Plane Merchant

Chapter 351 The Emperor's Wisdom

Chapter 351 The Emperor's Wisdom

The special envoy who didn't call back could only go back with a dozen letters by himself. After returning to the imperial capital and explaining the whole story, the nobles were angry. Don't these unworthy descendants know that they are still hostile to the city that never sleeps? No relationship, where they are is tantamount to putting their lives on the mercy of the enemy, which is simply nonsense.

"Your Majesty, please allow us to send troops to bring people back by force!" A big nobleman said to the emperor.

It's a pity that he doesn't know what the emperor is thinking. What he thinks is that since those people are unwilling to come back, then don't come back. He has already received a reply from the Huanyue Dynasty. The emperor had to borrow a way from the Griffin Empire along the way. At first, the emperor hesitated, but he changed his mind after something happened that the noble children were unwilling to come back.

"Hey! I think so too. It's a pity that we are powerless. The prosperity of the city that never sleeps has captivated their eyes. Even if you go, you won't be able to bring them back. If you bring fewer people, what will you do if they don't come back? If you bring too many people It will be regarded as a provocation again, we have already lost one game, do we want to lose another game?" The emperor's rhetorical question made them speechless, after all, it is a fact that his coalition army was defeated, and now the captives are still in his house In my hand, I have no plan to redeem them, I just plan to rescue the noble children, but they didn't come back.

"Then what should we do, we can't just watch our heirs being controlled by them like this, and with this restriction, wouldn't we have to listen to him for everything!" Another nobleman expressed his worry, He only has one boy, and he is playing happily in the city that never sleeps. The children around him are all collateral children, all of them staring at his noble position, and they probably hope that their son will die early every day. Only in this way can they have a chance Woolen cloth!
"No, I will send a letter to my uncle. After all, it is now the duke's territory. I have let them go out independently. After paying such a high price, I will never be able to protect a few children. After saying that it is his son-in-law's territory, and speaking of being relatives with the royal family, he will definitely not hurt those children if he is not threatened. Don't worry, and I learned from the information that there are not only the best It is said that the power of the elements is amazingly abundant, and it is a treasure land, where children can grow better. I think so, each go home and bring your belongings. You can go and see for yourself, I believe you will eventually decide to let your children stay there to study!"

His Majesty the Emperor said bewitchingly, but the few big nobles found it reasonable after hearing it, so they discussed the company together, only the noble whose child died did not go to discuss it, now he hates the city that never sleeps, even the Duke of Griffin A thorn in the flesh, the same is true for the emperor. In his opinion, it was the family property dispute between the two royal uncles and nephews. As a result, their neighbors were involved. Not only did they get involved, they also killed his heir!
Although he is respectful every day now, he has turned into a viper in his heart, cursing the emperor fiercely, and secretly waiting for the opportunity to take revenge fiercely.

"If this is the case, please ask His Majesty the Emperor to say hello to the Duke of Griffin and ask him to take care of him." The nobles finally agreed that they could not go, their lives were more important, and the children were fine because they could not represent the entire family. It’s not enough, if the lord of the city that never sleeps thinks about it, none of them will come back at that time, so they can simply let the capable people in the family pay the money, and the emperor’s guarantee also makes them feel at ease.

After the nobles left, the knight guarding the emperor asked: "The city that never sleeps is about to break out in war. If the heirs are not brought back at this time, they are likely to die. By then, these nobles will definitely do something." , Do you want me to rescue those heirs?"

"No, I just want them to be there. It's better to die because of the war. As for these nobles, if they go, they can't come back. If they don't go, I don't mind personally. Do it yourself, the troops of the Phantom Moon Dynasty passing by can help me with this, I will excuse them, these nobles will definitely receive the news that their heirs are in the city that never sleeps, for the sake of their children's lives, they will definitely try their best to stop it. , what do you think will happen then?"

His Majesty the Emperor took a glass of red wine from the maid. This is a commodity from the city that never sleeps. The merchants have already sold them to the capital of the Griffin Empire. The delicious taste and bright red color are loved by the nobles. Naturally, His Majesty the Emperor does not like it. exception.

"Your Majesty, forgive me!" The knight frowned and wanted to say something, but hesitated.

"Speak!" the emperor said after taking a sip of his wine.

"Yes, I think His Majesty is a little reckless this time. The cooperation with the Magic Moon Dynasty, I think this is simply an excuse for them to invade. I am afraid that it will be our Griffin Empire who will suffer by then!" The knight said very Seriously.

"I know, of course I know, but I have to do this. My uncle divided up a small part of my territory, and more than half of the minor nobles in the empire went to the Griffon Principality! It's ridiculous that a principality and an empire would abandon the empire's choice Principality, this is a threat. It’s ridiculous that I failed in action and had to let him go out independently. Now it’s hard for the people of the Magic Moon Dynasty to covet the wealth of the city that never sleeps. My dear uncle will definitely fight against the people of the Magic Moon Dynasty for his son-in-law. Come on, I will take advantage of this opportunity to do something, you think Griffin City will be the opponent of the Magic Moon Dynasty, we just need to follow behind to pick up the bargain! I want to let those damned nobles know what will happen to them who betrayed me! "

The crystal clear Burgundy cup was dropped on the carpet by the emperor, and he was reluctant to drop it on the floor. If it broke, he would lose more than 100 gold coins!
"Well, the Illusory Moon Dynasty came from afar, and the Griffin City might not have the strength to fight! And that Nightless City is also very evil, with incredible means, I think it may not be easy."

"That's even better. We don't have to worry about the strength of the Magic Moon Dynasty after the battle. When the time comes to invade the Griffin Empire, the best way is for them to fight against the Griffin City. When the time comes, both sides will suffer. We can clean up the Nightless City and Griffin City, and easily prevent the possible attacks of the Huanyue Dynasty. But them?"

After hearing the emperor's plan, the knight felt that it was not that there was no chance, on the contrary, the chance was great, so he stopped blocking and asked: "Their three armies are the three armies, and there are two more armies. If there is no loss in the two armies?" If so, what shall we do!"

"One road is a sea road. There are Hai clan and Zhenhai waiting here. Don't worry, they dare not run wild in the West Sea. As for the other road, you need to pass through the pass and enter the wasteland. Orcs are not easy to mess with. Otherwise, even if you pass through In the orc wasteland, the elves in the phantom forest hate humans very much, plus all kinds of monsters in it, none of them can walk there, so don’t worry at all!”

The emperor said confidently that he had already considered everything, and now he just waited for them to come and clear the way for him.

"Your Majesty is wise, I am inferior!" The knight really admired him.

Then the Duke of Griffin received a letter from the emperor, which was just a simple greeting, and then gave a few pieces of jewelry as Elena's engagement gift. He expressed regret that he could not show his face at Elena's engagement dinner, and then tact He proposed asking him to take care of those noble children on his behalf. This offer was just a narcotic bomb, just a means to relax the Duke of Griffin.

"Dad, don't pay attention to this guy, a few pieces of broken jewelry, my sister is rare for this? Her jewelry can fill the whole house. She is saying that now we are all independent, and people are at the brother-in-law's place in the city that never sleeps. Let's take care of it. Isn't it a bit lenient! Don't make it difficult for my sister!" Locke said after reading the letter.

"Finally, it's a meeting between monarch and minister. You go and have a look. It's fine. Your brother-in-law is not an ordinary person. He won't get angry with you for such a trivial matter. It just so happens that you can go and see Elena for me. Let's go now!" The Duke of Griffin gave the order, then stood in front of the window, looked in the direction of the distant imperial capital, and sighed somewhat melancholy.

At this time, all preparations have been made in the territory, and the team of the Phantom Moon Dynasty finally gathered all the supplies and set off in three ways. Subaru's men ran to Archimonde's shop and dropped a The note ran away, and Archimonde didn't care about it. He grabbed the note and looked at it, and then sent his men out to verify it. After finding that there was no difference, he immediately threw the note into the teleportation array.

Professor Jin in the Everbright City Laboratory received the note for the first time, opened it, looked at it, and then found Zieg. After discussing it, the two decided to go to the satellite monitoring room to take a look. Only Professor Jin knew that there was a note. How convenient it is to monitor after getting the satellite, but Zieg always thought that this was to monitor the surrounding territories, and didn't think about it!

After being reminded by Professor Jin, he realized that there was such a big killer in the master's territory, and it was also used for war, so it was simply a matter of anticipating the enemy's opportunity!Always be invincible.

"Expand the monitoring area of ​​the satellite to ten times the territory! As soon as they appear, we can find them and then attack them. We could have implemented global surveillance, but it is completely unnecessary now. Instead, we can draw a map of the world first. Print out the map!" Professor Jin decided to get out the map after observing it, anyway, he will definitely go to all over the world in the future, and there is always a map.

(End of this chapter)

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