Plane Merchant

Chapter 352 The False Dao Attacks the Foreign World Edition

Chapter 352 The False Dao Attacks the Foreign World Edition

Huanyue obviously doesn't know that her every move is already under the surveillance of the enemy. Ten times the area is enough for any deployment and response in the city that never sleeps. Thanks to the addition of modern talents, Professor Jin has moved the concept of assembly line work to alchemy. Come up, although the apprentices can't completely draw a work, but if they only specialize in a part, then it's not a problem.

Although it will definitely have an impact on their future development, and there may even be no further development, life is not a problem. The factory run by Li Youran needs these talents. They are simply the magical version of electronic workers. Maybe Li Youran After knowing it, I will be encouraged to do it freely.

The apprentices are also very happy. They don't need to learn advanced alchemy knowledge. They just need to learn the basic operations, and then they can start working immediately. Although their teacher has explained that it will definitely affect their future, but not everyone They are all full of confidence in their future. In fact, most of them come from poor families. If the magic net has not found their alchemy talent, maybe they are working in a restaurant or bar at this time.

Now that they have the name of an alchemist, the salary they get is dozens of times that of the workers outside, and they are called a skilled professional. What are they not satisfied with, except for a very few people who want to attack the complete Except for the alchemist, everyone else chose to specialize in one link without exception.

The advantage of this is that the alchemy weapons that Professor Jin needs have been fully assembled, and now they have been distributed to each of the [-] mechas. It made him suffer a lot, and of course there was a little trouble when he was selected as the driver.

In order to test the performance of weapons and mechas, Zieg naturally had to do experiments outside. Coincidentally, Oak saw him. When he saw that an ordinary person could develop such strength after being equipped with mechas, he immediately It is necessary to equip all the mechas to the religious guards.

How could this be possible, the things Zigxin worked so hard for were not for the oak, they were all used by him to make contributions, and the two of them were at loggerheads for a while.

This said that the Time and Space God Sect needs these equipment to guard the church to increase deterrence. More and more outsiders are coming, and the church must deter those who have different intentions and spy on the temple!
And how could Zig let go, these are all used to make meritorious deeds, without them, how can he attack?The real knives and real guns were overwhelmed by the number of people.

Neither of them let go. In the end, Professor Jin said: "Don't fight, and let the soldiers of the church go to attack together! There will be half of one person in the future! This is the easiest way. The product only depends on the fierce firepower, and I plan to make them alive in the future, and I don’t need people to manipulate them!"

After Professor Jin finished speaking, he left alone. He wanted to go back and study it. The intelligent system of the chip is still programming that most technicians understand. Woolen cloth.

While waiting like this, Archimonde found that his business seemed to have improved a lot, and his shipment volume was [-]% higher than usual. The subordinates who made the shipments didn't dare to send them any more, so they ran out to ask the boss Should he continue posting? He didn't know the situation, so he sent his buddies out to inquire, and what he finally found out made him dumbfounded.

It turned out that after the surrounding merchants learned that the city that never sleeps will be attacked, they were afraid that the trade routes would be blocked. At that time, the wholesale supermarket would run out of goods, so they desperately hoarded goods, fearing that the supply would be cut off at any time. All the people in this territory ran to Illusory Moon City.

"Since they want it, let's send it. We will send as much as they want! Tell them that due to the shortage of supply, the price has increased by [-]%! Do you want it? If you can wait, wait until the supply is replenished!" Archimonde said with a serious look on his face. Said with a wicked smile.

Seeing the buddies running out in a hurry, Archimonde naturally would not let go of these opportunities to make money. Except for Subaru's announcement, no one came to report such a big incident. They were all a group of white-eyed wolves. I can't complain that the knife has to be sharpened!

As soon as Archimonde's price increase plan was announced, it decisively caused a sensation. When the buddy was afraid that the sale would not be successful, the crowd outside went completely crazy, shouting frantically with the approval slip and payment invoice from the counter in their hands. With what you need!One by one, it seemed like chicken blood had been beaten, and it was even more intense than those that did not rise.

When the guy shipped the goods, he looked at the payment list and found that there was no such [-]% overflowing price, so he refused to cash it in. As a result, a large group of people ran back to make up the payment, and no one stayed to intercede, and then waited for them to send Not only did they make up the goods, but they even added more goods.

Because in their view, the business route was blocked because of the Huanyue Dynasty. If they don’t make a lot of purchases at this time, what should they do if they don’t have any in the future!Even if there are still, who dares to go under the flames of war, buying more at this time can be sold at a good price in the future, God knows how long this war will last, if the city that never sleeps is breached, there will be nowhere to buy these things in the future.

According to the thoughts of the merchants, if the owners of these things are going to be smashed, according to their personalities, they will definitely destroy all the manufacturing formulas and other related things. , The crazy buying started.

Naturally, Archimonde would not stop it. On the contrary, he made a look of lack of supplies, and even started the sales restriction and auction system, which made everyone want to die. The merchants were almost crazy because of this, dragging gold coins The horse-drawn carriage has even left two deep marks on the road around Huanyue Emperor Capital. You must know that this is a big bluestone, the hardest stone.

The aristocrats who stayed in the city were envious of the wealth, and some even proposed to enter the supermarket to rob supplies and money!As a result, these people were all blocked at the intersection by Subaru's people. When they saw that the strong and powerful Subaru actually guarded this so-called supermarket, they knew that their plan was in vain.

Several big nobles are leading the army. It can be said that no one can check and balance Subaru except the king. It can be said that the resurgence of the lonely Silver Wing family depends entirely on the excellence of Subaru, so even if they are dissatisfied, they can only endure it.

However, what they don't know is that it is precisely because of Subaru's behavior that the Silver Wing family has developed rapidly in the following time.

Now all the big nobles including the king think that Subaru is a prudent noble who does not fight or grab. Although they are a little contemptuous, they are very happy that he does not fight for interests and promise him a lot of benefits , including the soldiers he does not need to apportion for the expedition, and the tax benefits that are allowed to get a street in the imperial capital, etc.

Before leaving, he patted Subaru on the shoulder and said, "Now the imperial capital is empty, and you can only rely on yourself for city defense!" Of course Subaru agreed with respect and respect, but he didn't know how to laugh in his heart!In his opinion, Li Youran's odds of winning are much greater than this gang of mobs. How could a fallen dynasty and corrupt nobles be the opponents of the city that never sleeps and lives in the borderlands?

The Illusory Moon City team that had already set off finally appeared at the border of the Griffin Empire after two days of trekking, which is also the edge of the capital. The commander of the Griffin Empire immediately took precautions after seeing them, although According to the emperor's order, they just took advantage of the road, but who knows what they will do!
When they approached the city, the big nobles in those cities finally received the news, and the panicked nobles immediately ran to the palace to ask the emperor what was going on.

Looking at the nobles who gathered together at night, the emperor smiled quietly, now is the time!

"Everyone, I have a very embarrassing thing right now. Let's see what to do!" The emperor shook the animal skin paper on his hand, and then the court servants passed it on to them one by one.

"Hey, what's going on here? Why did you go to the city that never sleeps? My son is still there. No way, I can't make excuses!" A nobleman shouted after reading the letter.

"Your Majesty, why did you tell us now? The date on this letter is clearly a week ago!" Another nobleman noticed the date on the letter, which happened to be the time when they asked to bring back their heirs. It seems that they have to suspect that the emperor has some conspiracy.

"Never make excuses! It's not for the sake of the city that never sleeps, but for the safety of our Griffon Empire. If we use the excuse, we are likely to be the first to be attacked! We need to know the truth about the cold lips and teeth, even if it's not us now, they After occupying the city that never sleeps, they will come back and attack the Griffin Empire! We can't let them in, on the contrary, we should unite the Principality of Griffin and the city that never sleeps to fight against the people of the Magic Moon Dynasty!"

"Of course I know that we can't make excuses, but you can see clearly that the three-way army, even if we don't make excuses, they will still attack the city that never sleeps. At that time, with the city that never sleeps as the foundation, they can also attack the territory of the Griffin Empire. The excuses are all Ready-made! Just don’t make excuses! What should I do! I don’t tell you because you will definitely stop me. I have already decided to make excuses. I can’t be irresponsible to the people of the entire empire for the sake of your successors. The embarrassment of the emperor, do what I say, if you insist on stopping it, I can only pretend that I didn't see it, you go down!"

The emperor turned and left, and the nobles left the palace with ashen faces.

(End of this chapter)

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