Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 299 Mountain North {4 more}

Chapter 299 Mountain North {fourth update}
On the agreed fifth day.

Ling Feng saw Qiao Liang.

Seeing this person again, Ling Feng smiled: "Should I call you Jia Liang, or Qiao Liang?"

Although Ling Feng was smiling, Qiao Liang felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet.

"Ling Feng, no, Master Ling, I didn't mean it, it was my fault at the time."

Qiao Liang knelt on the ground:

"I have already prepared the Five Elements Crystal. Here is five catties, and there are still fifteen catties. It will take a few days. I will definitely give it to Master Ling when the time comes."

Qiao Liang held an iron box, opened it, and there was a colorful stone inside, which was the Five Elements Crystal.

Ling Feng took the iron box and said: "At that time, I said that you had to give me twenty catties of five elements crystal within a month, but now it has been a month, and only five catties are given out. Besides, you actually lied to me. Me, this is the first time someone dared to lie to me Ling Feng, you are quite courageous."

After a pause, he continued: "Fifteen catties of Five Elements Crystal, how can you give it to me in a few days?"

Qiao Liang hurriedly said: "I have a friend in Yunnan Province who has five-element crystals of ten catties. In addition, I found out that they also have five-element crystals at Gaoshenghui in Yunnan Province! Master Ling, give me two days , I will definitely give you the remaining Five Elements Crystal, if you don’t believe me, we can go to Shanbei Province together.”

Qiao Liang smiled all over his face: "Master Ling, please give me another chance!"

While speaking, he hugged Ling Feng's thigh, and looked up baba.

Yang Du also said beside him: "Brother Lingfeng, Elder Qiao already has a clue about the Five Elements Crystal that Elder Qiao is looking for. Please give him a chance. He can even find thirty or even forty catties of Five Elements Crystal for you."

Qiao Liang nodded: "That's right, Master Ling, this time I've been foolish. In order to make up for my mistake, I doubled the amount and found forty catties of Five Elements Crystal for Master Ling. I just beg you to spare me this time."

Ling Feng smiled: "You find the Five Elements Crystal first, then I will wait for you for two more days, and find me the fifteen catties of the Five Elements Crystal first."

Qiao Liang was overjoyed: "Thank you, Master Ling, I'll do it right away, and within two days, I will deliver it."

Duo Xiaobao and Lan Qing were both on the side, but Duo Xiaobao said at this time: "Brother Feng, I think this person is very cunning, if he doesn't find the Five Elements Crystal this time, if he doesn't come back, then we Where to find him, I think we have to go with him, anyway, Shanbei Province is not too far away, they are all neighboring provinces."

Qiao Liang's complexion changed, he became a little stiff, and said with a smile: "Master Ling, I, Qiao Liang, am not this kind of person."

But I was cursing in my heart.

That's what he thought.

Facing Ling Feng really was even more terrifying.

If he went to Shanbei Province this time and couldn't find the Five Elements Crystal, he would never come back.

Even if Ling Feng troubled Yedumen, he would never come back.

Although Yedumen is his root, his own life is more important.

Ling Feng ignored him: "Then go to Yunnan Province to have a look."

What Duo Xiaobao said was not unreasonable.

Although he really wanted to slap this person to death right now, but he hadn't given him what he wanted, and this kind of thing of killing a chicken and picking its eggs couldn't be done at this moment.

Qiao Liang squeezed out a smile: "Everything is under Master Ling's orders."


That day, Ling Feng, Lan Qing, Duo Xiaobao, and Qiao Liang came towards Shanbei Province.

But before, something happened in Yunbei City, that is, Gu Shimen set foot on the Gale Wind Sword Sect, and after a while of persecution, Gale Wind Sword Sect contributed 80.00% of the resources in the sect's warehouse. Gu Shimen did not monopolize these resources. 60.00% went to Ling Feng.

Originally, Gu Shimen only planned to give 40.00% of these resources to Ling Feng, but at this moment, Yedumen stepped in, and under Yedumen's intervention, they had to give up 60.00%.

And his Ancient Stone Gate and Yedu Gate each have [-] percent.

Because of this matter, Gu Shimen and his son's lungs almost exploded.

After a hard trip, just like Yedumen, he only got [-]%.

But this matter is very realistic. Yedumen has already lost Yang He, and it is impossible for Yangdu to let Gushimen get more resources.

Most of these resources were earned by Duo Xiaobao for Ling Feng, and it showed that the little fat man still had some effect.

Some of these resources can also be used by Ling Feng, because there are several medicinal materials that are used to refine Tianyuan Pill.

As for other medicinal materials and the like, they can be used to refine Diyuan Pills, Healthy Pills, etc. He can't use them, but his subordinates can.

These resources, Ling Feng has arranged for Hei Lang to transport these resources back.


Shanbei Province.

When he entered East China Wuda, Ling Feng found out some major forces and situations in several major provinces and cities in East China. In this way, he was prepared, and he could act according to his ability when encountering martial arts practitioners from these forces.

The Gao Shenghui that Qiao Liang mentioned before is one of the two major forces in Shanbei City.

In addition to the Gaoshenghui, there is another force, the Mingxinhui.

These two associations are not weaker than the forces of Yedumen and Gushimen, among which there are more than one or two who are strong in the heavenly realm.

In the afternoon, a group of four arrived in Shanbei City.

Along the way, Qiao Liang's eyes flickered and he lowered his head, as if he was sending a message, waiting for something, but soon his face was relieved.

After getting out of the car, Qiao Liang said: "Master Ling, a friend of mine has already got the Five Elements Crystal, we can get it now."

Ling Feng nodded: "Address."

Qiao Liang gave an address, Ling Feng didn't have anything to fear, and the group drove to a private garden villa.

That's what Qiao Liang said.

Just as Ling Feng got out of the car, as soon as he moved his ears, he heard the sound of fighting.

The voice came from the garden villa in front of him.

And the voices that came out of it sounded vaguely familiar.

"What happened inside?"

Duo Xiaobao and the others also heard the sound of fighting inside.

Qiao Liang's face was a little ugly.

The door of the garden villa was opened, and the four of them saw the scene in front of them as soon as they entered.

The three fought against a fat middle-aged man, and the garden villa was in a mess everywhere, with broken trees, raised lawns, cracked concrete floors, and broken walls.

But the three who besieged the middle-aged man were a bit strange. One of the middle-aged men was nothing. There is a child, only about five or six years old, a fat one in green clothes, with a few sparse green hairs on top of his head, and a small red dress with braids, cute and bright eyes.

The strength of these two children is very tyrannical, already the strength of the eight-star realm, very terrifying.

It was Duo Xiaobao, Qiao Liang and the two gasped when they saw it.

They don't believe that there is such a talented strong man in this world, who is five or six years old and has an eight-star realm. What kind of concept is this?
Hard to believe.

(End of this chapter)

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