I were having dinner, and we happened to see your car, so we followed."

Qian Ling'er laughed.

"Aunt Lin, hello."

Suddenly, Ling Feng nodded and said to the middle-aged woman.

Although he had never seen this middle-aged woman before, he had heard from Qian Ling'er that she had come to protect Qian Ling'er this time, and was also in charge of her food and daily life.

Aunt Lin is also looking at Ling Feng at the moment.

This man who made Qian Ling'er fascinated.

She knew why Qian Linger came here, it was for Ling Feng.

Seeing Ling Feng at this moment, he looked no different than other people.

She couldn't figure out why Ling'er was so obsessed with this boy.


Aunt Lin smiled faintly, neither was she particularly enthusiastic, nor was she particularly indifferent.

Ling Feng didn't care anymore either.

"Brother Lingfeng, where are you going?"

Qian Ling'er raised her face, a little curious.

"I'm going to Jianghu City."

Ling Feng didn't hide anything.

"Brother Lingfeng, let me go too."

Qian Linger said.

"Okay, let's go together!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, this is not a big deal, just bring one more person.


Qian Linger giggled:
"Aunt Lin, you go back first."

"Miss, I'd better go with you."

Aunt Lin shook her head.

"I'm fine."

Qian Linger smiled and said:
"Brother Lingfeng is amazing. With him around, nothing will happen."

Aunt Lin still shook her head.

Qian Linger frowned.

"Okay, okay, let's go together."

Ling Feng waved his hand:

The four got into the car, which was the golden Rolls Royce that Hei Lang gave him.

In some people's eyes, this cool car is just an upstart outfit, but Ling Feng doesn't care anymore, it's just a scooter, whether it's special or non-special, it doesn't make any difference.

(End of this chapter)

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