Plane Merchant

Chapter 335

Chapter 335
"Stop talking nonsense, take the move! The magic dragon changes. The sound shakes Kyushu!" The sound that has been changed by Field has become more perfect, and there is no such a huge sound wave, but it does not mean that his power has declined. On the contrary, because it is more Concentrated together, the power increased a lot instead, forming a series of sonic blades in the air, turning into skeleton warriors on the decisive battle field, and flying towards Morton.

"It's interesting! Dark element. Arrow skill. Shattered. Disappear, you who shouldn't exist in the world." If Li Youran were here, he would find that Morton's dark elemental arrow skill was a bit like space magic. , Like a black hole swallowing, it actually swallowed Field's sonic boom Kyushu. Although Morton didn't feel well, the big trick was still broken.

At this time, the people below finally felt the danger, but Field's behavior also won the favor of most people. A nobleman who is willing to protect the common people around him will always get more praise. As for Morton, no one blames them. Believe in Morton, you will never do something you are not sure of, and it is true.

"It seems that I can only use this move. Be careful, the magic dragon transforms into a magic dragon. The magic flame is soaring." After seeing Morton's strength, Field was unwilling to be underestimated, so he used this move , This is another move similar to Nirvana rebirth that Field comprehended after Nightmare sacrificed himself. After combining with Nightmare, it stimulates the blood of the dragon in Nightmare's body, and the ghost flame on his body has also been upgraded several levels. The real A situation where nothing is inflammable has been reached.

Now that the domain has been opened, Morton will no longer be polite, and directly hit his own natural domain. The thick vines that broke through the ground directly entangled the feet of the magic dragon. Although it was burned immediately, the infinite The characteristics of growth and the characteristics that make the vines not afraid of flames are even more brave in Morton's domain, with a blue light, they successfully wrapped around the body of the dragon.

Then aerial roots grew on the vines, which landed directly on the body of the magic dragon. They took root and sprouted as if they had seen an imitation, and they began to grow. The vines that grew out were like burning flames, and they were of the same origin. Nether flames, the vines that will never be burned by the flames, entangled fiercely like a huge anaconda, Field, who transformed into a dragon, finally tasted the power of the vines, and his collapsed body was about to be squeezed Tell him that disintegration is on the verge, otherwise life is at stake.

At this time, Field really tasted the horror from Morton. It is hard to imagine how powerful the person who taught him is. Of course, Field would not know that the person who taught Morton severely damaged the three major elf cities with only one person. All the masters of the army also destroyed countless army elites, causing the Elf Empire to retreat and recuperate. For unknown reasons, the Sun City directly refused to have contact with other Elf cities, and closed the way to the Sun Elf City. Close the door and live your own life.

Just when Field couldn't help disbanding the dragon's body, a golden figure descended from the sky. The dragon-shaped armor appeared arrogantly and domineeringly. To maintain the action in the air, it is about to fall.

Frightened Field shouted: "Heywood, you bastard, I'm going to fall, what are you still doing? Run!" The latter sentence was obviously addressed to the people on the ground.

The people on the ground haven't reacted yet!The four elemental totem poles located at the four corners of the city that never sleeps had an effect, and turned into a large elemental net that directly blocked the falling Field from the net. The people below hadn't reacted yet, and the danger had disappeared!People cheered for themselves, but also for the strength of the city's armed forces.

"Heywood, what on earth are you going to do!" Field was already in a cold sweat. If this happened to be true, there would still be a lot of dead people below. If the master knew about it, he would probably be punished!said Haywood, who burst into an outburst of angry questioning.

"Of course it is to increase the weight of the muscles! You are all children, look at me! What a mess of vines, give me up!" While speaking, Heywood directly came to the vines rooted on the dragon's body, and then ignored all the intrusions of the vines , directly reached out and grabbed the trunk of the vine, and uprooted the vine directly!The majestic vine, which was extremely arrogant just a moment ago, withered directly at this moment. It would not have been so fast, but it was a pity that it met Heywood, the undead Golden Skeleton Emperor who was closest to the god rank.

Can life-absorption be so commonplace? Basically, as long as it is a high-level undead, it can do it, but Heywood is more proficient!
The vines on his body turned into flying ash, and Field immediately became alive and well, but before shaking, he was kicked out by Heywood, and disintegrated in the air, turning back into Field and Nightmare, and flew straight to Morton Only by his side did he stop his figure.

Morton glanced at him and said, "Are you all right?"

Field shook his head, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then glared at Heywood, only to see that Heywood pointed at himself, then at Morton, and made a provocative gesture with his hand, meaning to ask them to Go together?It's too contemptuous of people.

Morton and Field looked at each other and said in unison: "Fuck him!"

Field charged, and Morton harassed and covered him from behind. The one-on-one fight instantly turned into a one-on-two group fight, but the party with the larger number of people was beaten by the group. Heywood's fighting style was too wild. No matter how you attack him, you will attack him directly. Regardless of the tyrannical pervert, Field's powerful sword skills can't break through the defense. If it weren't for Morton, who is in the same boat, Field would probably lose face at this moment. lost.

"Fuck, I can't beat it, use a unique move! Don't hide it! You've lost all your face! Destroyer Demon Dragon Wave. The sound shook Kyushu." Field estimated that he had hit a real fire, and directly used a combo. Morton also became serious. It took a long time to draw the bow this time, and he had to use [-] points of strength for every point he pulled.

The bright light element and Field's dragon body merged together in black and white confusion, but there was no conflict at all. Such a change made Heywood's face change, but no matter how his expression changed, he was still a skeleton, so To outsiders it looks like nothing has changed!
"Field. Bone cage, lock me." Heywood used his own domain for the first time, and finally got serious. As a result, the bone cage only locked Field for three seconds before he broke free. The arrow of light hit the undead. With very strong restraint, the bone cage has become fragile, and Field, the transforming dragon, is really amazingly powerful, so Heywood suffered a small loss, and he was carelessly turned away by Field's tail. out.

Heywood stopped and looked at the two little guys. He did not expect such a change after joining hands, but if they thought they would win this way, they would be wrong!

"Summon the bone dragon, Agnes, charge! Kill them!" Heywood actually summoned a huge bone dragon and rushed towards the dragon Field.

"Hey, wait, I don't think I need to fight anymore! I can admit defeat!" Field lifted the magic dragon transformation, and directly raised his hands to surrender. Although he was very shameless, he was all his own family, so he wouldn't laugh at him.

By the time of the fight, the muscles had almost been displayed, and Field had no tendency to be abused. Once Heywood got serious, the endless secrets were enough for them to bear. He didn't want to turn into a rabbit or any other animal in front of the public. , and then mocked.

"Forget it, I don't dare to use all my strength to fight with you guys. If I don't have fun, let it be like this." Heywood also felt that there was no fun, and he couldn't use a strong trick by himself. A large area, your own town is not easy to destroy!
Watching him fly away, Morton and Field finally breathed a sigh of relief. In front of him, their abilities were really weak. Only they knew that what Heywood said was not a lie. He was killed by Heywood within a breath, and he was definitely not spared.

The muscle brightening session is over, and the two hooked up again to prepare to drink. The actual situation is that Field grabbed Morton and refused to let him go. He wanted to pull him home. He had made up his mind. Introduced the girl to him!

The human rights on the ground finally dissipated at this time. Mia took Taylor back to the hotel, thinking back to what she had seen today. With their help, wouldn't the Elf Queen be saved!

But how can I make them agree!Especially the leader of the half-elf, with the attitude of the elves towards the half-elf, it is estimated that he will not have a good face. Judging from the relationship between them, as long as the half-elf does not agree, the other two will not agree. Troubled secret Ya was scratching her hair, not knowing what to do!
Taylor didn't know this, she was still thinking about Morton, the person who made her feel very close, she never had the concept of half elves in her mind, she said to Mia: "Mia, we Let's go to some Morton leader, he will definitely help us!"

Hearing Taylor's words, Mia glanced at her, wanting to tell her that when things were not that simple, she suddenly froze. He remembered something, and he finally knew why he felt that bow so familiar to him!
(End of this chapter)

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