Plane Merchant

Chapter 321 Destruction

Chapter 321 Destruction
People who have retreated have seen the first real magic blockbuster in their lives, which is much more powerful than the 3D effect. They saw Li Youran, who was holding half of the building, slowly descending from the sky, and all the attacks were actually attacking him. The speed became slower and slower, as if traveling through stagnant liquid, and stopped strangely a few meters away.

Li Youran stopped on the ground, looked at the bullets and shells around him and the dark red laser rays, and said sarcastically, "This is your method? It's so funny! I'll let you see what is real. Power! Go back to me!"

After speaking, he supported the building with one hand, and the other hand shook his backhand. The weapons around him all followed the trajectory when they came, and flew back. , is about to be destroyed! The best solution! Sacrifice ten robots to form an energy blast."

Pete, who was watching through the electronic eyes behind him, immediately issued an order: "Execute! Keep numbers three to ten, and the rest explode!"

After the plan was determined, several robots that were determined to perform the energy blast immediately stepped forward to block all the bullets and shells. When they stood in the best position, the energy core in the body was stimulated to the greatest extent, and finally completed the self-detonation , All the bullets were melted in an instant, and the vehicles and people in the distance were shocked and burned to varying degrees.

"Damn it, what kind of robot is this! You hit others when you hit others, why do you hurt civilians? Is this something made by our government? It doesn't care about our life or death!" A human who was injured by the shock finally After realizing it, he was a member of the parade against the Plane Chamber of Commerce just now, but when half of the building fell down, it was the people from the Plane Chamber of Commerce who rescued them. On the contrary, this is obviously a robot sent by the government, and there is no trace of it It is estimated that it has been wrecked since then.

Don't they know that there are many innocent people in the building?They are also US citizens!They are all taxpayers, are they now using taxpayers' money to build machines that kill taxpayers?

Seeing that the people around him were all injured, Clark couldn't sit still. He suppressed the feeling of a splitting headache, and once again cast the Holy Light Shield, and once again blessed everyone around him. This time, the area was faintly It has been extended by 300 meters, which is definitely a great progress. Of course, the headache is getting worse and worse, and it is estimated that it is impossible to perform magic!
"The next step is up to you, Ariel, don't be afraid, use your healing technique to treat those injured, we can't let people die here, otherwise it will have a very bad impact on the Time and Space God Cult! Go!" It was the last sentence Clark said before he fainted. Looking at the fainted Clark, Ariel thought he was dead, and she nodded fiercely with tears in her eyes, as if she had agreed to his words, and then looked at him with hatred in her eyes. A glance at the remaining eight robots in the sky.

"Everyone come here, send all the more seriously injured ones, I can treat them!" Ariel shouted loudly, but unfortunately her voice was still too low!His father yelled loudly when he heard it. At this moment, everyone was flustered. After hearing Wilder's voice, they all seemed to see hope, and began to gather where Ariel was sitting. At this moment, Wilder's organizational skills Got a great performance.

Under his arrangement, the person shining with golden light gave way to a passage, and the injured people were let in one by one, and then under Wilder's arrangement, they stood in the outer circle and became A line of defense. Fortunately, Clark's magical blessing will disappear completely after receiving a certain amount of attacks, rather than disappearing with the passage of time, so these people are safe before the golden light disappears.

They have already experienced the feeling of golden light body protection once, so they are not afraid at all, on the contrary, they are more active in saving people, because the golden light on their bodies will help them block everything.

Seeing the situation on the ground, Li Youran stared angrily at the robots on the opposite side, or at the people manipulating behind the robots, completely disregarding the lives of these people. If he finds them, he doesn't mind letting him have a taste of ecstasy The taste of bone erosion!It's been a long time since he used such a vicious method!

Li Youran put down the building with one hand, the ground was shaken violently, turned around to face the remaining robots, and was about to kill them directly.

And the robot in the sky obviously didn't have the order to sit still. Seeing that Li Youran still didn't forget to help those innocent civilians in the most dangerous time, Pete behind the computer screen smiled!I am not afraid that you are invincible, but I am afraid that you have no weaknesses!
"Give it to me, six to entangle him, don't use long-range weapons, melee combat, enter various genres of fighting skills to activate the fighting mode, as long as he has the intention to attack, the other two attack civilians to disturb his mind!" Pete said After finishing, the robot's chip was immediately loaded with the skills of various genres, and then the six robots drew out alloy swords and came forward to attack together.

It turned out to be an imitation of the sword array in Huaxia. The six swords complement each other, and several positions are locked. Li Youran looked at the robot with a drastically changed fighting style in front of him, and felt uncomfortable for a while. What is this for?From science fiction to martial arts?
"You want to fight? Then give it a try! Mo's Wushuang, the fist shakes the world." The Wushuang fist started, and after Alice's intensive training, Li Youran gained a new understanding of the Wushuang fist, and shook the world with one fist , directly sent the six robots flying.

It's just that the move that could crush a person's internal organs could not cause effective damage after encountering a warrior made of this high-strength alloy.

"Hmph, you don't know how to live or die! You think you are tough enough! Crush mountains and rivers with your punches." Li Youran brazenly launched the most powerful move he can use so far. This is the most powerful move in Wushuang Fist and Jianghu Chapter!As for the next world article!At present, he can't use that kind of power. Instead of using moves that can't exert his full strength, it is better to use the moves that he has already practiced.

As soon as Li Youran's moves appeared, his body became blurred, and in an instant, six Li Youran appeared and flew towards the six robots rushing over. Their fists met the alloy sword, and the fists attached to the energy were being transmitted. The alloy sword was shattered, and the power went along the robot's arm and entered their interior, destroying it wantonly.

When the robot collapsed layer by layer, Pete in front of the computer also discovered this situation. He didn't expect that the guy from the Space-time Chamber of Commerce was so powerful, so Pete decisively ordered the self-destruct before the chip of the robot was shattered. According to the order, he wants to blow up this guy to death. The explosion energy of the energy spar is definitely enough to destroy everything in the vicinity of 2000 meters. As for how many people will die, what does it matter to him?He is not the savior!

The robot's electronic eye point changed from red to dead gray, and the remaining two robots immediately flew into the air. They must leave here as soon as possible, and this place will immediately become ruins.

Li Youran also felt the huge energy in these six bodies. Once it bursts, it will definitely have a great impact on the surroundings. Look at the protected people below. Li Youran decided to save these people. Only human beings will be hurt. Although Li Youran is not a person with a strong sense of justice, he is not at the level of indifference when he kills others.

The six robots blew themselves up directly, and the powerful energy formed a powerful ring-shaped shock wave in an instant. All the buildings within a radius of 2000 meters were broken to varying degrees, and this was just the beginning.

Those people standing on the ground, the golden light on their bodies also became much dimmer in the impact. When the golden light completely disappeared, they would be killed in an instant, and the people behind them would also be lost. Seeing the situation getting worse It's getting worse and worse, at this moment Li Youran started it!Summoned the power of space to imprison!Split!Devour!

I only saw that the energy of the original impact was frozen in an instant, and then I saw a big mouth that suddenly opened in the sky, and finally swallowed all the energy of the explosion like sucking noodles. Finally, Li Youran waved away the devouring channel he had opened, guiding the energy into the outer space, and letting it wreak havoc in the outer space. Anyway, there is a lot of turbulence in the space, so it won't have any impact.

Just when the golden light on everyone disappeared, Li Youran finally finished all this. Looking at the desolation around her, Li Youran calmed down. It seems that he must find the guy behind the scenes as soon as possible, otherwise, these ordinary people Will be more seriously injured!
Looking at Pete below through the electronic eyes of the last two robots, he clapped his hands happily and said to the designer behind: "The robot you designed is awesome! He is the most perfect war machine I have ever seen. With him, I am completely I can dominate the world! Maybe I don’t have to cooperate with Mr. President! The power I have is enough for me to be king on earth!”

"You will not get what you want! Look at your plan, it has been completely ruined, that person is not harmed, he will find you! Then kill you! You devil, now I finally know why Baden is unwilling The plan is made public! There should be careerists like you!"

"Let's vent! I'll treat you as the last vent. I'm the only one who knows the technology. You, I don't need it anymore! It's a pity that your technology doesn't stop there, but there's no way, you can't be used by me If this is the case, go to hell! Number one! Kill him." Pete looked at the designer ironically, he must be very regretful that he died at the hands of the robot he designed!
(End of this chapter)

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