Black-bellied god, come to PK!

Chapter 103 Happy New Year

Chapter 103
Sheng Qianyu has always been very confident in her computer, but when she was riding in a sedan chair, she felt for the first time what a game card is.

There are densely packed players all around, and their shadows overlap, making it impossible to find out who they know.

For the first time, Sheng Qianyu was forced to block non-team players, and the game screen became smoother.

The wedding candy was sprinkled every once in a while, Sheng Qianyu only heard the sound of the wedding candy being sprinkled every time, and then saw nothing, the wedding candy on the ground was gone.

The system has been prompting XX players to pick up Jingming and Wuying wedding candies, and when they opened it, they found how much gold was in it, all of which were in the thousands or thousands.

"Oh my god, I really want to open a trumpet to pick up wedding candies." Sheng Qianyu couldn't help but said.

Pei Jinghong tilted her head, leaned on Sheng Qianyu's shoulder, and looked at Sheng Qianyu: "Then let's scatter lilies again tomorrow? You open a trumpet to pick them up?"

"Are you stupid?" Sheng Qianyu pushed him amusedly, "What's the use of using a trumpet to snatch Lily?"

"Happy, as long as you're happy, it doesn't matter if you're stupid or not." Pei Jinghong's brows were full of smiles.

Sheng Qianyu glared at him, but his heart was filled with unspeakable happiness.

The game and reality are both with the same person, and that feeling is really blissful.

Sheng Qianyu never expected that he would encounter such a romantic love story.

Although she doesn't know what the future holds, at least at this moment, she really feels lucky.

"Qianqian." Pei Jinghong called her softly.

"Huh?" Sheng Qianyu responded, "What's wrong?"

As she spoke, she looked sideways.

As a result, he just turned his head and kissed Pei Jinghong.

She stared at the handsome face with wide eyes, and the touch from her lips made her blush and her heart beat.

Pei Jinghong closed his eyes, and gently touched Sheng Qianyu's pink lips. It was still a familiar taste, which made people feel attached.

At first, Sheng Qianyu didn't respond at all as if petrified. Later, under Pei Jinghong's slow guidance, he began to respond jerky.

Pei Jinghong was ecstatic, and deepened the kiss, as if wanting to get back all the thoughts of these years, plundering wildly.

After a long time, Pei Jinghong was panting, and reluctantly left the lips that made him nostalgic.I'm afraid that if this continues, he won't be able to control himself and eat up Sheng Qianyu.

After finally catching up with his heart, Pei Jinghong didn't dare to be abrupt, for fear of scaring people away.

Sheng Qianyu's face was flushed, he didn't dare to look at Pei Jinghong, and looked at the game window in a panic.

But what happened in the game, she really didn't see it at all, her mind was full of the passionate and long kiss just now.

"Qianqian, are you shy?" Pei Jinghong looked at her, deliberately teasing her.

Shy and annoyed, Sheng Qianyu grabbed the pillow behind him and knocked it on his head: "You're a good boy!"

"I was wrong, I knelt down on the durian." Pei Jinghong immediately begged for mercy.

After such a fight, the blush on Sheng Qianyu's face faded a lot, she raised her pillow and hummed: "Next time do this again, see if I don't beat you to death."

"I obey my wife, I promise not." Pei Jinghong immediately promised solemnly.

"Who is your wife, shameless." Sheng Qianyu duplicity.

"Here, take a look." Pei Jinghong clicked on the relatives and friends in the friend list, clicked on the marriage certificate in the husband and wife column, and pointed it to Sheng Qianyu: "The marriage certificate is here, what are you not a wife?"

Sheng Qianyu looked over, and felt for the first time that Dahuang's marriage certificate was so beautiful, and the names of the bride and groom were the best she had ever seen.

The two were tired of reality, the pair of sprites in the game had already reached the end of the sedan chair, standing there motionless, they were going crazy.

[Power] Elegy: (beating the ground and crying) Boss, please don't get stuck and disappear. I didn't grab a wedding candy just now, so there were so many people that I got stuck and got disconnected.

[Influence] Tao Zhiyaoyao: (beating the ground and crying) Upstairs +10086, I am also disconnected, and there is a queue to go online, the marriage of the boss and his sister-in-law is really a sensation in the whole server.

[Power] Burning its glory: Don't panic, my wife. Your husband and I have a powerful computer. I opened three trumpets and grabbed 5 wedding candies with a total of more than 1 gold.

[Faction] Panda Cat: It means grabbing two, 6000 gold.

[Influence] Dandan: Only one with 3000 gold was grabbed.

[Power] Mei Mei: (thumping the ground and laughing) Guess how many I grabbed?

[Power] [Shangshu] Obsession: Damn it, the one who plays sprites is indeed single for 30 years, and his hands are so fast! (beating the ground and crying) The boss quickly sent Lily to comfort the wounded heart, but he didn't get one.

[Power] Yu Linling: (thumping the ground and laughing) Upstairs, are you handicapped?Dad got two wedding candies, but you didn't get any of them?
[Power] Charm: (blushing) I grabbed 3 of them, 9800 gold, hahaha.Boss begs to scatter lilies!

【Power】Point: No dividends upstairs, no blood bonus after you wait!Boss begs to scatter lilies!

[Power] [Shangshu] Three hundred thoughts with pulse: Facts have proved that those who play sprites well are all hand speed parties.Jingming, don't get bored, move on to the next step.


There are a lot of online players in ten steps and one kill, and those trumpets in foreign servers all beg Jingming's lilies to be scattered where everyone can pick them up.

"What kind of homeland are you?" Sheng Qianyu asked Jing Ming.

"I don't know, I haven't made a home before." Jing Ming is not interested in these things, and will not study them at all.

"Then Lily will send it to my home." Jiangnan's home, which is the system's default, has never placed anything, and it is still very empty.

Sheng Qianyu sent a message to the group of online friends on the friend list: (waving handkerchief) Friends, come to my homeland to grab lilies.

A series of congratulatory messages popped up, and Sheng Qianyu didn't even have time to read them one by one.

Then Sheng Qianyu received a lot of friend applications, everyone guessed that they went to their hometown to spread lilies, and they all wanted to add friends and continue to grab.

Pei Jinghong has already said that Lily is for good friends and influential people, so of course no strangers will be allowed to come.

[Power] Fog Shadow: If you don't have any friends of mine, call 1 and I'll add you.

In order to avoid being fished in troubled waters, this is the best way.

After adding powerful friends, Sheng Qianyu pointed at the screen and taught Jing Ming how to apply for a century-old relationship.

[System] Jingming and Wuying have prepared a 99999j hundred-year good cooperation red envelope, which will be opened in 3 minutes.

Then the two of them teleported to Wuying's home, where people were already jumping up and down, waiting for the two to scatter lilies, it was extremely lively.

A hundred years of harmony is opened after 3 minutes of application to the system.

[Power] Fog Shadow: Come on everyone, the three super red envelopes are 17 diamonds.

Ten steps and one kill was boiling, and I was so excited that I screamed: This is the first time someone gets a red envelope of 17 diamonds when they get married.

After the lily is turned on, 30 bouquets of happy lilies will be refreshed every 10 seconds near the couple. Players can get red envelopes if they grab them and use them on the newlyweds.

Soon, the system found out that someone grabbed the [Flying Belt] from the crowd when Jing Ming and Wu Ying were newly married, and congratulated the couple happily.

The world of passers-by players: Fuck you, a real local tyrant, sprinkle 17 diamond lilies.

 It suddenly occurred to me that the upper limit of game gold coins for one account is 10 gold coins, and I will fix the BUG in the candy sprinkler later!
(End of this chapter)

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