Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 384 Zhou Ziyang Returns {1 More}

Chapter 384 Zhou Ziyang Returns {One More}
Zhou Jianjun looked at Ling Feng with a murderous look and questioned him, but he didn't step forward to make a move.

The name Ling Feng has spread throughout the Zhou family during this period of time.

Killed his son Zhou Zihao.

It is said that the reason for this was because the Zhou family used tricks to annex Ling Feng's mother's company, which caused him to fall into the river and almost died.

Unexpectedly, there was a comeback this time, and within a short period of time, Zhou Zihao of the Eight-Star Heaven Realm was also killed.

"Yes, I killed your son."

Ling Feng laughed and said:

"Not only will I kill Zhou Zihao, but none of the Zhou family will escape today!"

"Arrogant, bold!"

Everyone in the Zhou family was furious.

But no one dared to take a step forward.

Among these people, Ling Feng had already seen that the Patriarch of the Zhou family, Zhou Jiankong, was the most powerful, an eight-star heavenly realm, but this was of no use, obviously, Zhou Jiankong himself knew it.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant, what happened back then is over, aren't you still fine now?"

Zhou Jiankong calmed down at this moment:
"And, if you do it, my son Yang will never let you go."

"That's right, once Ziyang comes back, you won't be able to eat and walk around."

"Apologize quickly now, repent to yourself, and spare you not to die."

The Zhou family shouted one after another.

Zhou Ziyang is the amulet of the Zhou family. An extraordinary powerhouse is in charge, so that no one dares to provoke him.

Including Ling Feng in front of him.

"I know you guys are stalling for time, you should inform Zhou Ziyang now."

Ling Feng had a smile in his eyes:

"It's just right, then I won't do anything to you now. When Zhou Ziyang comes, I will show you how I killed him, this extraordinary."


"You are looking for death, when Zi Yang comes, you will be dead!"

An old Zhou family shouted.


Ling Feng snorted coldly.

He was about to strike, but Tang Hongxue had already moved. When he got in front of this elder, he couldn't hide. When he was hit by two palms, a four-star celestial realm martial artist was instantly crippled.

"There's a lot to talk about, just wait!"

Tang Hongxue stepped back.

The faces of the Zhou family all changed.

"You, you ruined my cultivation!"

The elder who had just yelled loudly had a pale expression on his face.

Zhou Jiankong's face darkened: "Tang Hongxue, you seem to be the director of Jindu Skynet. This matter has nothing to do with you, right? How can you abolish my Zhou family?"

Tang Hongxue said lightly, "I don't represent Skynet today, I'm here in my personal capacity."

The death of a heavenly realm elder from the Zhou family shocked the Zhou family, and no one dared to speak out.

Now we just wait for Zhou Ziyang to come back, then the young man in front of him will be nothing.

In their view, Ling Feng is definitely not Zhou Ziyang's opponent.

However, Ling Feng really didn't attack them, which still surprised some Zhou family members. How confident is this person in front of him?

Soon, they discovered that outside the Zhou family compound, they were already surrounded by people.

This made them even more discolored.

Not only that, as time went by, all the Zhou family members who were running their own business outside the Zhou family were arrested.

"Patriarch, save us!"

Hei Lang, Wang Meng and the others escorted the members of the Zhou family back.

Looking at these people again, they were all martial practitioners, but now, all of them have been abolished and collapsed on the ground.


Zhou Jiankong looked at Ling Feng and his party in shock and anger.

Come prepared.

These people in front of them definitely came prepared.

Zhou Jiankong had a vague feeling of something bad in his heart.

The two parties were stalemate.

The faces of the Zhou family also began to look bad. The people who came were very powerful, not only Ling Feng, but also Qian Ling'er, Lan Qing, and Hei Lang, all of them had a very strong aura.

Zhou Jiankong took a look, he was not much weaker than their Zhou family, not counting the people surrounded outside.

"Very good, very good, I don't come to look for you, but you have come to my house!"

Just then, a voice came.

A young man fell from the sky and landed in front of Zhou Jiankong.

Hearing this voice, the Zhou family was overjoyed.

Zhou Ziyang, the strongest member of their Zhou family, is back, and there is nothing to be afraid of if an extraordinary expert is here.

"Zi Yang, you're back!"

Seeing his son, Zhou Jiankong also breathed a sigh of relief.

With his son here, he can rest assured.

"Zi Yang, you have to avenge your fifth uncle, this bitch has abolished my cultivation, I want her to die!"

A long-haired man who had been crippled by Tang Hongxue said in a tone full of resentment.

Not only this elder, but also those who were brought back by Hei Lang, Wang Meng and other dragon groups, they all howled and begged Zhou Ziyang to avenge them.

These people are the backbone of the Zhou family at the grassroots level. Now that their cultivation has been abolished, the feeling is really uncomfortable.

Zhou Ziyang glanced at the Zhou family, his eyes gradually turned cold.

Obviously, Zhou Ziyang was also angry.

Laughing angrily, staring at Ling Feng: "Very well, there are some forces, and they are going to destroy my Zhou family? Then no wonder I, today, you are going to die here."

Zhou Ziyang seemed to think of something when he said the latter, but a smile appeared on his face.

"If you attack my Zhou family yourself, then if I kill you, Feng Baiyun will have nothing to say."

Ling Feng also smiled: "Don't worry, I've said it here, if you have the ability to kill me, the mentor will not trouble you, similarly, if I kill you, Zhou Ziyang, your mentor will have nothing to say."

Ling Feng said slowly: "I have been waiting for this day for almost four years. You thought I was just a small person who annexed my mother's company and forced me to jump into the river. Unexpectedly, now that I am back, my strength is already earth-shattering." , How your Zhou family treated me in the past, today, I will treat you all."

Zhou Ziyang smiled: "Really? I really didn't expect that an unknown person would have such strength now. However, that's nothing. There are many geniuses these days, but they survived." Not many."

Then he said: "Gui Dongxiao, you killed Duan Renjun, but you killed several people in my student union. If you don't die today, it's too much for heaven."

The deaths of these two people, when Ling Feng killed them, there were also martial practitioners nearby, so it was not surprising that they were seen.

Ling Feng laughed and said: "They are looking for death on their own, so they can only be fulfilled. Moreover, don't worry, I will send you to reunite with them later."

"So much confidence."

"In this case, let's see the real chapter under my hand."

Zhou Ziyang snorted suddenly.


Not knowing how Zhou Ziyang moved, he came up to Ling Feng and struck out with his palm.

With palm strength hesitant, it fell fiercely towards Ling Feng.

This palm strength is very condensed, like a bottle of gas compressed into a solid body the size of a needle tip. The power of a single blow does not contain much true energy, but it can explode with terrifying power.

This palm is no small matter.

(End of this chapter)

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