Plane Merchant

Chapter 325

Chapter 325
"It seems that you didn't read it. In this case, let me remind you. Since you are researching our product, that is, energy crystals without authorization, we decided to take back the energy crystals sold in your country, and Energy crystals will no longer be sold separately! Instead, they will be converted to energy sales! That is to say, we will open factories like power plants! Of course you can refuse, in fact, the productivity of the other world is far from as good as you imagined, so the energy is actually very good. Nervous, without you, we can go further afield, maybe Africa is a good place, although there is poverty, but poverty also means that without development, I think there will be more opportunities there! What do you think!"

Li Youran's words completely drove the president into the abyss. In less than half a year, this clean, efficient, and portable energy has become popular all over the world. There is an agent in Huaxia in the East, and they are in the United States. However, Huaxia's energy is controlled by the power grid, which belongs to the national interest, and they take it very seriously, so there is no chance to resell it.

Originally, the United States was the hottest country in this business. A small energy crystal can be worth a missile, and the profit is dozens of times that of arms reselling. It is a pity that such a business, obviously because of their own cleverness, they should stay away from it. They are gone!This made the president very sad, and what made him even more sad was that the spar research was a lie. Their goal from beginning to end was Murphy's armor technology and materials. Now it seems that everything is wrong, wrong from the beginning.

"But if this is the case, what should we do? Our lines and lines have been completely changed to adapt to new energy sources, as well as all the equipment in the army and civilian supplies, including transportation! Manufacturing! Food hi! Production, etc. All of them have been remodeled, and if you say you want to cancel it now, isn’t it clear that you will kill me?” The president was already a little at a loss, until now he knew that he had already lost the first spar when it was used. Falling into a trap carefully crafted by others.

It's ridiculous that he didn't know it himself, and he tried to get benefits from others in vain, but he didn't get the benefits, and even put himself in it.

"This is your problem! In fact, everything shouldn't be like this. Your behavior is doomed to pay for it. If I were you, I would think about it now! How can I face the angry Congress and People out there going completely berserk because their lives have been changed so drastically! I heard that guns are banned in America? This is such a bad decision, someone is going to die at any moment!"

Li Youran continued to provoke the president. He wanted to tell the most serious consequences of all things. Don't drive him!
"But what good does this do for you? Aren't you all losing your interests? Why do you need to do this? The United States is a big market, so wouldn't it be a pity to give up? We can talk about any conditions, can't we?"

The president finally couldn't help but give in. It's not that he's not strong, but that he can't face the Congress and the people. If Li Youran really took away the Chamber of Commerce, he's sure that there will be a large-scale demonstration the next day , and then what might end up happening is mass immigration.

Some people may think that making a fuss over a molehill and changing the energy source back is not enough. Anyway, it was the same way before, and it will not have much impact, but the president knows that it is definitely not like this. The reason why the United States is attractive is because it has everything in the world. Well, the best treats, the best opportunities, the best treatment, without which they couldn't attract so many people.

If energy goes back to its original state, there are oil and nuclear power, I am afraid that few capable people will stay. After all, on the one hand, it is pure, non-polluting and non-dangerous energy, and on the other hand, there are many problems such as automobile exhaust and nuclear energy leakage. The country of the country, even a fool knows who to choose!
If those who can’t get out, the rich won’t stay, and what America wants is the rich. Only when they bring enough money can America be what it is now. If they all leave, America’s The economy is bound to be crushed in an instant, and then the economy collapses. A large number of companies go bankrupt due to the withdrawal of funds, workers lose their jobs, and homeless people increase!Crime problems such as riots and robberies will definitely rise in a straight line, and by then it will not be as easy to seek to solve as it is now.

This chain reaction is finally paid by the US government!He couldn't afford to gamble, and he didn't dare to gamble, so he could only beg the Chamber of Commerce.

"What do you want to stay? I know you won't say this for no reason. If you really want to leave, you can leave without saying a word. No one will know. Tell me now. If you are determined If you want to leave, I won't let you go so easily." The president finally woke up from his imagination and said to Li Youran.

The meaning is obvious, if you don't give him a satisfactory answer, he will definitely die.

"You are very smart, you should know that if there is no benefit, there will be no fight. We have a fight, but I can't have no benefit, and you still live the same life, right?" Li Youran's mouth curled up, hooked!I'm afraid you don't mention it, if you feel upset and let him leave directly, then you will sit on the wax, and you will be reluctant to leave when the time comes, and you will lose face if you don't leave.

"Just tell me, I promise you that's it! But needless to say about land cession, you can buy it, but the government will never get involved!"

"Okay! Let me just say it straight. I will start an energy company. Don't even think about spar. I won't send it out again, but I can provide energy. It is the same as the previous power grid. There is no difference. The only thing is that the energy is in my hands, and I can provide energy, but the others are beyond my control." Li Youran stated her conditions.

"Doesn't that mean that you have complete control over the country's energy? This is impossible. You must know that the previous power grid was private on the surface, but we are still behind it. Although the consortium can affect the country's system and development to some extent, But the country has not been controlled, at least not by a private group, let alone an alien force!"

"So there's nothing to talk about? Forget it, I'll just leave the head office." Li Youran turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey! Don't worry! The matter has been negotiated, can't you discuss it like this? You can see if this works! Cooperate with the country, the crystals don't need to be sold, but the power grid must cooperate with the country!" The president hurriedly walked from the table Bian walked out, stopped Li Youran and said.

"How can we talk about it! This is not good, that is not good. I will sell my things, but I won't let them go? Do you want to share them with others? It's okay if I don't sell them here!" Li Youran said deliberately in a bad tone, and then said Ready to leave the other side.

"It's negotiable, really, we just need to put a name on it! It's okay to not want your interests! We also need to give an explanation to the outside world. We can't let others see that we even have the most important energy. In the hands of others, it would be a big blow to us. In addition, if possible, I hope you can still sell some crystals to us. After all, many military energy systems are different from civilian ones, as well as the energy of ocean-going fleets. , if we don’t sell it at all, we will lose a lot of money. You must know that the energy system of the fleet has been transformed! See if you can!! As long as you promise this, the United States will be your most loyal ally in the future. The resources will be open for you, what do you think!"

In order to show his sincerity, the president gritted his teeth and came up with a trick to share technology and resources, but he couldn't help it!Without energy, everything is empty. Is it possible to let your own warship burn dangerous nuclear fuel and carry heavy machinery to catch up with others who have reduced weight, but can carry more ammunition and supplies faster warships, looking for death It’s not like this is a good way to find it.

"That's it! You really just want to make a name?"

"It's definitely just a name! We want profits, and you can't give them!"

"That's true! Since it's such a Hollywood site, look!"

Li Youran was thinking about it again.

"Okay! I agree, but you still have to spend money! You can't force it. This is the bottom line, and you have to talk about things with New York yourself. I don't want to see the face of the mayor of New York." The president Gritting his teeth, he agreed. If there are too many lice, he will not bite.

"That's no problem. In fact, I just need a legal explanation, so as to avoid any disputes in the future, and you will be the ones who will suffer in the end!" Li Youran said indifferently.

The reason why he tried his best to get Hollywood in his hands is naturally of great use, but he is still not sure of the use, but he can feel that there will be a big opportunity here in the future. As for what it is God knows, let's talk about it after we get it.

"Okay! That's it! Shall we sign a contract?" the President suggested.

"There's no need to sign the contract. If I want to break the contract, you can't stop me! Just post the news on the Internet and on TV, and let everyone know. That's how you save face, right? I'll go first, next It’s up to you to come forward! By the way, Electric General is my goal, and you know how to do it!” Li Youran said to the president.

The president was stunned for a moment, then nodded fiercely and said, "Even if you don't tell me, I will punish him. If it weren't for his bewitching, how could I be in such a miserable situation! Don't worry, not only will I not stop you, but I will also kill you." I will do my best to assist you, and of course you can’t swallow everything and leave something behind, after all, consortiums also need benefits, without their assistance, it is absolutely impossible for you to annex Electric easily.”

(End of this chapter)

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