Plane Merchant

Chapter 336

Chapter 336
When the queen taught Taylor with the illustration book, he was on the sidelines. It was clearly the treasure of the Moon Elf family. It is said that it was given away by the queen, but the queen never admitted it. She only told Princess Taylor in private that if If someone comes to her with this bow in the future, then this person is likely to be the prince of the elves.

"Let's go, let's go to him immediately, and we must persuade him to save Her Majesty the Queen!" Mi Ya stood up excitedly, although she didn't know why the one holding the bow was a half-elf, but he was undoubtedly of elven blood, which was enough Yes, it must have involved the secrets of the elf royal family. It is not convenient for him to inquire about it, and he has no way to inquire about it, but this is undoubtedly a good reason, a reason for Morton to save the elves.

When Mia came to the castle, Ziggy had been waiting for a long time. There were a few thugs standing beside him. Yes, Morton and others were there. As soon as Mia entered the main hall, Mia called to see the Viscount. Unfortunately, at this time, Li Youran Obviously not, Zieg, as the supervisor of the castle, naturally became the only person who could communicate.

"Hello dear elf friend, what can I do for you?" Chigurh shot first.

"Hello, Lord Steward, since the lord is not here, let me just say that I have no time. In fact, we came out this time to find reinforcements. The original direction was the Star City in the wasteland, but we ran away. It’s too late, it’s unrealistic to rush to the Star City now, so I hope to get the help of your lord, the Moon Elf clan will definitely be rewarded.”

Mia said her request straight to the point, which made Zieg look at him with admiration. Everyone said that the elves were arrogant and self-confident. Now it seems that it is biased, but it is not the time for them to ask for help.

"Of course, the lord of my family has always been willing to help others, but we need to know how it is good for us. Forgive me for being a greedy person, but after all, the family has a big business. If there are too many people dispatched, It will be a lot of consumption, I hope you can understand." Seeing that the other party was so frank, Zieg also opened his mouth, and he figured out that the two of them have nothing or no money, and if they promise at this time, they can make better demands.

"Well, if we need you to send troops, what will we need to pay?" Mia asked with restrained anger, at this time people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

"In the elves, there are not many good things that can impress my lord. Look at the market outside. Those beautiful works of art are not bad compared to the craftsmanship of the elves. Besides alchemy, my lord actually has one. Master alchemists, compared to your skills, they are not weak at all. Now that I think about it, you really have nothing to impress my lord. Although I heard that the elves have beautiful women, but come to think of it, you will never treat people as gifts Send it out, that would be ridiculous."

What Ziggy said was that he didn't say what he wanted. This is a skill he acquired through negotiation. The more you want something, the less others will let you be satisfied, even if this thing is in his hands. It's not worth it, and he won't let it go. After you repeatedly belittle him, he will take out his best things to fight back.

"Who said that there is a fountain of life in my house, do you have it in yours too?" Taylor said proudly.

Mia covered her face at the side. After all, she is a child, she has no intentions at all, and she will say everything when others provoke her, but that's okay, anyway, it's just like what people say, they have everything, Apart from the Fountain of Life, Mia can't think of anything else that can impress the lord. He really hopes to present the beauties of the clan as they said, but it's a pity that he can't bring it out now, so go all out with the Fountain of Life , I think I shouldn't refuse this time.

"Okay, as long as you help me out this time, the Fountain of Life can give some to you lords as a symbol of our friendship, but for the sake of safety, I hope you can send a few more people there." After hearing this, Mia said nothing. Without any hesitation, he agreed directly.

"Happy, you can tell as many people as you want, and I will agree to it." Zig is almost ready to dance happily now.

"The number of people does not need to be too many. In fact, most of the elves in Moon City have their hearts towards the queen. It's just that Hegel's strength is too strong, so others dare not stand up. As long as there is a master to stop him, the remaining elves will It can be solved." Mia doesn't want too many humans to enter, especially at this dangerous moment, fearing that the wolves will be driven away and the tigers will be ushered in. That would be a big disaster.

"That's it, that's okay. Do you have someone you like?" Zieg doesn't even need to think about it. Anyway, other people can go by themselves.

"I don't know, sir, where did you get your bow?" Mia didn't answer Chigurh's words, but turned to ask Morton.

"My bow is naturally passed down to me by my father. Is there any problem?" Morton frowned, but he still answered his question. He dislikes elves, especially his last protector because of the siege of elves After his death, although many years have passed, his quiet temperament prevented him from taking revenge, and the last words left by his father were to live well. Otherwise, according to his current strength, if he engages in assassinations or something, the elves will probably panic every day spent.

"It's okay, I'm just curious, why are you in the human kingdom, don't you want to know who your mother is?" Mia said, staring at Morton with burning eyes.

"Hmph, what on earth are you trying to say? If it's this, I won't accompany you!" Morton was a little angry. He hadn't seen his parents since he was a child. His father was better, at least he was replaced by someone, but what his mother said, Really, he hated why he abandoned her since she was born. If it was because of this half-elf status, he should have killed him directly instead of abandoning him.

"I've already made up my mind, I want this Mr. Half Elf," Miya Zieg said, and then backed away. He had finished speaking, and it was up to Zieg to do next.

"No, if he's the only one, none of us will go." Before Zieg could speak, Field beside Morton spoke.

Ziggy looked at him strangely and said, "Why?"

"Everyone knows how much elves discriminate against half-elves. I'm afraid that if Morton goes there, not only will he not be able to help, but he will be rejected by others. If I don't, Morton's temper will definitely be offended. Go, or we all don't go." Field said the reason of respect, and Chigurh nodded, he thought it was reasonable.

He said to Mia, "What do you think?"

"Well, it's just that this person has a bad temper and is a holy rank. If he gets angry, I'm afraid no one in our area can stop them." Mia thought for a while and said.

"It's easy to handle. I'll send you the treasure of the city that never sleeps. He believes that the situation you said will not happen. Of course, you won't offend him!" Zig pointed to the dragon standing behind. Shaped skull armor said.

"Three holy steps, well, this may be more sure, then let's leave today without delay!" Once the matter was settled, Mia couldn't wait for a moment, and immediately said hastily.

"Now?" Chigurh asked.

"Now, I'm afraid it's too late, and the fountain of life you want will be gone by then." Mia replied.

"Okay, you go, go early and come back early." Zieg said to the other three people, and then saw the impatient Heywood directly clamping one with his arm, and directly took Mia and Taylor to fly up. Flying into the sky, Morton and Field looked at each other and summoned their own mounts to fly by themselves?They weren't that stupid, how tired they were, and they weren't perverted like Heywood.

Seeing the few people who had already flown away, Zieg breathed a sigh of relief. The task the master told him has been completed, and the next step is to wait for the fruit to be harvested.

The people in the castle still live the same way as before. Basically, these people are unlikely to leave here to go far away in this life. After adapting to life here, is there anything else that will soon attract them?No more, the caravan led by Archimonde is getting bigger and bigger, and now it has become the commercial representative of the city that never sleeps. You can sign a contract with him for anything you need, and then you only need to pick it up at the local supermarket that never sleeps!
This saved the merchants a lot of money, and the mercenaries who relied on protecting the caravan were indeed affected at first, but later they found that the shipment volume of the city that never sleeps was even higher, and the number of caravans that needed to be protected was also increasing. Many, the impact received is not only not bad business, but getting better and better, which is unexpected.

Under Archimonde's means, stores and supermarkets in various places have been opened, and each store has a small teleportation array, which is best used to deliver news, and those few have already run back to Huanyue The dynasty's spies have also returned to their master's house, reporting what they have seen and heard.

After listening to the report of their subordinates, they realized that they underestimated the city that never sleeps. They never expected to be so rich. Then, under the bewilderment of wealth, they began to prepare for actions against the city that never sleeps. One family was fine and no one would pay attention, but four or five families in a row If this is the case, then you have to doubt it.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. The keen Archimonde immediately saw the unusual aura from these actions. After spending dozens of gold coins, Archimonde finally found out the information he needed. It turned out that these The nobles have been buying horses, weapons, and food for the purpose of attacking the city that never sleeps. This is terrible. As a member of the city that never sleeps, Archimonde suddenly realized how important his position is.

(End of this chapter)

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