Plane Merchant

Chapter 362 Ambush Battle

Chapter 362 Ambush Battle

"Explore again, pay attention to their movements, find out their old lair, see how many of them there are, and see if there is an ambush. The whole army is buried in the pot and waiting for news. Once you find out, go out immediately!"

One order after another was issued from the City Lord's Mansion, and each of them took the order to go out. The spies' news made them very excited. If they successfully wiped out this group of rebels this time, then their road to the Griffin Empire will be unimpeded, and they will also It has greatly weakened the majesty of the Griffin Royal Family and the strength of the Griffon Empire, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Soon the spies' report came, "My lord, we have checked clearly. They are hiding in a valley, which is a very hidden valley in the valley. No wonder they haven't been searched. There are a lot of people, but it is very simple for our army." , there are only more than 1000 people!"

"It turned out to be like this. Since there are only 1000 people, there is no need for the whole army to go out. Just divide a regiment to go out and destroy it! Forget it, send another regiment to wait outside the outer valley, and another regiment to go in and strangle, so as to prevent people from running out and causing damage. Unnecessary trouble, remember shoot to kill, I don’t need to live!” The Duke said after listening to the spy’s report while sitting in his seat.

A herald standing beside him wrote down the Duke's order in a notebook, and then bowed out to convey the order. Soon the two teams with a total of 2 people separated and went out. They quickly approached the Calabash Valley!
Li Youran, who saw everything in the satellite, made a phone call and broadcast the action of the Magic Moon Dynasty live. Zig, who was waiting for the people of the Magic Moon Dynasty, was excited. Now is the time for him to make contributions.

"Don't get too excited. You have a lot of opponents. They have two teams, two main generals and four lieutenants. They seem to be strong. In addition, they have 2 soldiers. It seems that they are facing endless resistance. I'm already very tired, this time I want to catch everyone! How are you sure?" Li Youran asked with a little worry, after all, Chigurh only brought 300 people.

There are almost ten times as many people as him!It's normal for Li Youran to be worried, even though the equipment that Zieger brings is definitely enough for him to fight an asymmetrical war!But after all, the difference in numbers is too great, and the strength of the opponent is not weak. The two generals and four lieutenants all have the strength of the sky level, and in terms of strength, they can stabilize Qige.

"I understand the master, don't worry! I will complete the task. I have distributed 2000 people to various places in this valley. As long as they dare to come in, they will be attacked by us immediately. With the powerful firepower of Gatling With those powerful bombs, I believe that many people will die." Zieg is full of confidence in this operation.

"As long as you have confidence in yourself, I will always pay attention to you!" After Li Youran finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly. It is so convenient to have a phone!He wants to develop mobile phones to the whole world!Of course, first of all, he needs to have enough strength to prove his inviolability, otherwise he will definitely be eaten without any scum left.

And this time, it's time to show off your muscles to people from several surrounding countries!
The two generals on the horse chatted one after another, and they didn't pay much attention to this mission. In their view, as long as there was any rebel army in the army, they would still be wiped out!

"General! The Hulu Valley entrance is ahead! Do you need to send someone in to investigate and see if there is an ambush!" The spies' words obviously did not attract the general's attention.

"Why don't you investigate! Don't we know what's going on inside these days? There are only a few of them, thousands of them! I'm ten times as old as him, and I'm afraid he's going to ambush? A bunch of pussy bastards! Go ahead, go straight for me The bottom of the valley! I want to wipe them all out, brother, brother is going to make meritorious service, you can rest outside, don’t worry, I won’t let people run out to cause trouble for you! Hahahahaha!.” The general’s words made the spies speechless That's right, who would let others be bigger than their own officials? Forget it, there are only 1000 people anyway, so it's nothing to do!
The last thing he said was obviously another general, who watched him run in with his men, cursed him fiercely behind his back and said, "I hope you will be ambushed when you go in, and make you fool around!"

He obviously didn't know that his curse would be fulfilled soon. On the hidden cliff at the entrance of the valley, a sniper sat on it and disguised himself as a bush. He led people to walk in single file from the valley mouth. Since the valley mouth is narrow, only three people can walk side by side, so it took half an hour for the 1 troops to walk in.

Seeing that his team had assembled, the general waved his hand and said vigorously: "You are so small! Today is the time for you to make meritorious deeds. This time it is not about looting houses or killing nobles. This time they are members of the rebel army. They It’s a group of thugs, killing them all has military merits! So for rewards, for promotion, do you understand! There are a thousand behind the head, and then it depends on who is better! Come on, let’s go!”

Following the general's order, the soldiers under him immediately rushed in howling, even Zig who was in the inner valley had heard it, while the other general outside the valley had an expression of unwillingness, so good This is how he got the chance!

Seeing that no one left in the team ran in, the sniper pressed the headset next to his ear and said: "My lord, they have already entered, and there is no one in the outer valley, but there is still a team staying outside. what to do?"

"Very well, proceed according to the plan, block the Taniguchi with heavy firepower, and let outsiders come in. Everyone else is in position, carry out free strikes, heavy firepower to cover each firepower point, and implement cross-design, just like we are training at home! [-] Mecha fighters are on standby! When you are on the field! When they enter the inner valley, it is time for you to take action! Brothers are now, hit me!"

After Zigg heard what the sniper said, Chances followed the plan without thinking, because this plan had been rehearsed for a long time, and Zigg was absolutely foolproof!

When the 1 people separated and started searching, their tragedy was doomed. In the grass, on the branches of trees, and in the pits, there were ambushed soldiers everywhere. With Li Youran's supply of ammunition regardless of the cost, it is true that each one has been refined, at least it will not be so outrageous that it will miss the target. I have to say that the physical fitness of people from other worlds is really better than people on Earth!


Seeing them who had already entered the encirclement, Ziggy gave an order, and then all the guns in all directions were fired at this moment, only heard voices that he had never heard before, and then he saw that the subordinates and companions around him turned out to be the same Some of them fell to the ground screaming with blood dripping from their bodies, and some were hit on the head, and the result was like a burst watermelon! , the whole red and white came out.

Even if he was a general who was killed on the battlefield, when had he seen such a tragic scene again, a strong sense of incompatibility appeared on him for a while, a feeling of stuffiness in his chest as if he was about to vomit, and then he felt Like the wind blowing in the back of his head, he lowered his head instinctively, and when he looked up again, he saw that the person in front of him had been hit.

There were no arrows, and no other weapons. As soon as the sound was heard, a blood flower would appear. The general didn't know what to do. He had never seen such a strange scene.

"Don't mess up! Defend, form an array to defend! Damn it! Defend me! Iron wall!" Looking at the soldiers in a mess, the general who finally recovered from the discomfort in his heart roared and followed the iron wall. As soon as it came out, the soldiers all gathered together involuntarily, and the shields and weapons in their hands all formed a defensive action.

The firearms couldn't break through at this time!It turns out that the reason why a general is a general naturally has his extraordinary features. This iron wall is his own innate magic. Human beings rarely have innate magic, and even if they do, most of them are useless. Few have such battlefield skills. Everyone with battlefield skills and talent is a talent that every country needs.

"You two go and find those dark guys and get rid of them! I can't last long!" the general said to the two lieutenants beside him.

The lieutenants glanced at each other, then nodded in unison, and you jumped out of the soldiers' defensive formation. The defensive formation only gathers the soldiers around you for defense. Since the soldiers are scattered too much, there are actually many soldiers on the periphery. Soldiers are being killed!
"Stubborn resistance? Use a grenade!" Zig commanded from behind, and then saw a dozen melons thrown out and landed in the defensive formation of the soldiers. If you don't know why, look at me, no one knows. what is this.

The general didn't know what it was, but his intuition told him that it was definitely not a good thing!
"What are you looking at, everyone, get out of the way! It's dangerous!" Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the explosion of grenades. The soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and the general's condition was not good. , when Hao was unprepared, he would be injured even if he was bombed at close range. Fortunately, he had plate armor to protect him, so what he suffered was only impact damage. The strength of the sky rank made him feel uncomfortable!

"What the hell is going on! That bastard said there were only 1000 people! And what's the matter with this weapon? Who can tell me!" The general was furious and wanted to kill, but unfortunately there was no enemy nearby for him to kill. Noticed that those noises became less and less, and I didn't see those iron bumps coming out!
"General, they are running away! It's amazing that we can't catch those hidden weapons!" A lieutenant jumped back and said to the general with a bullet in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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