Black-bellied god, come to PK!

Chapter 104 The Bald Alliance 1

Chapter 104 The Bald Alliance 1
Tsing Yi looked at those systems and gritted his teeth.

Why, she worked so hard to snatch Yun Zhishang over, but when she got married, Wu Ying took Jing Ming and smashed what she thought was a grand wedding!

Tsing Yi was furious, and for the first time in his life, he was so aggrieved that he wanted to kill someone.

All the limelight was taken away by Wuying, she was like a green leaf, bitterly setting off Wuying's happiness.

But no matter how unwilling she is, what Jingming gave to Wuying is the real prosperous wedding. Compared with Yun Zhishang, she is not worth mentioning at all.Moreover, that Jing Ming actually knew Wu Ying in reality!

This is what makes Tsing Yi the most dissatisfied.

"Honey, Wu Ying is really annoying." Tsing Yi took a deep breath, and said to Yun Zhishang in YY aggrievedly, "She must not be reconciled to intentionally hurting your face like this. Maybe those who are married The money was paid by her herself, and she directed and acted on the account of Jingming."

Han Lixuan didn't answer the words. If he was angry, he was ten thousand times more angry than Tsing Yi.

No man wants to see the woman he doesn't want live a better life than himself!Not to mention she is so happy.

He originally wanted Wuying to regret it, but Wuying brought his new love and smashed his place severely.

Han Lixuan couldn't tell what kind of anger he was in at this moment, he only knew that if he knew who Wuying was in reality, he would definitely not let her go!

"Honey, are you still there?" Seeing that Yun Zhishang hadn't spoken, Tsing Yi called him softly.

Only then did Han Lixuan recover from his anger, and said calmly, "What's wrong?"

"Honey, I'm really sad. Originally, you just wanted to make me happy, but now Wuying made no one happy. Husband, does Wuying really like you? Why don't you spend a lot of money on this? "

like?right!I must like it.Han Lixuan felt inexplicably better when he heard this word.

Wuying must still like him, otherwise why would he do this?Deliberately picking on him to marry Jing Ming when he got married, and letting Jing Ming declare his love to the world... All of this must have been planned, in order to save face.

Thinking of this, Han Lixuan became more gentle towards Tsing Yi: "No matter how troublesome she is, I don't see her in my eyes, and I only have you in my heart."


"Well, really."

"But I'm very angry that Fog Shadow stepped on us like this."

"Then how can you not be angry?"

Han Lixuan's mood improved, and he spoke to Tsing Yi patiently.

"She likes to be famous so much, we will ruin her reputation completely." Tsing Yi dropped viciously.

"What can ruin your reputation in the game? Changing your account is another good guy." Han Lixuan felt that Tsing Yi was ridiculous.

"Didn't she rush out with Jing Ming? Maybe they hooked up in reality before that. Don't you think that there is no silver 300 taels for what Jing Ming said? Husband, she is not a day or two. "


Sheng Qianyu didn't know what the pair of scumbags were planning. By the time the lilies were scattered, it was already [-]:[-].

"The wedding is finally over." Sheng Qianyu stretched, why is it so tiring to get married in a game?

"Then, it's time to fight." Pei Jinghong smiled lightly.

As soon as he was reminded, Sheng Qianyu remembered that today was a power battle on Saturday.

At [-]:[-], the war of influence is about to end.

She clicked on the map and saw that all the tables had been taken down by the All Heavens Alliance.

"Can I go to YY?" Pei Jinghong asked Sheng Qianyu for his opinion.

"It's okay, you can open it, I'll turn off the mic." Sheng Qianyu said, she and Pei Jinghong had just confirmed their relationship, and she didn't want so many people to know that they were sitting together playing games.

The players' brains are very big. If they know that the two are together, tomorrow the entire forum will be full of posts about the two of them, and the hostility will take this opportunity to blackmail them.

Falling in love is a matter between two people, Sheng Qianyu doesn't want to mix so many game grievances into it.

[Influence] [Influence Lord] Jing Ming: Join the group and go to YY, if you can't win those tables tonight, you hand over all the lilies and wedding candies you snatched (squint eyes)

The power channel, which was originally about how much gold was grabbed by swiping the screen, suddenly changed its style.

The beautiful boy and the obsession immediately organized a fight.

Pei Jinghong took Sheng Qianyu's microphone over, and directly opened the authority to direct the power battle on the microphone.

Ten Steps One Kill was stunned, this was the first time Jing Ming directed a fight in person!

There were people who played trumpets in the faction, Sheng Qianyu asked if anyone could play Bing Xin, but Baozi raised his hand and said he could.

Sheng Qianyu asked him to screenshot a QR code on YY's public screen, and put the number of the baby bottle on Baozi.

Players who kill every ten steps are very efficient. They immediately divided into teams and started to grab the table.

Jingming left with the main force, while Wuying teamed up with Dandan and the others to steal the platform.

In the war of forces, it is really painful to meet that kind of sprite with the best attributes and good operation.

Sheng Qianyu and the others were wretched, and when they encountered a crowded stage, Sheng Qianyu put on the self-destruct equipment, blew himself up directly from the air, and killed the big Bingxin who was guarding the stage, then resurrected on the spot and put on the attack equipment, and directly drank Shennong.

Adding the three panda cats, a large group of people were directly cleared by them, and then Qi Mei washed the table, and Sheng Qianyu and three guarded around.

Except for Fengmanlou and a good account in the forces of the All-Heaven Alliance, the others are all average. They can't be compared with ten-step one-kill, and there is no ten-step one-kill like Jing Ming. Few of the supplies responsible for the fight got up on the spot.

By the time they were organized, ten steps and one kill had already assigned people to block them on the road.

Half an hour later, the tables of Jiuli and Bashu were all washed down.

The reversal of the tide was astonishing.

Since Fengmanlou didn't sign up for the power battle, and the Alliance of All Heavens didn't have support, they couldn't fight ten steps and one kill at all.

Pei Jinghong's command was very powerful, and he completely caught the opponent by surprise. The group of war criminals who were killed in ten steps and one kill became red-eyed. Before the power war ended, only the ancient imperial tombs of the Central Plains and Dinghu were left.

The faction war ends at nine o'clock, but from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] is the time for the forces to counterattack.The defender can invite five alliance players to assist in the alliance. If the attacker destroys the defender's fairy stone, the attacker wins and occupies the sacrificial platform.

Pei Jinghong chuckled lightly in YY: "Today, we let the Alliance of All Heavens bald! Send Yun Zhishang a wedding gift."

[Power] [Shangshu] Obsession: Boss is mighty and domineering. It's been a long time since I've had such a good fight. I really hope they can invite Yun Zhishang to help later.

[Power] Panda cat: (twisting) Kneel down and beg for strength from the hostility.

[Power] Yu Linling: Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, the alliance of the heavens is fun with a bald head.

[Power] [Shangshu] Three hundred thoughts with pulse: (squint eyes) Why are you lazy and never order fights?
"Because I want to vent my anger on my wife today." Pei Jinghong looked at Sheng Qianyu tenderly.

 The second update is over, please recommend tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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