Plane Merchant

Chapter 363 Chigger's Trap

Chapter 363 Chigger's Trap

"Damn it, just like Xiaodong and Xiaoxi can exert such power! If you chase after them, there must not be many such things. If they escape, we will chase them and kill them all!" The general angrily took the bullet in his hand Li, with a little force on his fingers, he directly crushed the brass bullet!

"General, let's call in people from outside! I'm afraid there is still an ambush inside. If someone surrounds us from behind, we will be attacked on both sides!" The lieutenant reminded anxiously.

The general grabbed the deputy general by the neck and said: "Listen to me, I am the commander-in-chief, and I will do whatever I say! You are only responsible for assisting me, not commanding me! You don't need to teach me what to do! I chase!"

After finishing speaking, he threw the lieutenant on the ground, and then left with the troops. The lieutenant silently shook off the helmet, his face was a little lonely, but he followed as soon as possible. This lieutenant general has already realized that he must die!
"At worst, I'll pay you this life, and I'm worthy of your kindness!" The lieutenant made up his mind secretly, and then quickly followed.

"He's a good subordinate, but it's a pity that the master doesn't know who he is!" Li Youran saw everything in the satellite image, and the soft girl really deserved to be super intelligent, and she even restored the conversation between the two by lip-syncing. And it's also accompanied by sound, not to mention the music that can be heard all over the sky. It really has a sense of sight when watching an anti-Japanese war drama.

Zig waited for their arrival in Neigu, and said to the hundreds of mecha soldiers behind him: "It's up to you, show me the most powerful combat power, let the world see the style of our city that never sleeps !"

"I served my life for the lord!"

"The glory of my God shall shine on the earth"

Two different slogans, although they are talking about listening to one person, but Zieg still feels awkward, it seems that he needs to go back and remind his master well, lest the power of the gods override the power of the monarch, that would be very bad !

The 150 slave soldiers are all selected half-orcs, because they have the strength and endurance of orcs, as well as the dexterity and learning ability of humans. It can be said that the operation of the mechs is very good.

Look at this tall mech, imitating the humanoid design, a real robot for combat, the two arms are Gatling, which is fixed, and there is a place to store ammunition besides the cockpit on the back, which can be controlled manually or Intelligent control, walking upright on two legs (refer to interstellar robot self-propelled gun)
The thick lower limbs ensured that he has enough maneuverability, and the upper body is the weapon arsenal outside the cockpit. In addition to Gatling as the main attack weapon, it is also equipped with surface-to-air missiles specially used to attack flying creatures!

"Boss, what should we do next? They're coming in!" Leading the pursuers behind, the leader of the slave soldiers immediately ran up to ask about the situation.

"Next, you enter the ambush site and attack those who are trying to escape and those who are alone. As for those who surrender, don't attack, just let them stay in place quietly! Go!" As for the form on the battlefield, the slave soldiers immediately Entering the ambush site, the leader sighed with ease and said, "It's finally safe!"

is it safe?For Li Youran's troops, this may be the case, but for this group that was originally here to suppress the bandits, it turns out that the situation is not very good now. As soon as I entered this valley, I found something unusual inside. There should be birds singing , But at this time there has never been, except when there are people, birds are very sensitive, once people are there, they will never go back, unless humans leave.

After entering the inner valley, the quietness inside shocked the pursuers. As soon as the general discovered the situation here, he knew it was broken!Judging by the level of silence, there may be many people there, but they were indeed killed by those spies, and he didn't even think about who refused to answer the scouts when he was in Taniguchi, and rushed in directly.

"Not good, there is an ambush inside, retreat quickly." As soon as the general's words fell to the ground, he was interrupted by the crossfire on the cliff. The fierce firepower swallowed hundreds of lives at once, and the power of the metal storm was far beyond everyone's imagination. The sound of gunshots represented the beginning of the battle, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

The soldiers couldn't even find their opponents, they could only watch helplessly as companions around them continued to fall down, not knowing when it would be their turn.

As a general, he must not be flustered. The situation around him did have a slight impact on him, but he is a master of the sky rank after all. With a sharp thrust of the big sword into the ground, his whole body's energy soared, turning into a milky white The cocoon was round, and the bullets hit it were all bounced off.

Pulling the sword and moving quickly, he has already discovered that these people can't strike moving targets very well. The speed of the sky level is by no means what these ordinary people have kept up with, especially after he burst out of energy.

After Zieg saw this situation, he knew that ordinary soldiers were useless, so he waved to the three hundred mecha soldiers behind him to signal that they could fight!
I don't know how they discussed internally, and finally dispatched three mechas, seemingly only targeting the three masters!

The moment the huge mecha jumped and appeared, all the enemies were terrified!What kind of monster is this? A ferocious giant beast with a height of three meters and a width of two meters is by no means acceptable to ordinary people.

"Whatever you look at, I ran away! MD pulled out the skins of those spies when he went back! What the hell is this, why is it not in the report, and what are those weapons, things that have never been seen before! They are all a bunch of bastards!"

"The general is not the time to get angry now, let's think about how to get out, it seems that they are coming for us!" The deputy general found out that the three robots came straight to the three sky steps as soon as they appeared!Remind yourself the general said.

"Get away? An iron lump wants me to escape, watch me blow him up!" The general is obviously not one to listen to people's persuasion, relying on his own strength, he wants to pack this huge guy!

"I said earlier that he doesn't listen to people's persuasion! If I were you, I would save my strength, so that I would not be killed when the rescue comes!" This is another lieutenant general. Compared with the previous one, it is obvious. He understands the principle of being wise and safe, and has been performing his duties taciturnly. He finally spoke out when he saw his companion repeatedly persuaded him to no avail.

"There are always some things that need to be done by someone. At any rate, it can be regarded as a kindness. Otherwise, depending on your status as a commoner, when will you be able to sit in the position of this lieutenant general? Although the general does not listen to people's advice, he is good to us. Let him get hurt! Come on! Just risk your life to save him!"

Seeing that he couldn't convince the other party, the other lieutenant shook his head, reached out and raised his spear to keep up with his companion and general.

"Look! The other party has rushed out, but he is very heroic, I like it! Then send him to hell! Fire!" Seeing the general rushing over, the half-orc driving the soldier-type battle robot was not polite, and immediately Activated the weapon.

The powerful firepower surged out, and the metal barrage arrived in an instant. At this time, the general had already fully erupted his fighting spirit, and swung the big sword with both hands as if there was nothing, forming a sword screen in front of him, unexpectedly All the bullets are gone!
The orcs on the opposite side were dumbfounded!Sure enough, the Sky Rank is not easy to mess with!
"Is that the only way? Then you can go to hell! Jump and chop!" After speaking, Meng still jumped up, Kankan jumped on the head of the robot, and saw the half-orc in the cockpit with his mouth wide open. A leaf of greens between the orc's teeth.

A heavy sword hit the magic shield of the cockpit. This is a defensive item made of bulletproof glass and alchemy. Ziggy is still very relieved about the excellent defense of the bulletproof glass and the magic defense of the alchemy array. Yes, it really deserves Zieg's reassurance. Although the robot was shaken twice by the general's huge force, it did not cause any major damage.

"Damn it, why is this happening!" The general's hands were trembling, and the countershock from above made his hands temporarily numb. At this time, another robot became vicious and raised its thick leg. , and stepped on the general directly. If the step is firm, all the sky steps will not be enough, and the whole robot weighs more than ten tons.

"Be careful, general!" The general was thrown to the ground by someone while he was still in a daze, and then he rolled on the spot and finally escaped from the footsteps of the robot.

"Let's retreat next. General, let's look at the soldiers outside. They are almost dead!" The deputy general wiped a handful of blood and said that he was injured. There are other people, and the one who saves others will naturally be stained with blood, there are others, and there are also my own!
"Withdraw? Why are you talking to me? How can you withdraw? You tell me that I was ambushed today. Didn't you see that the sound of killing inside was loud and there was no movement outside? If there is no ambush outside, I will cut off my head. Today There is only death, but I must attack fiercely, and only by breaking through can there be a possibility of survival."

The general is very aware of the current situation. It is obvious that he has become a loner now, and he must rely on his own ability to survive!
As soon as the general finished speaking, Zieg took out a loudspeaker and shouted: "Give up resistance, disarm and not kill, don't try to resist, I have as many as three hundred robots like this, and the reinforcements outside have been blocked by me!" At the door, no one will come to rescue you! If you are sensible, throw away your weapons, and we can guarantee your safety! If you don’t want to, then don’t blame me for being merciless.”

"You are dreaming, you want me to surrender and ask my brothers first!" The general shouted, and was about to charge again, but the jingling voice behind him told him a cruel reality. Turning back with difficulty, what he saw It was a group of unarmed people squatting aside with their heads in their hands waiting for inspection.

(End of this chapter)

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