Plane Merchant

Chapter 337 Archimonde's Information

Chapter 337 Archimonde's Information

On the same day, the news of Archimonde reached Zig. When he first got the news, Zig really panicked, but he soon calmed down. Attacking other lords is not an easy task in this world. It needs to involve too many aspects, the source of troops, logistics, the route passing through other noble territories along the way, and the speed of marching. Adding up, it takes a whole year to plan for an expedition!
Especially since summer is approaching at this time, if the expedition takes too long, it may cause difficulties in harvesting grain in one's own territory, and then create opportunities for others, so the saying that soldiers are expensive and fast does not apply here.

After discussing with each other for a long time, several nobles decided that they could either directly attack Li Youran's territory through the wasteland and then through the Magic Night Forest, or they could go through the sea and then go upstream to attack Li Youran's territory. If they are attacking by land, the checkpoints on the light road will annoy them to death.

You must know that even the nobles of the dynasty are not without enemies. In fact, the dynasty is not monolithic. The contradictions between the old nobles and the emerging nobles are very sharp. Even if the dynasty has a vast territory, who would dislike their own territory? On the one hand, there are even more contradictions. If it is not necessary to guard against the attack of the sea tribe and the wilderness orcs of the mountains, it is estimated that they will have fought by themselves at this moment.

It has been peaceful for so many years, and the barbarians have gradually integrated into human society. After the orcs learned how to farm, they have less and less attacked human towns. Unless it is a time of catastrophe, the several major legions have nothing to do , it is said that the emperor of the dynasty is ready to abolish the army.

This made the several nobles in charge of the legion very terrified. Over the years, they relied on the army in their hands to capture an unknown amount of wealth, and they also forged countless hatreds. If they lost the power in their hands, they would It is very clear what they are about to face. What they need to do now is to launch a foreign war, divert the anger of their enemies, and at the same time show the meaning of their existence, hoping that the wealth outside can satisfy the nobles of the dynasty.

As a result, a military operation that was originally aimed at Li Youran turned into a blow to the entire Griffin Empire after it was gradually brewing. As for the Hai Clan, the reputation of Marquis Zhenhai has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, no one would be stupid enough to mess with him, anyway, they can’t get it on the west coast, and they can’t control it if they get it, so don’t cause this trouble up.

The emperor of the Griffin Empire never dreamed that the message he sent would actually bring about a catastrophe for himself.

The emperor of the dynasty held a noble meeting to discuss this action. After all, the territory of an empire is still very tempting. When several nobles met, the territory of the Griffin Empire turned into a cake. The largest territory was drawn out in this way, and the rest was sent to the small and medium-sized nobles outside. After some heated discussions, the cake was divided up.

What's ridiculous is that the cake came from Archimonde's supermarket. Recently, Subaru Silver Wing's life is not going well. As the most favored new nobleman, he is very angry that he can't help his friends. He was actually unable to stop the war in the city that never sleeps.

The combined power of the several nobles was too powerful, even the emperor would not be able to disobey it, although in his opinion the emperor did not want to refuse, because the most profitable share was already in the emperor's pocket.

As Subaru's repayment, which can also be said to be an apology, Archimonde and his supermarket were protected, the reason being that they could not startle the snake.That's why Archimonde can continue to inquire and deliver news. If there is no help from Subaru, they will suffer first.

After receiving the news, Zieg went through a short period of panic, forced himself to calm down, and endured the desire to send a message to teach the three of Heywood. He knew that Heywood was obviously more suitable for commanding such a large party than himself. scene, but now he is performing a mission that his master has expected for a long time, he does not want to be disturbed by this incident, and there is still a little excitement in his heart, he needs a battle to prove himself.

Unlike Morton, who is trusted, he is the head of the clan, and it is only natural that he will be reused by the whole clan. Needless to say, Field, if he is put on the battlefield, he will be a big killer. He is very popular with his master. As for Heywood, until now Zieg still can't figure out the way of this guy.

As for other people, most of them have their own abilities. Professor Jin’s alchemy, Mr. Wenbo’s biological cultivation, oak’s religious dominance, even John, who has always wanted to replace him, has a construction specialty. The name, but there is no credit to match it. If I can defend the city this time and repel the invading enemies, I believe that I will have more weight in front of my master.

Ziggy, who was quite excited in his heart, decided not to call the three of them back. With the assistance of Professor Jin, Karl and the murloc and lobster man, if he still can't keep it, then there is no need to think about restoring the family. Just jump off the tower and forget it.

"The order ordered the murlocs to send more people day and night to patrol the various waters. Once any suspicious person appeared, report it immediately, and ordered the lobstermen to build fortifications on the river bank. Invading enemy, pay attention to be strong, and speed up, we don't have much time!" After writing the order on the table, Zieg looked at it, and then signed his name.

A herald ran out quickly after receiving the order. He was about to use the teleportation array, but it was not an emergency, and Zieg rarely used the teleportation array.

After thinking for a while, Chigurh felt that it was still unsafe, so he thought of Professor Jin. Although his reputation was not obvious, Chigurh knew that Professor Jin was actually the most knowledgeable person in the castle, not only in terms of knowledge, but also in alchemy , Many of the things he refined have never been seen before.

This time we must get his support. Although the city can be said to be unbreakable, the necessary means of attack are still needed. In terms of weapons, Professor Jin's approval is required before they can be used. Troops can be transferred, but those powerful weapons are not eligible to use.

This is the system that Li Youran left on purpose, with a series of restrictions. Except for Morton and others who use the Seed of Time and Space, there is no restriction. Other people who want to take big actions will immediately find out There are many restrictions everywhere, from supplies to armaments, to transportation, it is better that they are all not in the hands of one person, and they are not under each other, and no one can order anyone.

Except for Li Youran, the supreme being, if other people want to rebel, it really can't be done. Not to mention a few people with high-end force, even Professor Jin can instantly kill him!
When he came to the laboratory, Professor Jin was testing the robot soldiers he had just made. After adding the people from the earth, the research progress was much faster, especially the technical talents inside were really strong enough, and they were finally able to fully understand alchemy. They can completely accept things that violate the common sense of physics, and even deduce some principles in reverse. I have to sigh that their brains are really easy to use.

Those robot wrecks snatched from the biochemical world, after passing through their main device, turned into a combat weapon. Not only that, the technical nerds also gave full play to the spirit of infinite DIY, and even made those discarded alchemy materials Got a Gundam!
Although it is a reduced version of the single-person mecha, it is already beyond Professor Jin's expectations. I can't imagine that their hands-on ability is so strong, but they still need to install the power system by themselves, otherwise, the alchemy array will not work at all. With the ability to feel the magic power, they still couldn't complete the activation of the alchemy array alone.

At this point, they also seem to be very depressed, but they are already satisfied with being able to machine armor.

When Zigg came, he happened to see them walking in the three-meter-high mecha, moving forward and backward for a while, having a great time.

When Professor Jin saw Chigurh, he told them to stop, and then asked, "Boss Chigurh, what's the matter?"

The technical geeks around him also stopped. After living for so long, they probably know the structure of the power class in this territory. The manager in front of him is the power class of the second echelon, and there is only one in the first echelon. It is the lord, and the rest of the leaders, like the general manager in front of me and Professor Jin who is in charge of the laboratory, are the second-tier power holders, and the next is the sheriff and the engineering director, so they left wisely and stayed. The next two people speak alone.

"Professor Jin, I came to you this time hoping to get your help." Zieg paused for a moment, and then told the whole story.

After hearing this, Professor Jin nodded and said, "No problem, defending the city can be done, but I don't think we need to put the battlefield near the city at all, we should take the initiative to attack!"

Professor Jin has a bolder idea. This idea stems from the Gundam mecha that was just manufactured. Think about ordinary serfs. The difference between high-level fighters and the strategic nuclear weapon Prometheus, which stands in the square with statues, have been completely activated by Professor Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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