Plane Merchant

Chapter 312 Escape

Chapter 312 Escape

After returning the material to Murphy, they have been looking for something similar to that material to replace it, but such an excellent material, obviously they don't have it.

When they were scratching their heads and unable to think of a solution, a message came from someone outside that Murphy had returned from New York. After hearing the news, others didn't care, but the person in charge of material research rolled his eyes. Liang, thought of a way, that is to take off the entire armor of Murphy, and then slowly study it. As for why it is necessary to take off the whole armor, it is not enough if the power of the laser is increased. There is a loss, but it is also a loss for the sake of research!
So he immediately sent an electric spark to the president, hoping to catch Murphy, and then forcibly removed the armor. The president thought for a long time, and finally agreed to his request, and then issued an order like the one below. The magnetic cage is ready, if If Murphy is obedient, he will naturally not do anything to him. If he is not obedient, he can only take coercive measures. As for whether it will be known by the Space-time Chamber of Commerce, he can still hide it when he comes to Area 51. As for the future, when his After the Iron Man army came out first, he didn't need to think about what he explained. The land and resources of the alien plane would also be colonies of the United States, just like the massacre of Indians back then.

Murphy flew to Area 51 and immediately went to find those researchers. He wanted to destroy all those materials!No one can discover his secret.

"Hi, Murphy, didn't you go to see General Baden? Why did you come back so soon!" Baden's assistant greeted him easily, and then whispered the moment he approached: "Go quickly, They're going to get you!"

Then he left quickly, fearing that others would see him, and his words made Murphy vigilant. It seemed that he couldn't be nice today!
"Colonel Murphy, you shouldn't be here at this time!" A person who looked like a management stared at Murphy and said.

"Who are you? I don't need to report to you where I am! Get out of the way and I'm going to the laboratory!" Murphy sneered, then put down the helmet mask, the electronic eyes at the eye position lit up, scanning everything here, unexpectedly seeing To high-intensity energy fluctuations.

"You better stop, or I will arrest you for treason. If you resist, I will have people attack you, and even have the right to kill you. Think about it." The sharp warning did not scare Murphy, the more This proves that the more ghosts they have.

"Okay! Then shoot!" Murphy opened his hand indifferently, and then walked slowly towards him.

Forced by Murphy to take a few steps back, he seemed to feel ashamed, and immediately ordered: "Fire! Everyone fire, kill him!"

The soldiers hiding in the corner immediately opened fire with various weapons, all with heavy firepower, but when they hit Murphy's body, there was only a bang bang sound, and some bullets were bounced off, while others were It was slipped off, and it took at least tens of thousands of bullets in a few seconds, but it didn't cause any damage, but it irritated Murphy.

After a few minutes of intense firepower, everyone found that all this was in vain. There was nothing wrong with the steel suit, but it moved forward more and more.

"Have you played enough? Now it's my turn!" After speaking, his body flashed to the right, and a soldier with a sniper rifle was choked by his neck, his eyes turned white and he was about to die.

"Don't do this! Murphy, you have to remember that you are a soldier! You are a soldier of the United States of America, and you should not have the blood of your colleagues on your hands! They are just following orders!" The commander obviously wanted Mo Fee lets go of the soldiers.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Murphy let go of the soldier and let the soldier slump on the ground. He walked towards the commander step by step and said, "According to what you mean, if you attack me, I can't even resist? Now you know that I belong to the United States." Are you a soldier? How many guns did you have when you were about to catch me? How many bullets were there to kill me! Since you won’t let me live, I won’t let you have a good time either!”

After speaking, he stretched out his hand, and the laser transmitter on the palm was charged immediately, and then shot out. Fortunately, a soldier saved the life of the commander, and the wall behind was cut off by the horizontal laser.

"Back, back! This guy is crazy! Get out of this place, everyone!" The commander immediately withdrew, and the soldiers around him also retreated while shooting.

Murphy looked at the retreating soldiers and followed them. The flamethrower behind him suddenly pushed, and immediately grabbed the two soldiers behind him. He grabbed them casually and threw them to both sides. The two soldiers came close to the wall. After making an intimate contact, Murphy stopped looking at the person he had already thrown away, and instead walked towards the laboratory.

Apparently Murphy's intentions have been noticed by the person in charge of Area 51. All the gates along the way are closed and the defense systems are all activated. Gatling attacks wherever he goes. Fortunately, Murphy's armor is from an alien spaceship. Made of active materials, this power can't penetrate at all. Although the impact is still painful, it's just pain. He is no longer an ordinary person after taking the Seed of Time and Space.

Finally, after breaking through one steel gate after another, he came to his destination, the location of the laboratory, but what he encountered was an all-round defensive phalanx. Looking at the formation in front of him, Murphy endured the pain. He couldn't help but sneered.

"You think this few people can stop me?" Murphy's words made the commander on the opposite side laugh.

"Of course people like this can't stop you! But I don't need to stop you, you will stay! Magnetic cage, transform!" The magnetic field in the entire area changed, and Murphy felt his body was suppressed, and he couldn't even move. The armor is special because it is still metal, as long as it is metal, it will be controlled by the magnetic field.

"How about it! Mr. Iron Man, I hope you like our gift! Bind his armor! Then get him out!" After the commander said, someone stepped forward to execute it.

"Hey! What are you going to do? That thing is useless! It can't hurt my suit." Seeing Tom coming over with an oxygen welder, Murphy couldn't help but said, is this despising himself?To use this to deal with his battle uniform?
"Of course I know this is useless to your battle suit, I just want it to be useful to you! Burn it for me, turn the temperature to the maximum, and let's see how long he can endure. Do you come out by yourself, or I burn you Die inside, and then take the battle suit to study, you choose yourself!"

"Wait! Wait! You haven't got the complete information on the battle suit, I have it! I can just come out by myself, don't burn it!" Murphy thought for a while, and went out first. I can't trap him, just go out and find a way to get the armor back.

"Remove the magnetic cage and replace it with magnetic shackles!" The cautious commander naturally wouldn't let Murphy take advantage of it.

Murphy also gave up his last fight. Just now, he counterattacked at the moment he removed the magnetic cage, but he was seen through.

The battle suit was fixed, and the magnetic cage outside had been opened. Murphy felt that he could move again, but his limbs had been fixed, and he couldn't use any strength. He had no choice but to give up the battle suit.

Murphy opened the front of the suit, and pulled out from inside, leaving the suit on the wall. He was quickly dragged away, and he himself was pointed at by a gun.

"I don't like being pointed at by a gun! You'd better put it away!" Murphy said dissatisfiedly. Suo Ran's reaction speed was enough to avoid bullets, but he would be very uncomfortable being pointed at by a gun.

"Sorry, I am also following orders, please come with me now, just stay in the small room for a while, this is also considered to be serving the country, isn't it?" Pointing at the passageway with a gun, he signaled Murphy walked over.

Murphy had no intention of coming down to resist. He waited until night to discuss everything, and left here very cooperatively.

After Murphy left, the commander connected to the president's phone and reported: "Your Excellency, everything is going smoothly. Murphy has been controlled, and the suit has been taken for research!"

"Very well. As for the precautions, don't mistreat Mr. Murphy and tell them to speed up their research. I have a hunch that our time is running out."

"Yes, understand!" The commander hung up the phone.

After Murphy was arrested, he was locked in a small airtight house. Even the transom window was the kind where the arms could not be stretched out. It was almost impossible to escape. Of course, that was for others, but for Murphy. Saying don't is an understatement.

With just a simple manipulation, a big hole was opened in the wall, as if it was natural, and Murphy walked out calmly. Relying on the induction with his own armor, Murphy quickly found it.

After that, everything went smoothly. Murphy put on his own armor, like a newlywed after a long absence. Murphy swore that he would never give the enemy another chance.

What Murphy didn't expect was that the whole room was full of traps, and the alarm was triggered after all. The alarm from Area 51 rang through the entire base, and everyone got up immediately. The first thing the commander thought of was Murphy and the steel suit , after checking through the video, it was found that they were missing.

"Go and find me! Bring your magnetic weapon, immediately! Turn on the air defense system, shoot me down no matter what is in the sky, and never let Murphy escape, God! Why did it happen like this!"

He couldn't imagine what kind of harm would be caused if Murphy ran away in anger and went on a killing spree in the United States, and who would stop him?Does it depend on the Bright Tiger King?Please make it clear that these two people are together, and it is not certain who will help who when the time comes!

The most important thing is that Murphy stands behind the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce. Think about it, with the protective character of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, God knows what they will do. The last time it had nothing to do with the United States, it turned out that they paid for a military base. The price, so what about this time? (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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