Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 294 Something That Doesn't Matter {1 More}

Chapter 294 Something I Don't Have {One More}
Ba Jiange started.

There was an extra sword in his hand, it was a spiritual sword, and the blade of the sword shone with a cold light.

One sword out!Gale wind sword energy!
Ba Jiange didn't hold back his hand at all, as soon as he made a move, he used the most powerful Gale Sword Technique.

The sword energy is like training, but it is like a strong wind and rain.

The sword energy was in front of Ling Feng in an instant.

This sword is the sword of murder.

A cruel and ferocious smile appeared on Ba Jiange's face.

And right now.

The disciple who guarded the gate just now also passed the news to Yang He, knowing about it.

Yang He frowned slightly: "Go down!"

After the gatekeeper disciple went down, an imperceptible smile appeared on Yang He's face.

He said softly: "I arranged for Ling Feng to rest in the Hongye Courtyard, which is on the central axis of my Yedu Gate. These two days, Ling Feng and that woman often practice swords in the courtyard. If Ba Jiange Come here, you must pass this road, and you will definitely meet two people here. But I know that Ba Jiange is the most romantic person. Until now, I am afraid that there are more than dozens of women around him , if he sees that Lan Qing, he will definitely not leave. This woman is more beautiful and temperamental than the woman he pursued before, especially there is a special fragrance on her body, which is body fragrance, which is inexplicably attractive, Ba Jiange As long as he is tempted, then Ling Feng will definitely not let him go, and this will be a vendetta."

Yang He smiled unabated: "In this way, it is possible for Blast Wind Sword Sect to make a move. I am afraid that Ling Feng may not be able to handle it at that time. You must know that Ba Jianji, the suzerain of Blast Wind Sword Sect, is a three-star celestial being. The strong of the environment."

Said by himself.

But he didn't stay at home, but walked towards the scene of the incident.

But his speed is not fast, not slow.

But soon his expression changed.

There was only a shrill sound coming, and then there was no sound.

That mournful voice seemed to be the last nostalgia of this world.

Yang He faintly felt something was wrong.

This voice, could it be...

Yang He's speed suddenly accelerated, but it was still limited.

Soon we arrived at Hong Ye Yuan.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he froze for a moment.


But it was after Ba Jianji chopped out a sword energy.

He looked at Ling Feng ferociously.

But the next moment his smile froze.

Facing this sword, Ling Feng didn't even think about it, he just slapped it!

Boom!The strength of the palm descends like a giant mountain.

An invincible, indestructible force that suffocates people.

This force is so terrifying that it cannot be resisted at all.

Moreover, the aura emanating from Ling Feng's body was also boundless.

This is obviously the strength of the strong in the heavenly realm.

Ba Jiange's face changed at that moment, the young man in front of him turned out to be a strong man in the heavenly realm, he was so young, he was completely unexpected.

Roar!Ba Jiange resisted with all his strength, but unfortunately it was useless. The sword energy was shattered directly when he slammed his palm down, and the remaining force bombarded him heavily. With a scream, he was beaten into the garden, creating a big hole.

Ling Feng walked over step by step.

In the pit, Ba Jiange was covered in wet soil, and several earthworms were wriggling on his body.

Ba Jiange moved, but found that he couldn't even sit up, his spine was broken, and he felt a sharp pain.

"Boy, how dare you hurt me?!"

Ba Jiange looked at Ling Feng angrily:

"I am the Young Sect Master of Galewind Sword Sect, you are courting death!"

Ling Feng looked at the people in the pit condescendingly, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth: "Storm Sword Sect, that's nothing. But you, you dare to kill me, you really don't know how to live or die, if this is the case, I can't let you go!"

Ling Feng raised his hand, and a terrifying force was brewing in his palm.

Ba Jiange's face changed greatly: "No, no, you dare! If you touch me, my father will not let you go!"

Ba Jiange struggled hard to stand up, but unfortunately, he fell down in the pit after supporting himself a few times.

"No! Rao..."

Ba Jiange finally felt the fear.

boom!A palm came down and directly hit Ba Jiange's chest, his internal organs were shattered.


Ba Jiange had a look of disbelief.

"Drip! Remind the host, the host's life is passing, irreversible, the host is a waste, the three thousand harem system is logged out, and the logout is in progress... Logout is complete, goodbye!"

"No no no no! How is it possible, how could I die!"

Ba Jiange roared.

Staring fixedly at Ling Feng, he wanted to say a few more words, but unfortunately, life has come to an end.

Tilting his head, Ba Jiange lost his breath.

And Ling Feng didn't hesitate, he transformed into a dragon almost at the same time, devoured Ba Jiange in one gulp, and then transformed into a human.

"Drip! Remind the host, the dragon energy value is 37! It has reached the evolution condition, do you want to evolve?"


"Evolving...evolved successfully! The host is already a second-level mad dragon!"

Ling Feng felt that his strength had become several times stronger.

Level [-] mad dragon!

With his current strength, even a three-star heavenly realm martial artist might not be his match.

If he met Zheng Feihong again at this moment, Ling Feng felt that he could kill him if he was afraid.

This time, he did not expect to come to Yunnan Province to search for the Five Elements Crystal, and to meet a host with a system. If this Ba Jiange did not have a three thousand harem system, even if he swallowed this person, it would be a drop in the bucket. The system is different, directly making him evolve one level.

Evolved to a second-level wild dragon here, Ling Feng has not come in vain these days.

"Be merciful!"

Just then, a voice came.

It was Yang He who came here.

Yang He walked up to Ling Feng in a few steps, and looked at the big pit in front of him. Except for some blood, there was no figure inside. Yang He was a little strange, where is Ba Jiange?
"Ling Feng, Ba Jiange him..."

Yang He asked tentatively.

Ling Feng glanced at him: "You are late, I have already killed him, and there is no body left!"

"You really!"

Yang He shuddered, his mouth opened wide, a little in disbelief.

There was a conflict between Ling Feng and Ba Jiange. Yang He thought that Ling Feng would teach Ba Jiange a lesson and he would not kill anyone. Who would believe that Ba Jiange was killed?
He didn't care about Ba Jiange's death anymore, and he was even a little happy. In this way, Blast Wind Sword Sect would definitely not let Ling Feng go. Ba Jiange died at his Yedu Gate, so they couldn't get rid of their relationship.

This is a hassle.

Ling Feng looked at him with a half-smile: "I sensed that you were coming towards that side before, but you seem to be walking very slowly, do you want me to kill him to relieve you of a competitor, or Do you want to use Galewind Sword Sect to deal with me?"

Yang He was stared at by Ling Feng, and felt a little cold in his heart.

Actually saw his intention.

"How is this possible, nothing!"

Yang He said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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