Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 136 Playing games!

Chapter 136 Playing games!
Jianghu City.

Tianlong Martial Arts Field.

An hour and a half later, Ling Feng drove here.

According to Hei Lang, Wang Meng and the others were detained here. Today, the Tianlong Martial Arts Field is an property owned by the Meng family in Jianghu City, and it is in charge of Meng Qinglong, the son of the head of the Meng family.

Speaking of this Meng Qinglong, it is also a legend in Jianghu City.

It is said that when he was born, a vision descended from the sky, and the blue dragon sang songs.

So Meng's father named him Meng Qinglong.

Meng Qinglong is extremely talented, and he is not very old. At the age of seventeen or eighteen, he has already stepped into the realm, and he has turned upside down in Jianghu City. No one can do anything to him.


After the car stopped, Hei Lang came out from the corner of the alley with a few people.

"Have you found out, it's in this Martial Arts Field?"

Ling Feng asked.

"Yes Master!"

Black Wolf nodded.

Ling Feng didn't speak any more, and walked towards Tianlong Martial Arts Field.

Tianlong Martial Arts Field is the most famous martial arts field in the entire Jianghu City. Usually, many martial arts practitioners come to this martial arts field to learn their skills.

There are many people going in and out.

At this moment, Ling Feng, Qian Ling'er, Qi Longyin, and Hei Lang walked towards this side together, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

People like Ling Feng, they are very unfamiliar, and looking at Ling Feng and the others, their faces are cold.

Many people immediately realized that something was wrong.


"Several, what are you talking about here?"

A short-haired young man came out, wearing a Tianlong Martial Arts uniform, obviously a staff member of the Tianlong Martial Arts Field. Ling Feng took a look and found that his strength was not weak, at least the strength of a three-star human realm.

A gatekeeper martial artist is so strong, Tianlong Martial Arts Field is really powerful.

Hearing this, Ling Feng smiled slightly.

The black wolf understood, and shouted: "Hmph, our master is naturally here to kick the field, what kind of Tianlong Martial Arts Field, bird stuff, from now on, the Tianlong Martial Arts Field will be my master's!"

Everyone gasped.

They looked at Ling Feng and the others, and they didn't show any fear. Instead, they looked at Ling Feng and Hei Lang as if they were fools.

What is Tianlong Martial Arts Field?
In Jianghu City, those are quite famous martial arts halls.

People came to play games before, but it was a few years ago.

I remember that a force called Jiangmen came a few years ago, but that time, it was killed by Meng Qinglong, and it was more than that. Meng Qinglong took the people from the martial arts field to Jiangmen's lair and destroyed them all. No one survived. .

This is the fate of provoking Tianlong Martial Arts Field!
Since then, in the past three or four years, no one has come to play, because it is an act of courting death.

But at this moment, Ling Feng and the others came here, naturally looking for death.

Many people stood aside with an attitude of idlers.

They knew that there was a good show to watch today, and people like Ling Feng might all die here today.

And Aunt Lin's complexion changed drastically.

She never expected that Ling Feng would bring them to play in the Tianlong Martial Arts Field.

Aunt Lin is not a martial artist, but she was a member of a mercenary before. The headquarters of that mercenary was in Jianghu City, and their regiment leader was a martial artist, so she also knew a little about the world of martial arts in Jianghu City. , this Tianlong Martial Arts Field is incredible, not to mention the strong strength of the owner, and the Meng family behind him, even I heard that the young owner and master is also a very terrifying person.

Ling Feng actually came to kick the field.

What is it if it is not to die?
"Ling Feng, tell me what's going on, why you're kicking someone's place, you're trying to kill us, I don't agree!"

Aunt Lin's voice was a little sharp.

Everyone present heard it and couldn't help shaking their heads.

Look, come here to kick the game without knowing anything, what is it if you don't die?
Moreover, martial practitioners like them have a little sharp eyesight. Except for Qian Ling'er who is a little stronger, the others are Hei Lang, Qi Longyin is a martial practitioner, and the rest are ordinary people. As for Ling Feng himself, but they couldn't see it, he looked like an ordinary person but not like an ordinary person.

Just treat him as a martial artist, but how strong is he at such a young age?
"Aunt Lin?"

Qian Linger frowned and said:

"Brother Lingfeng has his reasons. Since he wants to kick the field, the Tianlong Martial Arts Hall must be over for this day. You just need to watch from the side!"

"Miss, why do you think so? You may not know about the Tianlong Martial Arts Hall. The power is spread all over Jianghu City. When we kick other people's field, it's like hitting an egg against a stone and looking for death."

Aunt Lin shook her head again and again:

"Miss, go back, let's not lie in this muddy water."

"I won't go back, I want to be with brother Lingfeng."

Qian Ling'er held Ling Feng's hand tightly, shook her head and said.


Aunt Lin was in a hurry. Knowing Qian Ling'er's temperament, it was useless to owe her at this time, but she couldn't put the young lady in danger, otherwise, if something happened, how would she explain to her parents? Thinking of this, she looked at Ling Feng:

"Ling Feng, if you want to die, I won't stop you, but you can't take Miss with you, let Miss follow me back!"

"I listen to Linger."

Ling Feng was not angry either, and smiled.


Aunt Lin was furious, Qian Ling'er obviously wouldn't go back.

Then she can only stay.

But if you stay, I'm afraid [-]% of you will die.

"That's it!"

Aunt Lin gave Ling Feng a hard look:
"If there is something wrong with Miss, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost!"

She watched Qian Linger grow up, and she has long regarded her as her daughter in her heart.

"Don't worry, you just need to watch the show on the sidelines later, and the Tianlong Martial Arts Hall will be closed after today's appointment!"

Ling Feng waved his hand.

"What a big breath!"

The short-haired youth sneered and said:

"Where did this wild boy come from? He doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. It's a joke to want to kick me in the Tianlong Martial Arts Field. But my Tianlong Martial Arts Field has always been a great virtue. Now I will give you a chance to break your arms and kneel on my Tianlong Martial Arts Field." Three days and three nights of repentance at the gate of the Martial Arts Field, I can spare your lives!"

A group of martial artists nodded:
"Have you heard, boy, this is your chance. You must know that the Tianlong Martial Arts Field used to have only one word for you provocateurs, and that is death!"

"That's right, break your arms now and kneel down to repent, or you will die today!"

"Boy, what are you still doing in a daze? I can tell that the little girl loves you very much, so don't kill her!"


A group of martial artists owed.

Ling Feng sneered, and didn't bother to pay attention to these people.

It's nice to say, but it's actually booing, and I don't know these people, so why should others care about you.

Said these words, or to watch a good show.

Just ignore these people.

"Boy, don't you want to?"

The short-haired youth said in a deep voice.

"Stop talking nonsense, Tianlong Martial Arts Field doesn't need to exist today, and now everyone who doesn't want to die will leave here, including you with short hair, I'll give you a chance, get out!"

A group of martial artists looked at Ling Feng in disbelief.

This kid is beyond arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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