Plane Merchant

Chapter 357 Subaru's Request for Help

Chapter 357 Subaru's Request for Help
It turned out that Subaru mentioned in the letter that King Huanyue had turned into a lich. As the most favored subject, Subaru provided him with a lot of materials that could not be seen on the bright side, all of which were transformation witches. It is not shameful to practice undead magic in the mainland. The so-called Church of Light has no soil to survive here.

But the lich is a species that people fear. The existence of the phylactery makes the lich have a fatal weakness, and at the same time it becomes an immortal existence. This kind of species that forcibly lives forever without cultivation is unanimously cast aside. Of course, there will still be people who will take the risk. Most of them are amazingly talented, but they can't get a glimpse of the gods for various reasons. Unwilling, there will always be people who transform into liches and hope to live forever.

It is not surprising that there are people preparing for it at almost any time, but the king is a very special existence. He has a country's resources in his hands. The king can squander it willfully, but that is when he is still a human being. Demons are no longer considered human beings, so how can they rule the human kingdom!

The desire to control power made the old king unwilling to let go, and his nostalgia for life turned him into a lich. The fear of being discovered made him stay away from the crowd and hide from his relatives. Only Subaru was his confidant, and then the war against the city that never sleeps broke out. The king realized that the opportunity had come!

As long as all the giants in this country disappear, he will be able to control a group of people by virtue of the transformation and control of the undead. At that time, the Phantom Moon Dynasty will still be under his control, and others will never know that the king is a Lich, and he will logically break through to the god rank one day, and then continue to rule the country in a legitimate way.

The idea is beautiful, and he did it very successfully, and has not been discovered by anyone. When it comes time to clean up the finishing touches, Subaru is the first thing that cannot be kept. Although this little guy is a confidant to the old king, but Isn't confidantes used for sacrifice?

Originally, he wanted to send him to the battlefield, but he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to back down. In order to prevent the nobles from making trouble, he agreed smoothly. Anyway, those who go to the battle are indeed dead, but staying here is not a problem. It may not be possible to escape.

After those armed forces appeared around his home, Subaru immediately thought that things had changed. The servants he had befriended in the palace also heard the news. The old king finally made a move, and it was on a large scale. To bloodbath the aristocracy, he Subaru bears the brunt.

If he doesn't ask for help at this time, then he is not Subaru. It is strange that the first thing that comes to mind at this time is Li Youran, the person who has only met once but has a good impression. I don't understand why he thinks of him, but he believes I got my own feeling!That's why there was a letter to Archimonde.

After reading the letter, Li Youran felt incredible. How could someone be so attached to power, but everything is possible. Thinking of what he saw on the image sent by the satellite, Li Youran wrote a note and put it in the Teleportation array to go.

Sure enough, Archimonde, who received Li Youran's letter, stood in the Subaru compound, holding a conspicuous red flag in his hand, waving it violently!
Li Youran zoomed in on the image, and sure enough, he saw him and found the location of Subaru's mansion. In fact, there is no need to be so troublesome, but Li Youran needs to know what dangers are around. Outside the mansion, there are actually a huge number of armed personnel hidden, and there is even a troop of cavalry on the opposite side of the street, ready at any time!

After feeling the urgency of the situation, Li Youran didn't bother to appreciate it, and asked casually: "How should I save him now? It seems that they are already surrounded!"

Then I thought that there was only one virtual character in front of me, and I was confused, so I smiled and planned to go to Professor Jin to see what I could do.

"Master, you can send some weapons to him from the teleportation array. Looking at the equipment of those armed men, I don't think they can withstand the power of guns! In addition, if you need real-time communication, you can send a phone. Satellites can realize global communication." ! And because the conductivity of the element is very good, the signal is difficult to be disturbed!"

Unexpectedly, this virtual character gave him a surprise!Li Youran looked at the virtual beauty in front of her in surprise and said, "Are you wise?"

"Of course, I'm an intelligent brain. Although I'm only a junior, it doesn't mean I'm just a tool. In fact, I think Master, you should put me on the same level as Zig and the others." The beauty said a little arrogantly .

"Oh! I'm looking forward to your performance, don't let me down, tell me, what else can you do?" Li Youran suddenly found it very interesting, as for the robots or brain betrayals in those movies!In Li Youran's opinion, it's not a problem, as long as he is willing, he can destroy everything in minutes.

"Of course, but Master, shouldn't you give me a name first? I think you all have names! I want one too!" The girl has a lot to do, but since she asked for it, Li Youran will naturally not ignore it.

"Well, well, your image is very beautiful. You must know that when we say beautiful women, we usually call them soft girls. How about you call them Ruanmei! Call them Ruanruan! That's very good! That's the name!" Li Youran said for herself. Applaud the idea.

Sure enough, when Li Youran said that she was a beautiful woman, her smiling eyes turned into a crescent moon!Obviously she is very satisfied with the name Ruan Ruan.

"Okay master, let Ruanruan tell you what to do! First, we need to give them weapons, and then from the satellite display, it is obvious that they are only surrounded and monitored. Look at his Earl's Palace, it is very Big! In this case, maybe we can fight a defensive battle!"

"Defensive battle? How to fight? How to defend against the stone and wood structure? They will lose everything!" Li Youran glanced at the Earl's Mansion, feeling that Ruan Ruan's proposal seemed unreliable!

"Idiot master, didn't you say that they still don't know how to attack now? You won't get some reinforced concrete, and then tell them how to use it to build up the fortifications, but with the advantage of location and fire suppression, it can be completely resisted! As long as In three days, an effective defense can be formed!" Ruan Ruan is very arrogant, but what she said is indeed reasonable, at least Li Youran can't think of anything wrong.

"I understand, give him a call now, and help me contact Professor Jin to ask him to come." Li Youran ordered softly, sent a copy of the phone and the manual, and then sat on the chair and waited. .

Professor Jin came, and he already knew from the soft notification that Li Youran was still looking for him, and he said without delay after he came, "Master, Zhinao is right, if you just want to keep their Obviously defensive warfare is the best way, and it is too late to go to rescue now."

"It's okay to rescue me, but there are too many people, and I don't want my secret to be exposed." Li Youran said.

"Of course it can't be exposed. Master is the ultimate secret. Except for those of us who have used the Seed of Time and Space, I suggest that anyone who knows it should be destroyed!" Professor Jin is obviously cruel, but what he said is also reasonable.

As a result, Professor Jin was attacked by Ruanruan as soon as he finished speaking. A light bulb fell from the sky and hit Professor Jin on the head, which shocked him. Then he saw the soft girl with buns in the sky.

"Smelly old man, I also know, are you going to destroy me too!" The intelligence of a 20-year-old adult, and what kind of genius does it belong to? Professor Jin, who has no children, treats her as his own son and daughter from the moment she appears. Professor Jin can also bear it.

"Hey! Why do you say that! You won't be ruined anyway! Be good, don't be angry, you won't be pretty if you are angry!"

"I hate it! They have a name, and it was chosen by the owner! You will call me Ruan Ruan in the future! Did you hear that, old man! Otherwise, don't want me to help you analyze the experimental data in the future."

"I heard it, I'll call it Ruanruan from now on, the master is really talented, this name is good! It's not right for our family, it's Ruanruan!"

Li Youran saw Professor Jin's sudden change from the side, and suddenly shuddered. The tone was too weird, and she could tell from her soft appearance that she was also very close to Professor Jin. After all, Professor Jin was actually very close. Be her father.

"It's okay, anyway, I don't plan to save him personally, just send some weapons over there, don't send energy weapons, they are too advanced and people will get their ideas out, first write a letter and tell Subaru that I can save him, the problem is that he What to pay, and then tell him my detailed plan, and see what price he offers." Li Youran thought for a while and said that he didn't plan to make a loss-making deal.

Li Youran sent another letter and got through to Archimonde. Archimonde, who had read the instruction manual, answered the phone excitedly.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Did you see that letter?" Li Youran's voice came over, and Archimonde felt his whole body shaken, and a feeling of being valued emerged spontaneously. Who else could use the most advanced alchemy magic with his master? Tool call?

"I see, master, this is for Earl Subaru? I'll send it right away!" Subaru wrote on the envelope. Archimonde can read and write. Not only did he know, but he actually learned authentic noble knowledge. It's a pity that his origin determines that it is impossible for the nobles to accept him as a nobleman.

(End of this chapter)

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