Plane Merchant

Chapter 338 Attacking the Elven City

Chapter 338 Attacking the Elven City

Using the latest energy sources, as well as chips found in the biochemical world, and researching them, Prometheus can already be called a rudimentary intelligence. At least there is no problem in attacking the invading enemy. In addition, the soldiers are armed with energy weapons. Assisting from the side, no matter who it is, Professor Jin feels that he has the strength to fight, not to mention his armor is not vegetarian, so Professor Jin made such a bold proposal.

Zig thought it was a good idea, something that could better reflect their abilities, and everyone agreed decisively. Obviously, Zig couldn’t help with other things. Watching Professor Jin calmly direct those people to install those strange Weird armor, Ziggy felt that staying here was useless, so he left after saying hello.

Under the influence of Professor Jin's composure, Zigg became more and more relaxed. Immediately after returning home, he sent a message to Archimonde, asking him to closely monitor the movements of the Phantom Moon Dynasty. Once the dynasty decides to use troops, he will Need to know their route movements immediately.

After getting the feedback from the city that never sleeps, Archimonde's heart that has been hanging has also settled down. Now that his backing has received the news and told him not to worry, he is relieved. Thinking of the need Archimonde felt that his own intelligence was quite useful.

Just when Archimonde was thinking about how he would be rewarded by the master this time, the door of the supermarket was pushed, and a young nobleman in white fur and light fur came in, looking at the goods on the shelves with wandering eyes. , a dazzling array of products from the city that never sleeps.

When the clerk went up to receive the reception, he was stopped by the young nobleman raising his hand. He smiled and didn't know what he said. The clerk nodded and left alone, and the nobleman turned to Archimonde's counter alone.

When he was immersed in his meritorious service and was rewarded by the lord, a shadow fell, and Archimonde, who was alerted that someone was approaching, hurriedly stretched his hand to his waist. It was the self-defense given to him by the bishop when he came out. The thing called a gun, the Bishop said something too advanced, he is not qualified to use it now, and he will be given a treasure only when he shows his value.

This gun alone is enough to surprise him. He is an ordinary person, not to mention that he is powerless. In fact, if he was in the wild, a ferocious beast would have killed him, but with this After holding the gun, Archimonde suddenly felt that the world was so big that he could go anywhere, especially after killing a high-ranking soldier who didn't know what to do.

After that, Archimonde never left his body with his gun, and whenever he encountered a strange situation, he subconsciously drew his gun.

"Are you the commercial representative of the city that never sleeps?" A haughty voice appeared in Archimonde's ear, and Archimonde looked up to see an unusually handsome face.

"That's right, I am. I don't know what this gentleman needs. We have the best shopping guide. If you can't find what you need, you can tell him, and he will find the most suitable product for you."

Before Archimonde finished speaking, the person on the opposite side directly interrupted him with a wave of his hand and said: "You are fine, I know you must have a special contact method! Tell your lord that the three nobles have decided to Invade his territory, attacking in three ways, one by sea, one by land, and one by way in the wilderness, tell him to be on guard, and I should go now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked the white light fur, turned around and was about to leave. Archimonde only realized at this time that he would have friends here if he didn't want to be the lord!
"May I ask who you are? If the master smells it, what should I call you?" Archimonde finally came to his senses and asked hastily.

"You can tell your master that my name is Subaru. I can be regarded as a friend. That's fine. You are safe here with my protection, but remember, don't be caught, otherwise I can't save you! Don't do this Shop, wait for news from your master. If there is anything, you can ask your worker to come to me with this token! So I will leave first."

It turned out that this young nobleman turned out to be Subaru Silver Wing. After he attended the meeting, he felt that the expedition might fail. For his own consideration in the future, he decided to put Bao on Li Youran's side. That came with confidence, but he did it.

Subaru's information came in a timely manner. Archimonde, who was afraid of delaying the matter, decided after photographing a buddy to go out to inquire. The matter should not have changed. As Subaru said, it is really a three-way army. Archimonde immediately After sending this news to the territory, he didn't know how to do it. He decided to listen to Subaru and hide inside.

Fortunately, when he came out, he considered the danger outside, so he brought a lot of weapons and guards, and now it seems that they are in use. As long as the supermarket is modified a little, it will be made into a fortress immediately. Now that there is danger , Naturally, we must guard against it.

While Archimonde was busy defending, the defense construction in the territory was also in full swing, and since Heywood, who was far away in the Phantom Forest, finally saw the elves' Moon City after a day's journey, I saw a huge magic defense cover buckled on it like this.

"This is the elf city? Isn't it too simple?" Field glanced at the growth, saying that it was a town, but it was actually a large forest, at most it was a magical forest.

"What do you know? Of course there is a hole in the sky inside. Don't look at it as a forest. If there is no elf to guide the way, even a saint-level powerhouse will get lost in it. Come on, boy, how do we get there?" Heywood looked at it. Looking at Moon City, a feeling of nostalgia emerges in my heart. It has been so many years, but nothing has changed.

Compared with Field and Heywood's contempt and nostalgia, Mia's feelings are much more complicated. She wants to go in as soon as possible, but is also afraid of seeing the scene she doesn't want to see!Empress, I hope you are still alive!

Morton looked at this city blankly, this city, he was one of the three cities where his father was killed, and it was ironic that he wanted to save it in the end!
After hearing Heywood's call, Mia immediately went to the front to lead the way. On the way, Field finally saw the trap art of the elves. It looked like a harmless vine, but it turned into a strangling weapon in a blink of an eye. If they weren't all holy ranks, they might have died several times. This situation made Field finally shut his mouth.

Mia is secretly refreshed!He deliberately fell into a few traps and didn't say anything, in order to teach this outspoken guy a lesson. Heywood gave him a look full of deep meaning, but didn't say a word, but it was this look that made him dare not say anything This time, finally nothing unexpected happened afterwards.

The city gate of the elves is still close in front of us. After looking at the people guarding the gate, Mia immediately turned gloomy and said, "Oh no, we are late! I hope the queen will be fine. Everyone follow up and try to save the city." Empress!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed out, looking at the situation, what could Morton and the others say, Heywood took Taylor to fly up to the sky, and the original no-fly barrier seemed to have not found him, allowing him to fly directly Going in, Morton and Field, who sensed the danger in the sky, obviously did not have the strength to ignore, and directly summoned their mounts and rushed towards the city gate.

Arrived earlier than Miya, who gave them mounts? The elves at the city gate saw two knights attacking the main city single-handedly. It was hard to accept it for a while, wiped their eyes, and then decided to eat Immediately after that, the horn was sounded, there is no way that the city is troubled now!
Hegel was standing in front of the Tree of Life, looking at the besieged family inside, and said with a smile: "As long as you surrender, I promise I will not treat you badly! How about it, open the barrier and come out. You must know that I am not lacking the strength to open this enchantment, but I just do not want to destroy the tree of life, I hope my dear sister can understand!"

"Impossible, unless I die, you will never get what you want." Inside, a female elf wearing a crown and holding a scepter was wearing a snow-white dress with a holy face, but it was a pity that her pale face It proved that his current situation is not good. It seems that he is the queen, the elf queen said firmly.

Hegel outside was not surprised at all, the smile still hung on his face, and he smiled and said to the inside: "Do you think so? That's right. After all, everyone loves rights, but you are not right. Do you think about your own daughter? Thinking about how my lovely niece will die in Star City, it really makes my uncle sad! What do you think?"

"What did you say, what did you do to Taylor! I tell you that if you dare to do anything to Taylor, I will never let you go!" After hearing Hegel's words, the Elf Queen said directly.

Hegel shrugged and said: "It's up to you! As long as you agree to my conditions! I will naturally give you what you want, and you will be safe, right? In fact, you have long been unqualified to be the queen. Unclean, how can you be qualified to be the emperor of the elves?"

"What did you say! Are you slandering me?" The voice was loud, but Hegel could hear a guilty conscience from inside!
"Slander? Do you think so? But I don't think so, I have evidence! Don't you believe it?." At this moment, Hegel heard the sound of the horn outside, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"I didn't have the confidence to save you at first! It's a pity that I seem to have a chance now. I believe that the chief guard of Mia has asked for help. I don't know who it is? Is it an orc? Or a human? You need to know the city lord of Star City But he has an agreement with me! Ah! And my lovely niece, His Royal Highness Taylor is also here, do you want to meet her!"

 sorry Sorry!Assist went wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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