Plane Merchant

Chapter 354

Chapter 354

"That's the end of today's discussion. I'll take care of the rest. You just need to deal with the nobles of the Griffon Empire. Don't worry about other things. That's it." Duke Osman pondered for a moment after listening to their opinions. The meeting was dissolved.

The general's staff and the members of the House of Nobles stood up at the same time, and left each other clearly. They didn't seem to be in harmony. Seeing this, Osman really had a headache.

As one of the only three remaining famous generals of the Huanyue Dynasty, he knew that the internal confrontation of an army might be a harbinger of the army's defeat, but he did not expect such a situation in his own team.

The dark night gave everyone convenience, and the actions of the nobles naturally could not be hidden from the emperor in the imperial capital, but with his acquiescence, everyone's news was passed on.

By the next day, everyone who should have received the news had already received it, and at this time Li Youran came back, and she was worried that her unauthorized actions would cause dissatisfaction with the master. After all, although there were legitimate reasons, the use of the territory this time The resources to fight were actually not authorized. If Li Youran wanted to pursue it, he would be considered to have sent troops without authorization. It was about power and authority. This cannot appear on any lord.

But Li Youran is obviously not a simple lord, Zieg's actions are very suitable in his opinion, Zieg can do this when he is no longer, which proves that he is really hardworking, not to mention that Li Youran is not a person with a strong desire for power. For a heavy person, delegating power is his favorite thing to do. Of course, after delegating power, they will find that without Li Youran's permission, there is no hindrance to daily operations in various places. It is simply a fool's dream to want to seize power.

As soon as Li Youran came back, he saw a restless atmosphere in the whole city, but it didn't look like panic, more like looking forward to something.

Appearing in the castle, I found that Heywood, who sensed him the fastest in the past, was not there. He was stationed on the top floor of the castle all the year round, and the guy who liked to shoot bows and posses on it was not there. Since he opened his heart and was named a nobleman, the family got Unprecedented glory, let alone Field, who has a bit of a crazy personality, and no more!
Helpless, Li Youran had no choice but to look for Professor Jin by himself. Just as he went out, he happened to meet Chigurh. Chigurh saw Li You and excitedly stepped forward to say hello. Li Youran accepted it with a smile, and then prepared to leave.

"Master, I have something to report!" Zieg blocked Li Youran's way.

"What's the matter, I went to Professor Jin first, and you tell me when I come back!" Li Youran said something and was about to leave, but was stopped.

"Master's matter is very important! Look at this!" Zieg took out the few notes from his pocket, as well as the information sent from the shop in the imperial capital! .

"What is this? It turns out that it is like this. It seems that someone finally couldn't help it, but I didn't expect them to be bold enough! There is also the Griffin Empire. It seems that I didn't teach him enough lessons to let him return If the scar is not healed, the pain is already forgotten! Zieg, you did a good job, where are those people now!"

After reading the several reports in his hand, the corners of Li Youran's mouth curled up. He wanted to teach them a lesson they would never forget.

"Master, with the help of Professor Jin, I have observed their movements with the satellites in the sky. Now all their situations are under our surveillance. Outside the imperial capital of the Griffin Empire is the army of the Magic Moon Dynasty, which is called [-]. Excluding the improvised [-] old, weak, sick, and disabled soldiers, there are still [-] elite soldiers, all of whom are at the level of mid-level fighters, and the middle-level officers also have high-level strength, so it is difficult to deal with!" Ziger said to Li Youran own discovery.

"Well! I see, it's really difficult. What did you plan to do? By the way, Morton and the others went there, and they didn't see any of them." Li Youran was very interested to know what Chigurh would do.

"Mr. Morton, Knight Field, and Heywood guards went to Elf City together because of the elves' call for help. They should be back soon after calculation. Maybe they were delayed by something. It would be great if they came back at this time. Now, just in time for this war!" Zieg said with a sigh.

"Okay, I can see from your layout that you are absolutely sure that they will come back to take credit for you! You don't need to express your opinion in front of me. I don't care about these things. Let's talk about what you originally planned to do !" Li Youran directly exposed Chieg's lie, but Chieg didn't care at all, instead he laughed and flattered him.

"Master is wise, I do have this idea. Originally, I planned to monitor and attack Tang and the others when they arrived. With the alchemy equipment provided by Professor Jin and the weapons I already had, I can completely assemble one." Although the largest legion is only ten thousand people, it is enough. If you are doing mental calculations or not, just rely on the three hundred pioneers in your hand because it is enough for them to drink a pot!"

Speaking of his deployment, Ziggy looked very excited, because this was the first time he deployed such a big battle, you must know that he has always been crotch. No, he is a dude. Where does he know this? It is to smooth out all his water chestnuts and etiquette, and the only thing left is the desire for revenge.

Now that the enemy is right in front of him, it is a good time for him to take revenge. It is true that his enemy is the great nobleman of the Huanyue Dynasty, so he is so keen on combat deployment, not only because he wants to make meritorious deeds, but also because he wants to fight against the Huanyue Dynasty. Show your big face in front of him once, let them see that the person who was chased away by them like a dog has come back, and it is so beautiful, what kind of three-way army, what famous generals are all vulnerable in front of him of!

"Since it's your plan, you can continue. Don't worry, I will be your backing. Just let go!" Li Youran patted Zig on the shoulder encouragingly, and then left. With a plan, and with Professor Jin and satellite monitoring, he is naturally invincible, so why should he worry about it!

"Thank you master, thank you master for giving me this opportunity, I will definitely not let you down!" After getting the encouragement, Zieg was completely relieved, it turned out that this is how it feels to have someone backing you!Now he finally feels why Field is unscrupulous in the city, not because he is superior in strength.

Heywood is much stronger than him, but when his temper comes up, Field still acts violently, why?It's not because of Li Youran's love!Otherwise, in Zieger's view, Field's character would have been cleared away long ago, let alone reused by other lords.

On the sea, thirteen large ships were sailing alone on the sea. On the vast sea, there was no reference at all. If there was not an airship in the sky to guide the direction, they might not have entered the sea from the southern coast. Already lost in the sea, they are another team from Illusory Moon City, they set off from the southern coast, where the sea tribes abandoned it because it was not suitable for the sea tribes to survive, and it happened to be their excellent port, of course due to the environment Worse, there are actually no resources here, and it has no other role except as a commercial port. However, the sea route is controlled by the sea people, and in fact this place has been deserted for a long time.

Had it not been for the sea route needed for this dispatch of troops, I am afraid that the nobles of the dynasty would never have remembered that there is a commercial port here, which once brought them a lot of income.

"How long will it take to arrive! I can feel that my stomach can no longer adapt. If I don't arrive, I will vomit to death on the boat!" A man who looks like an officer said to someone beside him.

"Be patient, we are going to the west coast soon. This is a dangerous area. There are already more sea people. Someone heard the song of the sea monster last night and threw himself into the sea. If you don't want to do the same, you'd better put Tie yourself up!" The other man was clearly much better than he was, and still had the strength to crack a joke.

Just when the two were teasing each other, the airship in the sky waved its flag downwards. Looking at the red flag that was turning three times in a row, his mouth grew wide!It's really a crow's mouth, saying that the Siren Siren is here.

"Get ready to fight!!! Little bastards, if you don't want to die, open your ears and plug your ears! Remember, what you have to do now is not to kill the enemy, but to protect yourself. Our big ship is very strong and will not be hit Shen, but if you fall into the sea, I will never rescue you! Do you understand!" The captain with a big hat came out of the cabin, drew out the long knife at his waist, and waved it vigorously.

"Understood sir!" All of them are looking for a place where they can fix themselves first. A sea monster will definitely come with a storm, and a storm in the sea means tsunamis, whirlpools, and unexpected landings on the rocks. The sea is too dangerous for them.

"I hate the sea. If there is a next time, I would rather not have the benefits they said. Damn, I am the same as Subaru holding beautiful women at home, but why should I come here!" A young nobleman was flying The empty boat was drenched in rain, looking at the helpless ship under the strong wind and waves below.

Fortunately, while I was on the airship, I also secretly prayed in my heart, hoping that the Sea Clan would be merciful, otherwise, my [-] people would be here.

It's a pity that he doesn't know the meaning of this sentence that everything cannot be as expected, but now he can understand that in a storm, he only heard the voice of the sea monster and didn't even see the shadow. As a result, he had already lost three One big ship, God knows three, and a quarter of them were lost without even seeing the west coast!

"If I know who recommended me to be the captain of the fleet, I will definitely skin him." The young nobleman cursed fiercely on the airship.

(End of this chapter)

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