Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 382 Gray Wolf System {1 more}

Chapter 382 Canglang System {One More}
Facing Ling Feng's pressure.

Xue Kun used his lore means, and a phantom of a wolf almost became real, devouring towards Ling Feng.

This gray wolf seemed to be alive, whether it was power or strength, it gave people an invincible feeling.

"Mad Dragon Sword Art!"

With the sword in Ling Feng's hand, he slashed out with the sword aura like a dragon.

Chi!The wolf was split in two by a sword.

No matter how powerful Xue Kun was, he couldn't resist Ling Feng's sword.

"A middle-grade spirit sword!"

Xue Kun exclaimed.

Obviously, he didn't expect Ling Feng to have a middle-grade spirit sword, which can improve the strength of a martial artist by several levels.

What's more, the opponent's strength is already strong, and he hasn't transformed into a dragon yet.

Xue Kun felt the strength of the young man in front of him, and he was not easy to mess with.

"That's right, I'll use this mid-grade spirit sword to slash you today."

Ling Feng sneered.

The sword in his hand didn't stop, and he slashed out with a sword, as if he turned into dragons and rushed out.

At this moment, even if Xue Kun used the wolf hand, it would not help, and he soon fell into the disadvantaged and was beaten by Ling Feng.

Moreover, as soon as the Canglang hand was used, it basically proved that he was the "Canglang" Xue Kun on the most wanted list in martial arts.

The faces of all the elders and disciples of Songmen changed slightly.

Obviously these people don't know Xue Kun's identity either.

His sect master was actually a wanted criminal in martial arts.

"A wolf hand can't prove that the door owner is a wanted criminal."

Some Songmen disciples argued.

But no matter what they say, they all know that their sect master may be in danger today.


Xue Kun's face was ugly.

He was cornered again.

Who would have thought that he hid so deeply that he was actually investigated by people from Skynet.

Especially facing Ling Feng now, there is a deep sense of crisis.

He can't die here today.


Xue Kun roared angrily, and the next moment, the whole body had turned into a tall wolf, a living wolf.

Everyone in Songmen was startled.

What kind of method is this? In the past, it was only rumored that the "blue wolf" Xue Kun could transform the wolf. He thought it was just a legend, and spread rumors. Who would have thought that it was true.

This time, the people of the Song Sect were sure that their sect master, Shen Kun, was "Canglang" Xue Kun.

After Xue Kun turned into a wolf, he didn't make a direct move, but fled away in a flash.

It's a pity that, just as he moved, Ling Feng had already stopped him.

"Xue Kun, you can't leave today."

Ling Feng didn't even think about it, boom boom boom!A sword strikes out.

Sword energy fell like raindrops.

Ling Feng's dragon aura is powerful, and only he can chop out so much sword aura without stopping.

Under the repeated bombardment of sword energy, Xue Kun dodged very nimbly, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"It seems that it will be very difficult to subdue him today without transforming into a dragon."

Ling Feng thought for a moment, and the next moment, Yin!

The Shenlong, which is more than 30 meters long, faces a wolf.

The dragon tail was pulled out with one blow, and at the same time, ice arrows condensed out of thin air and greeted Xue Kun.

After transforming into a dragon, Ling Feng's strength was more than doubled, and he was also more flexible.

Although Xue Kun is powerful, how can he compare to him?

The wolf claws hit a few ice arrows, but they couldn't avoid the tail of the dragon, and Xue Kun flew out like a scarecrow. Before he could stand still, the dragon's tail pulled down again.

Xue Kun's wolf body is very hard, under Ling Feng's attack, even now it has not been broken.

However, Ling Feng no longer cares.

Xue Kun was slapped like a rubber ball, and he was already dizzy after being slapped.

"Ling Feng, you let me go, I will give you Songmen."

Xue Kun breathed a sigh of relief and shouted.

If this continues, he will die.

"Let you go?"

Ling Feng smiled: "If I kill you, Songmen is also mine."

Ling Feng's subordinates were merciless, under his continuous bombardment, it was no longer possible, bang!It fell to the ground so hard that it was difficult to move.

Ling Feng fell in front of him, looking down at Xue Kun, a cruel light flashed in his eyes.

"No, no no!"

Xue Kun moved back step by step.

It's a pity that Ling Feng opened his bloody mouth and swallowed Xue Kun in one gulp.

"Drip! Remind the host that the dragon energy value is 112202235, and the evolution condition has been reached. Do you want to evolve?"


"Evolving... Evolving successfully, the host is already a ninth-level mad dragon!"

Ninth level mad dragon.

After devouring Xue Kun, Ling Feng evolved again.

Xue Kun watched helplessly as the wolf system in his body was logged off, powerless.

At the moment before he died, he finally understood that even having a system is not invincible.

At this moment, Ling Fenglong's body has risen to about 43 meters, and a wave of coercion emanates, making people palpitating.

All the elders and disciples of the Song Sect watched helplessly as their sect master was killed, but they did not dare to act, the gap was too great.

Ling Feng didn't care about this, he turned into a human being.

A happy smile appeared on his face.

It's a level nine wild dragon. Feeling the mighty dragon energy in his body, he feels that even a superhuman might be able to deal with it now.

Nine-Star Heaven Realm and Transcendent Realm are a bigger threshold.

According to normal principles, there, no matter how strong the talent is, the martial cultivators of the nine-star heaven realm are not the opponents of the superpowers. In the final analysis, a martial artist in the heavenly realm is still a mortal body.

But Ling Feng is different, he has the Dragon God system, he cultivates Shenlongbian, and his body has undergone incredible changes. From the evolution of the mad dragon to the raptor, there is no such big change as other martial artists, or the changes are also great, but Relatively speaking, it is not so obvious.

For example, after evolving to a raptor, he can fly even without transforming into a dragon, but he already has this ability to transform into a dragon instantly, so there is not much difference.

He was thinking about this in his heart, but his eyes fell on the elders and disciples of Songmen.

"Student Ling, Director Tang, we don't know that the sect master is a wanted criminal in martial arts, but it has nothing to do with us."

An elder spoke quickly.

Others followed suit.

"Hmph, I don't believe Xue Kun has been hiding for such a long time, and you haven't noticed anything."

Ling Feng snorted coldly:
"Now take me to the treasure house to see Xue Kun's dirt."


Several elders hesitated.


Ling Feng's eyes turned cold.

"Yes, yes, I will take you there!"

Several elders were shocked and said.

Ling Feng and Tang Hongxue followed to Songmen's treasure house.

There are quite a few good things in the treasury. There are hundreds of materials for refining Tianyuan Dan, as well as other medicinal materials and ores. He also found about ten catties of meteorite gold. The aura of pure gold is around [-] points.

Turning around in the treasure house, Ling Feng had a thought, and he was not polite at all, and put all the useful things in it into the Dragon Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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