Plane Merchant

Chapter 353 Countermeasures and tent discussions

Chapter 353 Countermeasures and tent discussions

"We have to stop him, it's crazy! He's going to kill us all, I just realized now that the Duke of Griffin was right! This guy is a madman, he just wants to get rid of us! I am I won’t sit still! I want to go home, I want to raise troops, and I’m going to seek refuge with the Duke.” A nobleman became more and more angry, and said to the nobles around him.

"Listen, now is not the time to talk about this. It will be a matter of later if we want to seek refuge. Let's block it first, but we can't use our own identities. This will bring disaster to the family. The little emperor will use this as an excuse to disappear. Our military power! Territory! Even our noble title, we cannot let him catch us!" The person who spoke was obviously a very prestigious person, and when he spoke, everyone looked at him.

"Then what should we do! Duke Oscar! You are a wise man, please give us a clear path!" Hearing what he said, the other nobles gathered around as if they saw a life-saving straw. , eagerly wanting to discuss a way out.

"Okay, okay everyone! Be quiet! Listen to me!" As soon as Duke Oscar spoke, he fell silent.

"Now go home, gather soldiers, don't wear equipment with family marks, you know how to do it! Everyone is noble, there is no need to hide it, give them a little obstacle on the way they must pass, food and grass from afar will definitely Bring more, if we destroy all these food and grass! Can they still attack? Then they have to retreat, and our children and ourselves will be safe!" Oscar quickly said his way.

"But even so, after all, they have three armies, and this is the only place we can defend! What should we do, and is it too wasteful to destroy the food? A total of 30 troops, [-] for one route, can supply ten Wan Dajun consumes three months' worth of food, and the Huanyue Dynasty is really rich! If these things are captured by us, wouldn't it be better for every family to share a little bit of profit?"

Greed has obviously blinded their eyes. When it comes to interests, the entire noble group began to discuss. It seems that children are really nothing compared to interests!
"Enough, you idiots!" Duke Oscar's scolding immediately woke them up!Everyone looked at the Duke silently, and looked at him with fear.

"Everyone only has money and money in their eyes! Apart from money, can you have any knowledge? Grab supplies? You can figure out how much it is! Where did you steal it? Tell others that it was you who did it. When the time comes, the army will press in, will you hand it in or not? If you don’t hand it in, what will you do if you find it? If you hand it in, it’s clear and you don’t ask yourself! Think about everything in your own mind in the future, no wonder your children and nephews You don't even want to come back! Just like you guys who don't care about family affection at all, I wouldn't come back if it was me!

Don't worry about things on the west coast. Where is Hou Zhenhai? In addition, there are a large number of sea tribes in the endless sea. The team in the sea doesn't know whether they are dead or alive!The only thing to worry about is the team that crossed the wilderness and the team on our territory. If we succeed in blocking this team, this team will not be effective. If we fail, we will face double pressure, so now we have to send it to the city that never sleeps. Information, let them know about it early!The question is who will go and how can we make them trust us! "

After Oscar finished speaking, he looked at them, but one by one he looked at each other, and no one spoke, as if no one had any plans to go. This situation made Oscar very angry. Of course, he knew what these people were afraid of. It's nothing more than fear of being discovered by the emperor, but now that they have been pushed aside by the emperor, these guys still can't see the situation clearly. Don't they know that the emperor wants to use someone else's hand to get rid of them!
"Well, you don't need to go to Night City, just go to Griffin City. Tell the Duke that the Viscount Night is his son-in-law, and he will help us convey the news. It's not difficult to go to the West Coast to spread the news. I thought Keeping your own interests and wanting not to take risks, there are such good things in the world!" Oscar said a little angrily.

Finally, a few nobles stood up, one said to go to Griffin City, one said to go to the west coast, and a few said that they could set up ambush points on the road. As for the soldiers, they are robbers on the road and they will not be discovered. God knows Are they real robbers? Maybe they already had dens on the road, but everyone knew it until the last moment. It's the aristocrats who keep paying over and over again.

"Very well, since everyone has a division of labor, let's act quickly. I'll go check out Commander Huanyue and see if I can help you delay the time. Let's leave!" Oscar said and went straight to himself. After the completion of the plot, the nobles also started their own actions.

For a moment, there were several flying figures in the dark night, flying directly down from the high city wall, and disappearing in the thick night.

At the border, in the military tent of the Huanyue Army, the commander of the army, the Grand Duke Osman, sat in the tent and observed the simple map on the table, while several people around him sat silently.

"You all know the plan this time. If you have any suggestions, you can work together to find a perfect and feasible plan. Arbitrary action is the way to death. Tell me!" The Grand Duke Osman boasted, and the people below naturally responded.

"My lord duke, this action is very risky. Although the excuse is a perfect excuse, we are also very likely to be attacked by the three parties. You must know that we don't know the strength of the city that never sleeps, but judging from the internal war of the Griffin Empire. It seems that their strength is not weak, and the lord of the city that never sleeps is the son-in-law of the Griffin Principality that has just become independent. It is impossible for him not to help him, so we have to face more than one city that never sleeps, and a large area of ​​​​the Griffon Empire. The Duchy of Griffin, the Duke of Griffin is good at fighting, and his three sons are also famous generals, so I am afraid this operation will not be too peaceful."

A man who seemed mature and stable expressed his opinion. Originally, he did not support this action. They did not have any information about the opponent, and what they had was only the wealth of their territory. From the information collected temporarily, The military strength does not seem to be weak, and coupled with the unstable factor of the Duke of Griffin, it is really worrying.

"The analysis is very reasonable, so I have been looking at the map today. This is the latest version of the map. It is the territory map of the Griffin Empire. It is indeed half independent. In addition, the city that never sleeps is also displayed on it. To attack the city that never sleeps, one must pass through the Principality of Griffin, which means that the conflict cannot be avoided! What do you think!"

Duke Osman nodded in satisfaction. There are still some sensible people under his command, and he is afraid of those who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. Now it seems that he may be able to relax a little bit!

"My lord duke, I think that's not the only thing we have to worry about. In fact, the chief of staff hasn't said it all yet." At this time, a man in aristocratic costumes on the other side came out to speak. He was different from the generals in the military. Affiliated to the House of Nobles, it is equivalent to the role of supervising the army. Usually this kind of role is not pleasing, and he knows it himself, so he usually doesn't speak, but this time he has to say it.

"Oh! Tell me what you think, I didn't know people in the House of Nobles would still fight wars!" As the chief of staff, he felt that his suggestions were being questioned, especially a group of nobles who didn't understand anything and only knew how to enjoy themselves. shame.

"Of course I don't know how to fight, but I understand people's hearts. As far as I know, the emperor of the Griffin Empire doesn't like the Duke of Griffin very much. Just look at the title of the Duke of Griffin. The name of the empire is Griffin, Duke. His name is also a Griffin, so it can be seen that his reputation is in the sky. As an emperor and a junior, how can he feel at ease?

It's a pity that I was disturbed by the viscount of the dynasty in the city that never sleeps. I don't know how much I hate it behind my back. We just appeared at this time. The emperor of the Griffin Empire will help us settle everything. We only need to send troops. I'm worried about the Griffin The great nobles in the empire will definitely take action when we cross the border, so what we need to worry about now is not the Duke of Griffin and the city that never sleeps, but the great nobles of the empire. "

"What's the use of those nobles, as long as they dare to make any changes, my army will let them die without a place to bury them." A general beside the chief of staff said.

"So! If you fight quickly, others will be more determined to resist. At that time, even the emperor of the Griffon Empire will not look good. After all, he issued the order through the excuse, and maybe in the end he was forced to The pressure, he still has to fight with us, and we will have another layer of pressure when we fight on the third front, although in the end we were going to attack the Griffin Empire and replace it, but unfortunately it is not at this time, do you understand?" After finishing speaking, he continued He glanced at the general who spoke with disdain, with an expression of disdain for being with a reckless man.

"You" general was humiliated and stood up and was about to rush over to beat someone, but was stopped by the chief of staff.

The members of the House of Nobles talked eloquently, and the chief of staff's face was cloudy and uncertain. He knew that he was indeed negligent. In his opinion, the small country of the Griffin Empire, except for the Duke of Griffin, a powerful holy man who was good at fighting, had nothing to do with it. Don't worry about it, now it seems that he took it for granted.

"Your Excellency, the people in the House of Nobles are right. It seems that we have underestimated them." This sentence is a pun. They seem to have been corrupted nobles.

(End of this chapter)

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