Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 298 Panic {3 more}

Chapter 298 Panic {Third Watch}
The middle-aged man was talking to himself.

very good mood.

And this person, from what he said, was obviously Qiao Liang from Yedumen.

Qiao Liang stepped out of the magic cave, and within a few steps, his cell phone rang.

It was an elder from the sect who called him.

As soon as the phone was connected, an excited voice came from inside: "Qiao Liang, where are you now?"

Qiao Liang was a little puzzled, the elder who was looking for him was called Mu Nian, and he had a good relationship with him, but he shouldn't be so excited, but he still said: "I just came out of the devil's lair, and I'm still in Tacheng, Mu Nian, you Why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

Mu Nian didn't answer his words: "I'm also in Tacheng, let's meet again..."

5 minute later.

Qiao Liang saw Mu Nian.

Elder Mu Nian was a tall and thin half-century old man. The moment he saw Qiao Liang, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It has been four days now, no matter how late, if he can't find the other party, then he will die at Yedumen.

He had no doubt that Ling Feng would strike directly.

Although this person is young, in the past few days, the lord of the Galewind Sword Sect and Elder Tan have all been killed, so he is not a good lord.

After Ling Feng talked about finding Qiao Liang, the Zongmen immediately sent people to look for him in the Devil's Cave. An elder entered the Devil's Cave, and he was waiting in Tacheng. will miss.

Today I finally waited for the other party to show up.

"Mu Nian, you are looking for me..."

Qiao Liang was even more puzzled.

This is exactly what happened.

Judging by Mu Nian's appearance, the other party came to him specially.

Is something wrong?

Mu Nian thought for a while, and his face was solemn: "Qiao Liang, did you give a young man a jade badge of Gushimen Jia Liang's identity before, and promised to help him find twenty catties of Five Elements Crystal?"

Mu Nian looked at him with burning eyes.

Qiao Liang's heart skipped a beat: "What?"

Seeing Qiao Liang's expression, Mu Nian knew there was nothing wrong with this matter, and said, "Have you found the twenty-pound five-element crystal?"

Qiao Liang frowned: "Could it be that he came to our Yedumen, but he is a brat, and our Yedumen still need to be afraid of him? Just send him away, what you said is true , but I didn’t look for twenty catties of Five Elements Crystal, and I won’t give it to him, if he comes to ask for it, I’ll go back and beat him to death!”

A murderous intent flashed in Qiao Liang's eyes.

Mu Nian shook his head again and again: "Qiao Liang, if you have this thought, you won't survive tomorrow, and even our Yedu Gate will be implicated by you."

Qiao Liang frowned and looked at Mu Nian.

Mu Nian said: "Do you know what happened in the past few days, the suzerain of the Gale Wind Sword Sect, and Elder Tan were killed by this person!"



"Is this true?!"

Qiao Liang suddenly raised his head, the first thing he didn't believe was.

When he and Ling Feng went down to the Devil's Cave together, although Ling Feng's strength was good, he could actually see that the strongest would not exceed the nine-star realm. Realm, Ba Jianji, this person, does not have the strength of the three-star peak, so don't even think about killing him.

He has improved so much in a month, he doesn't believe it at all.

He even wondered if it was the same person.

But in Mu Nian's cell phone video, the Ling Feng he saw was indeed the same person.

It's just a pity that no one dared to record the video of Ling Feng beheading Ba Jianji back then, otherwise Qiao Liang would be able to see this scene now.

"Whether you believe it or not, you will know when you go back!"

Mu Nian Road.

Qiao Liang didn't speak, and made several phone calls one after another, all of them were elders of the same sect, and finally, he also called the sect master.

There is no doubt about it.

Ling Feng still stayed at his Yedu gate waiting for him to go back.

After five days, he will kill his Yedumen disciples one by one every day.

"This this……"

Qiao Liang's legs and feet were trembling, and he couldn't stand still.

A strong man in the three-star heaven realm was waiting for him at the sect.

And he deceived Ling Feng, and the Five Elements Crystal couldn't be found either.

If I go back now...

Qiao Liang was dripping with cold sweat. He didn't dare to think that Yang He just used Ba Jiange to deal with him, and his cultivation was abolished later. If Yang Du hadn't pleaded for mercy, he might be dead now, and he, If you go back directly, you basically don't have to think about it, and you are afraid of dying.

Like a basin of cold water falling from the sky.

The joy of stepping into the eight-star realm disappeared without a trace.

Qiao Liang's eyes showed fear.

Yedumen, you can't go back!

Go back and it's over!Unless you find twenty catties of five element crystals, you will die.

"Mu Nian, you go back first. I'll go to Shanbei Province. When I find twenty catties of Five Elements Crystal, I'll come back tomorrow night."

Qiao Liang said.

Mu Nian frowned slightly.

Is it that easy to find the Five Elements Crystal? In fact, Ye Dumen is also looking for the Five Elements Crystal these days.

After they knew about Qiao Liang cheating Ling Feng, they knew that Qiao Liang basically wouldn't look for this thing. What I would like to see, after all, an elder is also the backbone of the sect, and cannot be lost, and even if Qiao Liang cannot be found, if they prepare twenty catties of Five Element Crystals, they can use this to persuade Ling Feng not to kill him A disciple of Yedumen.

It's a pity that the Five Elements Crystal is hard to find, and the sect has only found five catties so far, and twenty catties is still far from it.

"Can you find it in Shanbei Province?"

Mu Nian Road.

"Of course, a friend of mine is there, and he happens to have the Five Elements Crystal."

Qiao Liang said.

Mu Nian shook his head: "One day may not be enough, you'd better call him and ask him to send it to Yedu Gate, then you can trade at the same price."

Qiao Liang thought for a while, then called that friend, and the call was connected, but unfortunately, the friend's Five Elements Crystal had already been sold.

Qiao Liang's face turned pale, and he quickly asked his friend: "Brother Tian, ​​can the Five Elements Crystal be exchanged back? I'll pay you ten percent more than him."

Not knowing what was said on the other side of the phone, Qiao Liang hung up the phone with a gloomy face dripping blood.

A friend he knew, ten catties of Five Elements Crystal was exchanged for three middle-grade Yuandans. The middle-grade Yuandan had already been taken by his friend. He had the same price of pills, but the middle-grade Yuandan, he There is none, not even in the sect.

"Damn, how can this be good?"

Qiao Liang was angry and frightened.

Even if you get the ten catties of Five Elements Crystal, it's not enough.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something again, and made another phone call, it was still the friend surnamed Tian.

The two said a few words and hung up.

Qiao Liang breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's go."

In the early morning of the next day, Qiao Liang returned to Yedumen, Yunbei City.

As soon as he returned to Yedu Gate, Yang Du brought him to see Ling Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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