Plane Merchant

Chapter 322

Chapter 322

Just after Pete gave the order, No. [-] pulled out the alloy sword, held it up high, and then slashed down fiercely. The designer's face turned dead gray, and he muttered to himself: "I will Knowing this would be the case, it really shouldn’t be a robot. Baden is right. Machines are too rigid. Only humans can understand emotions. Machines’ own cold objects should never replace human autonomy. It turns out that I have always been wrong!"

Just when the long sword was about to cut off the designer's head, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on Pete's face, a red laser hit the alloy sword and was broken directly. Then, before Pete could react, The laser hit the robot's head again, causing the robot to fall down.

"Who! Who's outside? Get out! No. [-] went out to check and met a suspicious person!" Pete's reaction was quick, and he hid directly under the table, and then directed No. [-] to go out and attack the enemy.

Hearing the sound, the No. [-] robot flew out, and within three seconds, it flew back at a faster speed. The No. [-] robot, which had turned into a lump of iron, landed on the edge of the table, with an electronic eye bulging. The red light looked at Pete, and then gradually began to dim.

A man stood on the big hole in the wall, and Murphy stood there with his hands on his hips. He had wiped off the national flag on his battle suit, and now he was completely silver-white.

"Hello, Mr. Pete! I hope my arrival doesn't disturb you! But I have something to discuss with you, so please come out for a while! Of course I don't mind making a few holes in you." Murphy stood in the hole up, pointing to where Pete was.

"No! No!, I'm coming out! I'm coming out! Be careful, buddy, we don't have any grudges! Mr. Murphy, in fact, I'm going to ask Mr. President for favors and ask him to let you out!" Pete said in the situation When he was stronger than others, he could change his face much faster than turning the pages of a book, and Murphy could not help admiringly scolded a bitch in his heart.

"Really? Then tell me what these are?" Murphy pointed to the robot that had turned into a lump under Pete's feet.

"You said this? Oh, he made this! In fact, he brought these samples to me for investment. You know that Electric General has always been the largest weapon manufacturer in China, and it has nothing to do with me! ’ Pete said, pointing to the designer chained to the shelf.

"Haha, do you think what he said is true? If I can control these big guys, he should be dead by this time!" The designer laughed angrily, this person is his boss?I have served them for so many years, but in the end, I ended up being killed, and I have to take the blame.

"I don't feel like it either! Since you're not telling the truth! Then go to hell! I've been to the White House, that's not what they said! Where are those robots? Where did they go!" Murphy smashed all the barriers An obstacle on the road came to Pete's side and grabbed his collar and said.

After visiting the world of active metals, Murphy finally came out. He saw and recorded something in it, something extraordinary, and then with the help of active metals, he successfully escaped from Area 51. Surveillance, it is hard to imagine that the extension of this spaceship can be so long, and he was in Washington when he came out.

And at that time, the spokesperson just finished his speech, and when it was repeatedly played on TV, when he thought that the military master might go to war with the government because of his disappearance, the impatient Murphy didn't even think about it, so he just said Flew to the White House to question the president.

The result is naturally not very good. After suffering from the loss of the magnetic weapon, Murphy will not be fooled for the second time. All the soldiers and bodyguards nearby will be used by him to use his ability to turn the surrounding steel into I tied up the filaments, and then tied up everyone, one by one, let alone warning, without even moving a finger.

After learning that the idea was suggested by Pete Morgan and that a robot had been sent to confirm it, an angry Murphy smashed a wall of the White House and left angrily. After scanning around Washington, Finally found Pete's location, just saw that he was going to execute the designer, so he helped.

"No! Don't point it at me! I say, here they are! Here, there is no danger, your companions have taken care of everything! I am planning to leave here, all this is required by the government, and I There is no way, I am just a businessman, I am just selling things, but the customer asks for a trial, what can I do! These are all done at the request of the president. He said that the monopoly of the Dimensional Chamber of Commerce made him feel threatened, so To get rid of them, that's it, you should go to the President! Not embarrassing a vulnerable group like you."

Pete's brains turned sharply, and he immediately thought of a reason to excuse himself!Is it just that he is considered a vulnerable group?Where's Murphy?Does it count?Obviously not, in fact most of the time they are stronger than anyone else, but in front of Murphy, Pete is really weak now.

"Don't listen to him, this person is lying. I heard that he provoked all the things. The president was ready to give in to the Plane Chamber of Commerce, but when he provoked him, the president thought he had enough Use your strength to kill the Plane Chamber of Commerce, and then let him prove it!" Listening to Pete's sophistry, the designer realized that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to get rid of him.

"What do you have to say! What happened to the Plane Chamber of Commerce!" Murphy glanced at Pete, clenched his fists as if he was going to kill him if he didn't give him an explanation.

"Let me go first! I can control them to return immediately, and they won't hurt the Chamber of Commerce!"

After hearing this, Murphy let Pete go, but at this moment, the designer said: "Don't believe him, the building of the Plane Chamber of Commerce has collapsed because of this guy, and I don't know how many people have died! Just let him go!" Let go of the murderer!"

Pete wanted to kill him at this time, but it was a pity that he couldn't do it. Seeing Murphy approaching again, he immediately waved his hand and said, "Trust me, trust me if I have the ability to withdraw! I will give the order!"

Then he connected the dots on the 3D interface with his hands, and secretly glanced at the designer's feet from the corner of his eyes. There was No. [-] with a blown head! , and then launched a series of commands in his hand. It turns out that the chip of the robot was hidden behind the exciter unexpectedly by him, so that he could explode himself more quickly, and at the same time avoid accidental damage to the chip. Therefore, No. [-] actually Shang is not dead, just waiting for Pete's order.

The moment Pete issued the command, the rocket injector behind the robot was activated immediately, and reached the maximum speed in an instant. This instant change caught Murphy unexpectedly, and he defended in a hurry. As a result, Pete did not attack, but Let No. [-] catch him directly, and fly out from the hole.

Murphy, who was severely hit, also fell to the side, unable to prevent Pete from escaping, just watching Pete being taken away by the robot, and as he was leaving, Pete also said: "Hey, idiot, if If you don’t want him to die, save him! Hahahaha, I’ll go first!”

Before Murphy could understand Pete's words, he heard the designer say, "Run, the robot is going to explode! It's very powerful!"

"What? What robot?" Murphy was puzzled, as if he had run away just now.

"The idiot is the robot at your feet. Do you think he has been wiped out? It is equipped with a self-destruct system, and the power of the explosion can turn this place into dust! Run, leave me alone, I made it, I You deserve it." After the designer finished speaking, he closed his eyes and waited for death.

"Just such a guy? Don't worry, none of us will die! Steel field! Iron wall" Murphy immediately used his talent. The steel bars and metal elements in the wall in the air can only become one in a second. The egg shell protected the location of Murphy and the designer.

At the moment of formation, No. [-] exploded!In a villa in the suburbs of Washington, a mushroom cloud explosion unexpectedly formed, which made the people in Washington very disturbed. Of course, from the TV, New York is relatively miserable. This time, at least ten blocks were affected by the attack. Different degrees of damage, and in the institutional block near the plane building, the loss is even more impossible to estimate.

In the end, if Li Youran hadn't turned the tide and absorbed all the blast energy into outer space, I'm afraid that block would have been turned into ruins. Fortunately, there were no deaths, and most of them were seriously injured. With the Holy Light Shield, there is almost no damage to people.

The two robots in the sky were originally planning to use large-scale weapons, but they were torn apart by the impatient Li Youran with the power of space. Originally, they just wanted to see what these things were capable of, but they didn't expect to make themselves so Embarrassed, it seems that what Alice said is right, you should go all out against any opponent, and you are taking it lightly again.

Seeing the neighborhood as if it had passed through a catastrophe, Li Youran felt very uncomfortable and began to search for the victims, and after watching the heroes keep searching for the injured people, those who had used up their holy light shields also joined in. Joined the search ranks, and with the help of Ariel's healing light, all those injured were properly healed.

What I have to mention is that Ariel's physique has given her a great advantage. Since she is already a body of the Holy Light, the elemental energy is almost unconditionally requisitioned, and she does not need to consume any mental power. It is more like a blood talent, and the effect of Healing Light is because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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