Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 383 Recruiting {2 more}

Chapter 383 Recall {Second Update}
Not 1 minutes.

The entire treasury is already empty.

"This this……"

Several high-ranking elders of the Songmen were stunned, their faces stunned.

Such a treasure house of natural materials and earthly treasures is gone.

This is simply robbery!

But they also understood that Ling Feng had space equipment, which was the rarest treasure.

"Ling Feng, you actually have space equipment."

Tang Hongxue said in surprise.

Ling Feng smiled: "After going out, the things in the treasure house will be distributed to you."

The strength of strength gave Ling Feng confidence, and he didn't deliberately hide some secrets.

Tang Hongxue nodded with a smile.

Although the elders of the Songmen saw their flesh hurting to death, they still sent Ling Feng and the two of them away respectfully with smiles on their faces.

On the road.

Ling Feng asked Hongxue to find a place to share some of the things in the treasure house with her.

"Skynet is inconvenient, come to my house."

Tang Hongxue hesitated for a moment, then said.

After saying this, a blush flew across his face.

Ling Feng froze for a moment, looked at Tang Hongxue, and was momentarily stunned.

Tang Hongxue ignored him and walked to the front.

Only then did Ling Feng react, and hurriedly followed.

The place where Tang Hongxue lives now is actually not too far from Tobu, in a villa with a sea view.

Ling Feng followed to Hongxue's house.

I don't know why, but as soon as he entered the door, he remembered the first time he and Hongxue happened in Wuyin Mountain Villa.

In the blink of an eye, almost a year later, the strength of the two of them has undergone earth-shattering changes, and their relationship has become closer than before.

"It's all in there."

With a thought in Ling Feng's mind, the Dragon Palace appeared in front of him. Under Tang Hongxue's astonished gaze, the Dragon Palace grew in size and became an indoor hut, the golden emperor's.

Tang Hongxue followed into the Dragon Palace.

Although the Dragon Palace looks small on the outside, it is very vast on the inside.

A treasure house of good things obtained from Songmen are all put together intact.

Tang Hongxue was not in a hurry, wandering around in the Dragon Palace: "Ling Feng, I never expected that you still have such a treasure."

There was a faint smile on her face.

Knowing that this is Ling Feng's biggest secret, but telling her, she didn't avoid it, which made her very happy. On the contrary, those natural talents and earth treasures came second.

Like now, the strength of the two of them is almost reaching the peak of the heavenly realm, and ordinary natural materials and earthly treasures are almost useless to them, unless some extremely special treasures.


In the afternoon, Ling Feng left Tang Hongxue's house.

After devouring Xue Kun, Ling Feng no longer went to the sea to devour sea beasts to improve his strength.

He was about to take revenge.

"Zhou family, this time, I will destroy all of you."

Ling Feng took out his mobile phone and made calls one after another.

noon the next day.

A hidden place three kilometers away from Zhou's house.

A group of figures appeared.

Ling Feng, Tang Hongxue, Qian Ling'er, Lan Qing, Ling Xiaoxia, Ling Xiaojie, Ling Wugui, Hei Lang, Wang Meng, Wu Yuan, Wang Yang.

Except for Ling Feng, none of the ten members of Tang Hongxue were in the Heaven Realm, especially Tang Hongxue and Qian Ling'er, both of whom were already in the high ranks of the Heaven Realm. This kind of power, even the strongest Azure Dragon Gang in Jindu City, was nothing more than that.

This time when he stepped into Zhou's house, Ling Feng even recruited his own people back.

Although, he is not afraid of the Zhou family alone, but this time he will do everything he can to prevent any martial artist from the Zhou family from escaping. In addition, Zhou Ziyang is the president of the student union after all, and he may also bring the Zhou family with him. It would be very troublesome to have some members of the student union, but now that Qian Ling'er is there, Hongxue and the others will be fine.

Originally, the student union was also very strong, but Zhou Zihao, Gui Dongxiao, and Duan Renjun were killed by him, and Zhang Jianfei was scared by him. These few backbones did not exist. In fact, apart from Zhou Ziyang, the student union has already lost more than half the power of.

Today, facing the Zhou family, the result is obvious.

What's more, apart from the ten Qian Ling'er members, there are also other members of the Dragon Group and Dragon Palace, especially the Dragon Palace Xia Yi, Xie Yi, and Gui Yi, who have all been promoted to the two-star heaven by him.

Ling Xiaoxia, Ling Xiaojie, and Ling Wugui were promoted to five-star celestial realm by him, Hei Lang and Wang Yang were promoted to four-star celestial realm by him, and Wang Meng and Wu Yuan were two three-star celestial realms. The pure gold brought back at one time gave them a corresponding increase in strength.

Less than forty catties of fine gold, this is the fine gold that Hei Lang and the others went out to look for during this time.

As for Lan Qing, she has a body of heavenly fragrance, her own cultivation level has been improved quickly, and she has unlimited potential in the future, Ling Feng will not let her grow.

Such a force is simply invincible.

"Ling Xiaojie, Ling Wugui, the two of you, led by Ling Xiaoxia, lead your subordinates to surround the Zhou family compound!"

"Wang Meng, Wu Yuan, Wang Yang, Hei Lang, the four of you, each lead your subordinates, capture all the martial practitioners from the Zhou family outside, and kill all the rebels."

Ling Feng ordered to go down.

When the situation of the Zhou family came back from Tang Hongxue's house yesterday, he had already arranged for Hongxue to investigate it clearly, and he only needed to act today.

The four of Wang Meng were murderous and took orders to go.

This was the first time that the team leader had actually assigned them a task, and each of them was determined to complete this task beautifully.


Ling Feng led Qian Ling'er, Tang Hongxue, Lan Qing, and Ling Xiaojie to the Zhou family compound.

It took less than 5 minutes to arrive outside the Zhou family compound.

Ling Xiaoxia, Ling Xiaojie, and Ling Wugui led the people to disperse, swish, swish, and surrounded the Zhou family.

And Ling Feng, Qian Ling'er, Tang Hongxue, and Lan Qing walked towards the gate of Zhou's compound.

The disciple of the Zhou family, who was guarding the gate, saw that the visitor seemed to be in a bad mood, and was about to speak, when Lan Qing's figure flashed, bang bang!With a scream, the two Zhou family members who were guarding the gate had been abolished.

The four of them walked straight into the Zhou family's compound.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another, figures rushed over.


"Go wild at my Zhou's house, are you courting death?"

A person from the Zhou family appeared, but unfortunately, those who approached were all abolished by Ling Feng and four people, so there was no one-on-one enemy.

"Ling Feng, it's you!"

Suddenly, there was a loud roar.

It was Zhou Zijie from the Zhou family who rushed over when he heard the movement, and his expression changed drastically the moment he saw Ling Feng.

He never expected that it was Ling Feng who actually set foot on Zhou's house at this time.

The other Zhou family members also felt Ling Feng's strength at this moment, and no one dared to step forward, but surrounded the four of them.

"Zhou Zijie, it's good that you are here."

When Ling Feng saw Zhou Zijie, a smile appeared on his face:
"Perhaps you know why I came here. Today, I am here to take revenge. Your Jindu Zhou family is doomed to perish today."

"What a big breath!"

At this moment, several figures came over again.

The people who appeared were either middle-aged or old. They had powerful auras, and they were all powerful in the heavenly realm.

It was the head of the Zhou family and other high-level people who came.

The Patriarch of the Zhou family, Zhou Jiankong, and Zhou Jianjun are both there.

"You are Ling Feng, who killed my son?"

When Zhou Jianjun saw Ling Feng, a cold light appeared in his eyes, full of murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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