Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 295 Only 1 Dead {2 more}

Chapter 295 Only One Death {Second Update}
"Nothing, is it?"

Ling Feng stared at Yang He.

Suddenly he snorted.

boom!Without warning, Ling Feng shot suddenly.

Yang He couldn't catch it at all, he was slapped on the shoulder by a palm, and knelt on the muddy grass, half of his body sank into the ground.

"It's not that easy to use me!"

Ling Feng chuckled lightly:
"Or, I'll kill you too!"

"do not want!"

Yang He was in a hurry:
"I didn't mean it, please spare me!"

Yang He knelt on the ground and shivered.

At this moment, he was really afraid that if Ling Feng killed him with one move, he would really die in vain.

The movement here also caused the arrival of a group of high-level disciples of the Yedu Sect. They were all a little surprised when they saw the scene in front of them. What happened just now? Why did the young sect master kneel here?
Also, what did this young man in front of him do?
What happened to Ling Feng and Yang Du and other high-level people before, the disciples of Yedumen didn't know anything about it. They only knew that there were a few students from East China Wu University who lived here. They thought they were friends, but now it seems wrong.

With so many disciples of the Yedu Sect standing here, Yang He couldn't bear to lose face.

He wanted to stand up, but when he sensed Ling Feng's gaze, his heart trembled and he didn't dare to move again.

And all the high-level members of Yedumen knew Ling Feng's strength long ago, and no one dared to speak at this moment, they just waited for the owner of the sect to come over.

They were a little confused, didn't Yang He know how powerful Ling Feng was, why did he still provoke him today? Isn't this courting death?
"Brother Ling Feng, you are..."

Yang Du is here.

Seeing Yang He kneeling on the ground, he frowned deeply.

Ling Feng glanced at Yang He, and said aloud: "You tell it yourself, tell me everything about this matter!"

Yang He's expression changed.

What did he say about this matter? He said that he invited Ba Jiange to come to his Yedu Gate as a guest, and then deliberately let Ba Jiange meet Lan Qing, and had conflicts with Ling Feng, and used Gale Wind Sword Sect to deal with it, or let Ling Feng Feng deliberately killed Ba Jiange.

If you don't say that, look at Ling Feng's eyes, you may kill him.

He didn't dare to doubt this, if Ling Feng could kill Ba Jiange, so would he.

Feel Ling Feng's eyes fall on him again.

Yang He gritted his teeth and said, "I used Ba Jiange to make Haifeng Jianzong feel hostile towards Ling Feng, but unexpectedly, Ba Jiange died!"


"Ba Jiange is dead!"

Hearing Yang He's words, all the senior officials and disciples of Yedumen were shocked.

Who is Ba Jiange? That is the son of Ba Jianji, the suzerain of the Storm Sword Sect.

If Ba Jianji knew his son was dead, he might go crazy.

The brows of Yang Du and other high-level officials were even more wrinkled.

Ling Feng killed Ba Jianji, and Yang He couldn't get away with it.

At that time, he might be in great trouble at Yedumen, and he may not even start a war.

Moreover, Yang He offended Ling Feng at this time, if Ling Feng did something...


Yang Du stepped forward, without even thinking about it, he slapped his son Yang He on the face, his whole body flew up, his face was almost deformed.

Yang He fell to the ground, dizzy, with little stars floating in front of his eyes.

He looked at his father in disbelief.

Yang Du said angrily: "Nonsense, you will bring me into trouble!"

Yang He covered his mouth, not daring to speak in a muffled voice.

"Brother Ling Feng, I'm sorry, I didn't discipline my son well, please forgive him this time."

Yang Du turned to look at Ling Feng, and laughed along with him.

Ling Feng waved his hand: "Let the master of the Gale Wind Sword Sect come over and talk."

Yang Du's face changed slightly.

But he also knew that this matter could not be concealed.

After thinking about it, Yang Du nodded and immediately contacted Ba Jianji.

In fact, it was a good thing that Ba Jianji came here. Although his son was at fault this time, Ba Jiange was not killed by his son. Ba Jianji was the first to look for Ling Feng.

If Ba Jian killed Ling Feng quickly, it would be the best ending for him.

Gale Wind Sword Sect.

A building in Shibei, Yunbei City.

Ba Jianji was discussing something with a group of high-level Blast Wind Sword Sect officials, but at this moment he received a call.

After hanging up the phone, Ba Jianji's expression changed drastically, as if thunder had struck him.

Son is dead!

"How did Jiange die?"

Ba Jianji murmured.

The next moment, whoosh!
Ba Jianji had already arrived outside the gate, heading towards Yedu Gate.

There was a cold killing intent in his eyes.

How did Ba Jiange die when he arrived at Yedu Gate?
Yang Du didn't clarify this matter either.

"What's the matter, suzerain?"

"I heard just now that it seems that the young suzerain..."

"Come on, let's go and see!"


A group of high-level officials from Galewind Sword Sect also came towards Yedu Gate.

Not 15 minutes.

Ling Feng, all the disciples of Yedumen heard a roar: "Yang Du, what happened, why did my son die, did you do it? Could it be that you, Yedumen, want to start a war with me, Blast Wind Sword Sect?" !"

Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

After the sound fell, a handsome middle-aged man appeared in front of everyone.

But Ba Jian rushed to him.

As soon as Ba Jianji arrived, he opened his eyes and looked at it again: "Where is my son?"

There was no shadow of Ba Jiange.

"Ba Jiange was killed by him, and there is no body left. It is him, the culprit!"

Seeing that Ba Jianji arrived, Yang He jumped up, ran to Ba Jianji's side, and looked at Ling Feng resentfully.


Ba Jianji felt something was wrong.

Yang Hedao: "Uncle Ba, Jiange came to my Yedu gate and saw a female friend of this person, but after saying a few words, this person was killed and his body was destroyed by him."

Yang Du frowned: "He'er, what did you say?"

Yang Hedao: "Father, you don't know. It was this person who threatened me just now. I had no choice but to say that. Jiange's death was completely caused by him. He just wanted to put the blame on us, so as to separate us from the Storm Sword Sect." relation!"

Yang Du was taken aback.

All the disciples of Yedumen suddenly looked at Lingfeng.

Ling Feng was slightly stunned, and smiled: "Yang Du, this is your son, you see, I originally wanted to spare his life, but now, he has to die!"

Yang He sneered: "Ling Feng, you are a cruel person. Ba Jiange and I are both students of Central Plains Wuhan University. We have a good relationship. You actually killed him and framed me, but Uncle Ba will not let you go." Yours, Uncle Ba is a strong three-star heavenly realm, you are dead!"

Ba Jianji frowned.

Walking to a willow tree in front, he took off a piece of white cloth between the branches. Ba Jianji could tell at a glance that it was the material on his son's shirt, and he went to the big pit in the garden. Remains the breath of his son.

These all explain.

There is a good chance that his son is really dead!

And the one who killed his son was the young man Yang He pointed at.

This is what Yang He said, but judging from their conversation just now, things may not be so simple.

"You killed my son?"

Ba Jianji stared at Ling Feng, squinting, with a cold light shining in the slits of his eyes.

Yang He hurriedly said: "It's him!"

But Ba Jianji ignored his words, his eyes still fell on Ling Feng's face.

(End of this chapter)

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