Plane Merchant

Chapter 323 Aftermath and Establishment

Chapter 323 Aftermath and Establishment

The team of rescuing the wounded grew bigger and bigger, and Li Youran didn't need to take any action at all. People are very grateful to this hero from another world. Supporters, and the original supporters have become firm believers!
Li Youran solved the matter here, and the people below also saved themselves in style. It was probably the first time Wilder directed such an action, but with the support of his daughter and Clark who had already woken up, the wounded They have been properly taken care of, and the seriously injured patients have been treated by the healing light in the first time.

The first time the ambulance came faster than the police, the other minor injuries were bandaged for emergency treatment at the scene, and the nearby major hospitals were overcrowded for a while, everyone was very grateful to Ariel and Clark, and kept talking to the two of them. The God who was talking about it remembered it in his heart. Few people knew who Clark was, but Ariel, because of that miraculous scene, had missed her face in front of the audience all over the country.

How could they forget such a miraculous scene and people, especially it is a miracle that happened in New York, the main character is still an American, well Clark is unknown to others, but the lovely Lil is definitely a pure American, her father Wilder is Big Hollywood directors come.

Because of Clark's previous methods, everyone regarded him as the messenger of God. After knowing that he and Ariel were members of the Space-Time God Cult, many people who were rescued immediately began to ask how they could join the God Cult. .

Clark glanced at Li Youran who was still in the sky, pointed at him and said, "Did you see that? That is an important figure in the Time-Space God Sect. To join the Time-Space God Sect, you only need to join the Chamber of Commerce, and you don't need any For the procedure, you only need to have faith, and the God of Time and Space can naturally feel your heart, and I was suddenly given a divine spell one morning!"

"Gift? Are you saying that this is not your own ability? It's not like the genetic mutation in the movie, but it can be cultivated like the magic in the legend?" Wilde looked at Clark in surprise. He thought that this person had a genetic mutation, just like he thought that his daughter had a change after being treated. It was a genetic mutation. For the sake of his daughter's mental health, he never asked, but he didn't expect it to be a gift from God. As for whether there is a god in this world, he no longer doubted it when Ariel was completely cured.

"Of course, God has said that as long as you believe in Him, when your faith is firm enough, He will naturally bestow divine spells, so everyone has a chance, and so can you!" Clark looked around encouragingly The eager people said.

People are like this, when there is no comparison, they don’t feel anything, but once there is a comparison, the mood will be different. Clark was just an ordinary person before, but now he has become a magician. Look at him swaying golden light With a handsome appearance, they didn't think they would be inferior to Clark. The only thing they took advantage of was getting God's approval first.

"If I knew it before, I can do it!" Almost everyone could only think in their hearts, and then almost everyone began to have the image of the God of Time and Space in their hearts.

It is naturally impossible for Li Youran to know his believers, and there are many more. Now he is contacting Murphy who is far away in Washington, and when he is out of danger, he is relieved, and then he learned from Murphy. Everything, it turned out that the U.S. government refused to admit defeat and even allowed Pete to attack itself, but now it failed and tried to put all the responsibility on Pete.

Although Pete is indeed the culprit, without their connivance, it is impossible to dare to be so unscrupulous. Looking at the streets below, the homeless people, and those buried in the rubble waiting to be rescued, he felt that he had to Give them an explanation.

Looking at Clark's direction, Li Youran flew down. When Clark saw Li Youran in armor approaching, he immediately stepped forward and bowed: "Thank you, God, for saving us all. God bless you!" Glory shines on the world."

"Don't be too polite. Speaking of which, this incident happened because of me. Look around, it's all because of my relationship that it became what it is now!" Li Youran pointed to the surroundings and said.

"Don't say that to the envoy, who would have thought that they would have no regard for the lives of civilians! I don't know who sent them. If I catch them, he must pay the price! It's crazy!" Seeing the surrounding area Clark also said indignantly about the tragic situation.

"I know who it is, but only I can make them pay this price. You stay here to help other people in need and spread the glory of God, especially those under the ruins. I know there must be people below. You help the ambulance workers. Rescue them as soon as possible, I believe your ability can do it! I'm going to find the culprit, there will always be a price for doing something wrong." Li Youran said, looking in Washington's direction.

Following Li Youran's gaze, Clark understood something. Thinking of the previous press conference, their subsequent parade, and the subsequent government press conference, the timing just coincided, and it seemed that they were undoubtedly the ones.

"Need our help?" Clark said.

"No! Just do your work well, Clark, I now appoint you as the leader of the Time-Space God Sect in the American Diocese, in charge of educational affairs and personnel appointments, Ariel is the Holy Maiden of Light, responsible for the missionary matters of the Time-Space God Sect, what can you do? Arriving?" Li Youran's sudden appointment, and it was in public, Clark was so excited that it was really recognized.

"Yes, I will definitely do my best!" Clark immediately agreed.

"Sir, it doesn't matter who you are, but you don't seem to have asked my opinion. I am Ariel's guardian. I'm sorry, but we are not interested in that saint of light! Ariel, let's go!" Wilder's words came out of nowhere It was beyond Li Youran's expectation.

"Hey! Mr. Wilder, you can't talk to the envoy like this, apologize immediately, and there is no doubt that Ariel is a saint, you have no right to stop it!" Clark immediately put himself into the position of guardian of the cult No, any possible offense is not allowed.

As soon as Clark moved, the people around him who had already decided to join surrounded him, not to be outdone. As a result, Wilder and Ariel were surrounded inside. Ariel looked at the people around her worriedly, and then looked at herself. Dad, very embarrassed, said: "Dad, don't be like this, please? I can feel that he is not malicious. Please calm down, too. It scared my dad!"

Ariel's words were more or less effective, mainly because she had treated many people before, and she was the chosen saint woman designated by the envoy, so they didn't dare to embarrass them too much.

"Why did you refuse? I'm curious, can you tell me the reason?" Li Youran looked at Wilder and said.

"First of all, I don't know who you are, what kind of church you belong to, well, I have heard of it, and I am also very grateful to you for saving my daughter and making him healthy, but this is by no means letting her serve your church for the rest of her life, In the end, the reason why I can’t even get married is that my daughter wants to live a normal life, and she must not live such a deformed life. I have read the church materials in the Middle Ages, and I know their darkness, so I don’t regret it if I kill them. You guys!" Wilder hid Ariel behind him, then puffed out his chest and said to Li Youran.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Li Youran couldn't stop laughing after hearing this, and then clapped her hands.

"Very good, great fatherly love, knowing that it is impossible to go against my will, but still stand up, I appreciate your courage, why don't you join the Time and Space God Sect, we really need talents like you! Integrity You can be in charge of the referee, what do you think?" Li Youran threw an olive branch at Wilder.

The tribunal, this is an important position, just look at the church on earth, it is the only military institution of the church, and it is about to have a just trial for those believers who have made mistakes, and they have great rights!Many people looked at Wilder with envy and hatred, and even some people were already thinking about whether to hug their thighs!
Wilde glanced at Ariel behind him, then at the armored man in front of him, and at the fanatics around him, feeling his throat dry, he swallowed and said, "If I join, I can get back my daughter's." If you live a normal life, I will join!"

"Very good. From now on, you will be the first bishop of my court, and your daughter will be the first saint, which is an extremely honorable thing." Li Youran immediately arranged Wilder's seat, and let the People were amazed at the good luck of this family, the father is a bishop, and the daughter is a saint.

"Wait! Why do you still want my daughter to be a saint, you promised me!" Wilde said with a face that changed after hearing his daughter's position.

"Have I promised you?" Li Youran asked back.

"It's you, then I won't do it!" Wilder could only say something without confidence, and then he was about to leave, but he was still stopped by Clark.

What Clark meant was obvious. The envoy hadn't finished speaking. Since he didn't let you go, then you can't go!

"Don't worry! Since you have already joined, your family will not be harmed. I heard what you just said clearly, but who told you that a saint must not be married? And Ariel is only so young , your heart is too anxious, don't worry, the saint I taught is different, she can marry, and she will be the best, only the person she likes can get her, anyone else who has plans for her Everyone will be punished by God. Except for the missionary duties, the saints are the same as ordinary people. They can go to school, make friends, go shopping, fall in love, and finally get married and have children. Your worries are completely unnecessary! By the way, you Must have watched too many TV shows!"

(End of this chapter)

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