Plane Merchant

Chapter 358 Coping

Chapter 358 Coping
Archimonde handed the letter to Subaru, who was restless at home. It was obvious that he was really anxious, but it was useless. He was just a nobleman, although his communication skills were superb, but his own strength was not strong enough. This is a common problem of most nobles. Often the first generation of nobles who established the foundation is a master, and the second generation will reach its peak after having excellent resources, but the situation will change in the third and fourth generations.

The highest combat power of almost all noble families comes from the old guy in the family, and the combat power that usually helps him is all from the outside world, such as the low-level warriors worshiped by the nobles, or the retainers hired by high salaries, because these fighters Power, so the nobles basically don't need much force in normal times, because as long as they have money and power, they can do much more than just have force.

However, this situation has also led to the fact that once their rights or economic problems have problems, it is difficult for their own strength to guarantee their own survival, especially for nobles like Subaru who hardly keep retainers in order to win the trust of His Majesty the king. The combat power is almost the master of the sky rank, as for the holy rank, it is just a dream.

Until now, Subaru finally felt the pain of lack of strength. He was restless and finally looked forward to the news of Li Youran. When he got the letter, he immediately opened it to read it. The more he read it, the more excited he was. Live on Archimonde's shoulders.

"Where is the weapon your master said? Take it out quickly! And those other reinforced concrete sandstones, bring them all, and immediately follow the method he said. I am willing to pay, no matter what their original price is! I am willing Pay double! No! Ten times the price, as long as it can protect the lives of my family!"

As long as there is a glimmer of hope for life, Subaru can't give up. He has already made a decision in his heart and naturally agrees. He can make more money when he runs out of money. With his contacts and relationship with Li Youran, it is natural that he wants to restore his wealth. It's difficult, but if you die, then nothing is possible.

"Don't worry, sir, there is only one thing you need to do now, stabilize, not only stabilize the house, but also stabilize the commotion outside, if they know that you already know what happened outside, say Maybe I will attack you suddenly when you are not ready, if I were you, I would think of a way to make others think I don't know anything! Let their vigilance go and buy time for myself!"

Archimonde is a talent with a high IQ. He can clearly judge what is more beneficial to him, and then act according to his own ideas when he does not get a hint from his master. Li Youran is very satisfied with this. What he needs is Talents, not puppets, are not afraid of making mistakes, but afraid of not doing it!
After hearing Archimonde's suggestion, Subaru had a flash of inspiration, yes!I was completely in a daze, those people outside were obviously still in the stage of monitoring, as long as I showed ignorance, given the current situation where the old king had no one available, I shouldn't be in too much danger, Of course, it is also possible to remove them now to make way for the new promotion of nobles in the future, but you have to try!
"I understand, you go and accept those things, and I will let my family fully cooperate with you! I will arrange the rest and try to buy time for you! Can you let me communicate with your master? I didn't get you I'm still a little worried about the master's guarantee!" In the end, Subaru said something like this, in his opinion, there must be a connection, and it was very fast, otherwise how could there be so many letters in a day?There must be some special method.

The phone was always on, so Li Youran naturally heard what he said, so she gave Archimonde instructions, "Give him the phone!"

After receiving the master's signal, Archimonde naturally gave Subaru the mobile phone in his hand.

"Of course, this is the master's alchemy item. It can be used for long-distance calls. The master calls him a mobile phone. Although he doesn't understand why it is called this, it is very useful! Please speak, the master can hear it!" Archimonde briefly introduced After a while, he handed the phone to Subaru who was staring blankly at the phone!

"Hello, I'm Subaru." Subaru said a little at a loss, but when the voice came from the other side, he almost threw the phone out of his hand in fright.

"Hi, I'm Li Youran, we met again, it should be said that we finally got in touch!" Seeing Subaru's shocked expression and funny movements on the screen, Li Youran suddenly felt a prank.

"Ahem, yes, the lord is really busy. I'm going to trouble you this time! Do you have any orders?" When you were an envoy, you were extremely arrogant, although in the end you were pretty good to Li Youran and the others, and you even took over for them. Liang Zi of the Griffin Empire just didn't know how much this matter weighed on Li Youran's heart.

Unknowingly, the positions of the two parties have been reversed, and Subaru has become the weaker side. Of course, he has also consciously put himself on the weaker side, and his tone has become humble. The family legacy, when your strength is not enough to let you When you are prominent, put away your arrogance and show your humbleness, which can make you live longer!
"Order? No, no, no, Subaru, you made a mistake. You are not my subordinate, you are my friend. I am very grateful for the information you sent in time, and I will always remember the loss you supported me last time. Now, I am very happy to be able to help you this time!" Of course, Li Youran could see the slightly bent Subaru on the screen. Everyone becomes a humble face.

"I am very grateful that you still remember me, so what should I do next?" Subaru didn't know what it was like, he had seen too many ups and downs in Magic Moon City, and he was still a brother before. In the blink of an eye, as soon as you lose power, you will immediately break up with you without saying a word, and even bite off a piece of meat from you. There are too few people like Li Youran who are still peaceful when they gain power.

"It's very simple, just buy me time, I will send the weapon and some materials, you just need to buy time, no matter what method you use, three days! As long as the news does not leak, after three days, I will keep you safe!" Li Youran turned the scene to the wasteland. He was looking for this group of people, but finally saw the army standing in formation on the wasteland.

"I understand, I will buy time! Is there any other request?" Subaru gradually calmed down after receiving Li Youran's assurance.

"If it's possible, I would like to know the information in the palace castle. I don't know what kind of spells block the line of sight. I can't monitor the situation inside. Will the king make a move? How strong is he? All these need to be considered. , If it’s just those small soldiers, my weapons are enough to deal with it! If there are holy ranks, I think I should think of a way!” Li Youran thought for a while and said.

"The king? If it is this, you can rest assured that the king will not come out. He has been transformed into a lich and cannot see the sun. I know the spell you mentioned. It is a dark sky, used to live in the sun." It’s irradiated! The necessary spells for the undead, as for the holy rank, it happens that other big families still have some guards, maybe I can think of a way to borrow it!"

"This is the best! Act now, Archimonde will take care of everything, your task is to delay!" Li Youran hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

After waiting for a long time without hearing the sound, I handed it back to Archimonde and said: "There is no sound, he said you will take care of everything, just let me delay!"

"Understood, Mr. Subaru, you can do whatever you want. Don't worry, I will definitely handle it well and won't cause too much harm to you here!" Archimonde said with a smile, and then left with his mobile phone.

Half an hour later, a big event happened in Illusory Moon City. I don't know why Master Subaru of the Silver Wing Family wants to hold a three-day feast. The purpose is to celebrate the pregnancy of one of his lovers!This is a big gossip rumor. It is true that everyone loves gossip. Once the news spread, how many girls were heartbroken, and how many men applauded. The patriarch of the Silver Wing family, that is, Subaru's father, said that he vomited blood immediately up!
I don't know if it's true, but Subaru's invitation has already been sent out, inviting his close friends to come to his house as a guest, saying that he will get drunk for three days!The spies outside looked at each other in blank dismay, how could this be done?
"You wait here for me to report to His Majesty." In the end, the leader of the spy had no choice but to bite the bullet and go back to the palace!

"You mean to say that Subaru's lover is pregnant, and he's going to host a banquet?" His Majesty the King sat on the throne, propping his head with one hand, and said with a bored look at the spy.

"Yes, we have verified that his lover is indeed pregnant. In addition, the patriarch of the Silver Wing family is said to have vomited blood. Earl Subaru's absurdity can be said to be famous in the dynasty. I think this should be true!" the spy said. His head was covered in cold sweat.

"It is said? Check? Are you sure Subaru didn't find anything?" The king's words were like ice, and the cold sweat turned into ice beads!
"Absolutely not. Earl Subaru didn't go out today. He said that all the people we saw watching were far away, no one approached, and they were all new faces! Impossible to find out!" The spy head immediately defended himself, He didn't even take a picture of the Earl today, how could he be discovered.

The satellites in the sky are really incomprehensible to them. After getting the assurance from the spy head, the king closed his eyes and nodded and said: "Go down, don't worry, it's better to be together, surrounded by the army, let all the worshipers in the courtyard go, holy steps How much strength can I have? It happens to be solved together!"

(End of this chapter)

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