Plane Merchant

Chapter 311 Murphy's Predicament

Chapter 311 Murphy's Predicament

In the ruins on the outskirts of New York, a group of people wearing fire brigade clothes were searching for something in the ruins. Finally, with the help of instruments, they found a dark hole with the help of an excavator. The firefighters cheered, And immediately reported to their superiors.

Soon several other cars drove up, and Pete Morgan was on the list. The firefighters came to him respectfully and said: "Boss, we have found his laboratory, as long as there are still residual Things, we should be able to restore them."

Pete covered his mouth and nose with his hand, and quickly stirred with the other hand, trying to drive away the strange smell from the ruins. After coughing twice, he finally couldn't stand the smell and went back to the car, shaking the car Behind the window said: "Remember, find something and evacuate quickly, don't be found by your traces! I'll go first!"

Originally, he wanted to go inside to see it himself. He couldn't bear the smell of coughing. Let others do the dirty work.

After watching the car drive away, the firefighter in the lead waved his hand, and other people came in with all kinds of equipment. No one knew what danger was inside. Anyway, those people who came to look for Franken before were gone. , I think it's more ominous than good!
The exploration proceeded very quickly. With the efforts of many people, even the largest air-raid shelter was thoroughly inspected, so the warehouse that existed as a laboratory was discovered. After they entered, they used the powerful lights in their hands to find out, here is The place they were looking for.

"Great, guys, we found it, let's wait for the bounty from the boss!" The team leader stepped forward to check and found that the experimental materials were intact. It seems that the explosion and fire outside did not affect the underground, so I have to say Laomei's air-raid shelters are still relatively strong, and these can be taken back.

"Come on, take all these things out and put them in the car, remember to be careful, oh yes, there is also this host, I don't think there will be a small movie with hundreds of gigabytes in it! Take it back, the boss will be very happy Yes, hurry up, be careful not to touch it, hurry up! We are running out of time! Don't be found out!"

Under the urging of the leader, everyone quickened their pace, and soon everything in the laboratory was emptied. In order to destroy the traces, the leader poured a few barrels of gasoline before everyone left, and then lit a cigarette , threw the match on the gasoline, and watched the flames leave.

Murphy, who has been brought to the laboratory in Area 51, looked helplessly at the group of people in front of him. He had been in this sealed container for more than half an hour wearing a battle suit, and the group of guys outside kept asking him to do various things. All kinds of strange movements, he didn't understand what was the point of doing so.

And if you want the actual blueprint of the battle suit, you can ask Barden to give it to them. Why do you keep researching it on yourself, as for asking yourself to tell it?That's impossible, his manufacturing method is too special, and the subtleties are almost impossible to reproduce. If it is detected, how will he explain it?Could it be said that this was created by the people of the Time and Space Chamber of Commerce?It's not impossible to say that, but there will still be troubles.

In fact, Murphy didn't know that Mr. President had found Baden himself and obtained the information in Baden's hands. It was just that as a person who was hurt by the battle suit, he deliberately concealed a small part of extremely critical information. He is very clear about its power. If it is equipped with weapons and equipment, it will definitely be at the level of a big killer. Baden, whose body has been traumatized by violence, does not want to spread things like battle suits, so the government's research always fails.

Research has caused a large number of casualties, and every production will waste a lot of resources. The president is under great pressure, and the direction of the wind from Congress has changed. Some people have already indicated that they want to buy from outside, and the company that just bought is the same. Electric General with manufacturing technology.

It’s just that the president also put up a tenacious resistance. In his opinion, Baden also has the technology. As long as he can manufacture it himself, he can completely be controlled by others without relying on others. It’s just that the continuous failures have exhausted him. In order to imitate the one with magic, and then carry out large-scale manufacturing if it succeeds.

But what Murphy didn't expect was that after they got the data, they became very interested in the material of his steel suit. Without his consent, they just broke off a piece and used it for experiments. But at this time, Murphy couldn't use his own ability to snatch it back, so he could only watch helplessly as a piece of his clothes was ripped off.

A trace of anger ignited in Murphy's heart. This was by no means what they had agreed upon. It was obvious that they were not prepared to discuss it with him.

An angry Murphy came out and called the president: "Mr. President, shouldn't you discuss it with me when you take away my suit?"

"Murphy? What are you talking about? I don't know at all. I just asked them to study the parameters of your suit. You know that there are some problems in the manufacture of the suit! This can be regarded as contributing to the country. If there is something wrong with them Please bear with me, I will understand what you said, and I will give you an explanation later, so let's do it!" After hearing this, the president also felt that he should be cautious, so he quickly found out the truth.

It turned out that it was the selfishness of the researchers who wanted to study the composition of this material. When they learned that this material can improve the performance of various weapons and equipment, they finally decided to continue the research. As for Murphy, this time it was to offend him. This kind of material must also be researched, because the manufacturing research of the steel suit is guaranteed. As long as there is a breakthrough in the material, a steel suit may not be able to defeat those people from the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce at that time, but when the number is large enough To a certain extent?When your country has millions of steel warriors, what are you afraid of?
After thinking about it, the president still thought it would be better to call Murphy, so he picked up the phone at hand and dialed it.

"Hey, Murphy, I've already asked! It's just a simple research, and I'll send it back to you soon. I hope you don't mind. By the way, you recently went to see Mr. Baden about the blueprints. , It seems that there are some incomprehensible places, you can go and investigate." The president thought that giving him a job might make him forget these unpleasant things.

"Okay, I understand." Murphy hung up the phone directly after finishing speaking. He didn't expect such a result, and finally nothing happened.

Of course, it is impossible for him to turn against the government for such a thing. After waiting for the piece of armor, he put on the steel suit and flew away. He is going to see Baden. The information the president just said There is something missing, but the ones I got are complete, there must be some reason for this.

And Baden in New York is lying on a hospital bed at this time, his body is still unable to move, and he still needs to be recuperated. It would be great if he can recover quickly, but obviously he doesn't have Franken's genes.

Murphy was very fast, flying to New York in just half an hour, and soon he found Barden lying on the hospital bed.

"I didn't expect you to come to me! Why are they finally impatient?" Barden was not surprised when he saw Murphy, as if he had already prepared.

"You don't seem surprised. Do you know why I came to you?" Murphy looked at Barden curiously and said.

"After all, I have been the person in charge for more than ten years. I know more about it than you. They want the key technology so that the steel army can roam the earth, but how can I let such a thing happen? The state power There are too many greedy people here, I will not let such a weapon be in their hands!" Baden glanced at Murphy, then closed his eyes again.

"So you think I'm here to ask you for information? You should know that I built one, and I have obtained your information in Area 51. If they need it, they can get it there. I miss you Don't worry too much!" Murphy's words made Barden laugh.

"Do you think they asked you to come and visit me? I hope you can tell me what I said. The information on Area 51 is not complete. Although I don't know how you made the armor fit perfectly, but the material is enough. Let them be paralyzed, there are only two iron suits in this world! That's you and me, understand, I'll die and I won't say it when they know they won't get anything they need from me You have to be careful!" Baden looked at Murphy and said with a strange smile.

Baden's words made Murphy think of his own materials. He remembered that his materials were condensed from the void. The arrangement must be very unique. When they can't make them, they will definitely look for them. my own.

"I'll come to you later!" After Murphy finished speaking to Baden, he flew out immediately. He wanted to stop their research as soon as possible. If they succeeded, the steel army would take shape. Annoyed by them, the best way he could think of was not to let them study.

"Headquarters headquarters, this is the second radar. The target we are concerned about is flying to Nevada again. The speed is very fast. It seems that there is an urgent matter. What should we do?"

"Continue to monitor, and have someone prepare the magnetic cage, and wait for the order to kill with one blow!"

"Understood sir."

In Area 51, the researchers in the laboratory conducted various tests on Murphy's armor material, proving that its hardness, flexibility and activity have advantages that other materials do not have, and it even has Ability like malleability and resilience, like a living metal.

They are very happy, but the only thing that confuses them is that they can't reproduce such a material, and they can't even do a thorough research. They want to divide it, but they can't do it at all. Even under laser cutting, the metal will still return to one piece. The shape of the armor. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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