Plane Merchant

Chapter 326 The Recovered Memory

Chapter 326 The Recovered Memory

Li Youran has always been happy to see things like being in a mess. No, it should be said that it is a strong alliance. With a smile, he left the president's office.

The one behind is the resentful President. He never thought that a strong man would look like this. Since this guy's hands are really hard enough, he had to be prevented from taking the lead in the end, but fortunately in the end He voluntarily gave up on important military manufacturing, otherwise he really didn't know how to explain to the rich men behind him.

Li Youran left, and before he left, he didn't forget to mock the soldiers around him! "A bunch of trash, what are you pretending to be! Any robot will blow you up!"

To be honest with these soldiers, Li Youran really doesn't like you. If you meet a weak person, you will definitely bully you. Not only will he not be angry, but he will admire this person very much. As a result, there is no one. There are too few soldiers like Baden!
After Li Youran finished speaking, he flew away, causing the soldiers below to be aggrieved, but strangely, none of them stood up and said a harsh word. Everyone probably knew that it would be embarrassing to stand up at this time!
The president sitting in the office also saw this scene through the video. He was so angry that he also cursed: "What a waste! It seems that our country needs new soldiers. These people don't have the blood to serve as soldiers. The country Peace has been too long, let them retire."

The president's words directly drove these people into the abyss. They never dreamed that they just firmly carried out the tasks sent by the above, but they got such a result.

The assistants around the president will naturally send this order to the Congress, and I believe it will be passed soon. After all, it is really unnecessary to support so many idlers on the big ship of the Plane Chamber of Commerce. Those are all money, and it is shameful to waste it. of!

The soldiers apparently did not know that they had been put on the dismissal list by the president until much later, when an aide to the president recorded this historic moment in his later memoirs.

"Influences from other worlds value the progress of the United States. The far-sighted Mr. President entered the sight of the alien messenger with a very positive attitude and was appreciated by the messenger. Since then, the United States has entered a new chapter. The previous dream of exploring the universe has never been It has never been so simple. The virtual reality that people often dream of appeared in the United States first! You must know that the envoys were Chinese at the beginning, but obviously the Americans are at the forefront. We have to sigh that the president is the president after all. His vision is definitely not something that ordinary people can have!"

It's just that the president of the United States, who is known as the most discerning, is regarded as a terrorist by everyone!Troubleshooters, and traitors!I don't know who owed it to the paw, but even posted this explosive news on the Internet, and it turned out that the US government was a step behind and the spray was almost like a sieve!

Of course, this is beyond Li Youran's control. She left the White House satisfied, and Li Youran teleported back to the plane building. Looking at the desolate scene in front of her, her good mood just now disappeared halfway. If it weren't for Clark and his organization The personnel are strong, and there may be casualties, even with Ariel's holy light body, it is not enough. Clark and Ariel alternated with each other, and finally saved everyone.

Because of Clark's great improvement in mental power, he directly replaced the function of the search and rescue dog. It is because of his tentacles of mental power that he can still find buried people even in the ruins. situation, but the home is ruined, and everyone is sad,

Seeing this situation, because he blackmailed the president, Li Youran, who was in a good mood, felt that he should do something!
Li Youran flew into the air thinking about it!The whole body looks golden in the afterglow of the setting sun, and against the background of the setting sun, it looks particularly stalwart, like a god that existed in ancient times, all the sad people looked at him for a while, but at this moment, they are no longer sad , it seems that as long as there is someone in front of them, they still have hope!

"My believers! Don't be sad! Suffering is for you to understand! What you have is not just these, even if you lose everything, as long as you still have faith in your heart, I will always be behind you and watch you , you are all my people, as your guardian, I am obliged to let you understand! As long as I am with you, you are safe!"

If Li Youran had a scepter in his hand at this time, it would probably be more like a magic stick. Even if he didn't have one, everyone looked at him floating in the air and shed tears of excitement, yes!They all survived because of this magical existence, otherwise, when the explosion happened, everyone would have turned into fly ash.

Even though the house is gone, they are still very grateful!Because only by surviving can we create more miracles and wealth. Everyone has the impression of Li Youran in their hearts, and his image is destined to be engraved in people's hearts.

Just when people felt comforted and prepared to leave, Li Youran's performance did not end there. He stood in the sky and said to the people below: "My believers, in order to reward your pure faith, I decided to Do something for you! The power of time! Backtracking!"

Li Youran raised his hands to the sky, and saw the fragments of the building on the ground and some wreckage slowly flying towards the sky, including the half of the building that Li Youran put on the ground. Everything floated up, and then a cyclone appeared in the sky, slowly falling from the sky, everything was wrapped in it, and then everything changed in people's stunned eyes.

The dilapidated houses in the air turned out to be completely new. In the place where the cyclone passed, everything changed from the dilapidated appearance to a new one. The roads and vehicles were brand new, as if they had never experienced such an explosion. , all became new!
The people below were all stunned. They didn't expect this to happen. Everyone was ecstatic, and some people were kneeling down below!Li Youran kept churning in the sky in his mind. At the moment just now, he really had the urge to be in a state of ecstasy, and his faith value soared with that sharp sound.

The temple in Li Youran's mind has also undergone some changes! !
In the ancient starry sky, towering above the nine heavens, in the temple of the noble God of Time and Space, the God King of Time and Space looked indifferently at the rebels and heretics who rushed in continuously.

A beautiful woman beside him said: "Master God King, why don't you let me kill them, they are all rebels and deserve to die."

The God King was still indifferent, but slowly said: "What should come will always come, I just didn't expect that even they would be involved in it, it's really ironic! Is this chair so important?"

The king of gods patted the god seat and said to the goddess beside him, "Alice! I need you to do something for me."

The goddess looked at him excitedly and said, "Does the God King want me to kill them! It's really great."

"No! I want you to sit down and sit with me." The request of the God King really made Alice stunned, and then Yingwu's cheeks flushed slightly.

"This! This." Alice was speechless, could she have been seen through?
"What is my little Alice thinking? Don't you want to be my queen?" The King of God suddenly smiled at Alice, this smile fascinated Alice, and then obediently went to the side of the King of God, Naturally, the God King embraced her with one hand, and she also embraced the God King's waist with both hands, obediently lying in the God King's broad chest.

"How many years! I finally came back here, it feels so strange! It would be great if there were no these annoying ants." His eyes looked at the hall under the feet of the God King, and it seemed that there were more and more people.

"It's okay! It will disappear in a while, Alice, are you willing to go to sink with me?" The God King asked softly.

All the time with the man in front of her flashed through Alice's mind, but she realized that only this time he really belonged to her, and she said firmly: "I am willing, no matter what, as long as I can be with you Together."

The God King nodded, and then said with a smile: "You know? In fact, I have expected all this. I am just tired and unwilling to change. After all, this right is the most harmful thing! Even if I let go, they will It's also uneasy, it's just a poor chess piece controlled by fate, it's really pitiful to think that I can do whatever I want without me."

"King! I can kill them all for you, and you don't have to give up your rights at all." As a Valkyrie, Alice doesn't pay attention to those trash fish at all, she only cares about one person!That is the man in front of him.

"Haha! Don't you understand? I'm just tired. People around me disappeared one by one, or fell, or betrayed. I control the power of time and space, but I can't control people's hearts. I thought I was superior and ignored the world. You can be clean, but you will still be envied, disturbed, and there will always be so many ignorant people."

The scene that had been lost in his mind appeared before his eyes again. This is how the original inheritance came about. Is it this god?

He looks so young and stalwart!God of time and space, is it so awesome?

It turns out that this is the real appearance of the temple!I am still far from it.

(End of this chapter)

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