Plane Merchant

Chapter 364 Night Battle!

Chapter 364 Night Battle!

"You useless things, get up for me, get up! They only have this few people. Even if half of us die, we will outnumber them. They still have to allocate half of their people to lay ambushes outside. Just rush out and fight outside. The troops gathered together, we survived! If you do this, he will not let us go, think about how much we have done in the Griffon Empire, do you think they will let you go!"

The general rushed to the soldiers like crazy, punched and kicked all the way, and stuffed the weapons into their hands. Naturally, the soldiers who were beaten did not dare to fight back. The soldiers who were stuffed with weapons seemed to be holding poisonous snakes. He threw it away after shaking, and asked him to kill him with a weapon.

"Don't waste your time, they are smart people. To tell you the truth, we are not from the Griffin Empire, we are from the Nightless City. Isn't your purpose just to attack us? In this case, we will act first, these prisoners You don’t need to persuade them anymore, they are just accomplices. Although there must be some people who have committed the most heinous crimes, I believe that others can still redeem their crimes. The laws of the city that never sleeps will give him a proper trial. It's so easy to die, if you behave well, not only will your sentence be reduced, but you will also have the opportunity to join the city that never sleeps! It depends on whether you can grasp it!"

Chigurh finally came out, and he appeared with hundreds of mecha fighters behind him. He appeared in a shocking manner. The shock caused by that touch of silver was by no means comparable to that of the three mechas. After they appeared, the general knew that he had no chance at all. !

"As for you, you have a lot of backbone. I like it. Why don't you do this! I'll give you a decent way to die! Either you single out a group of them, or they gang up on you! Choose one yourself!" Qi Ge said with a joking face.

"Don't be afraid, general! I'll help you. At worst, you will die today!" The deputy general is still loyal, while the other sighs secretly. They are not small soldiers, so naturally they cannot be easily let go like small soldiers. I hope that the Huanyue Dynasty can treat their families kindly after knowing about it, and stood silently behind the general, expressing their feelings.

"Good! Good! Unexpectedly, in the end, only the two of you are willing to live and die with me, and it's not in vain for me to promote you, since that's the case..."

The general came out alone, Zieg looked at him with interest, what is he going to do?

Li Youran also looked at it with great interest. This general is actually quite interesting, but he is not suitable to be a general, at most he is only suitable to be a vanguard. He is too reckless!

"I surrender!" After finishing speaking, the man who pushed the golden mountain and the jade pillar fell directly to the ground, and the two lieutenants behind him looked at him dumbfounded, so who did they both look at death like before?

"Give me a reason, a general with ten thousand people surrendered like this, how can you make me feel at ease!" Zieg was also stunned, he never expected the other party to do this!
"Reason, of course I can't see people who are loyal to me die like this. I'm not an idiot. I can't hold on to the three of them. There are so many in the back, which shows the rhythm of being besieged. Although I am stupid, I Not stupid!" The general stood up and supported the helmet that was a little crooked due to the movement, and then said in a low voice, and threw his big sword on the ground after speaking!A look of giving up resistance.

The next two lieutenants looked at me and I looked at you, and finally threw away their weapons helplessly. The main generals they were loyal to all surrendered. What else can they fight for?

"Hehe, is it because of their relationship?" Zieg noticed that the last thing the general looked at was the two lieutenants behind him. It seemed that apart from being a little grumpy and not listening to others, he was still very emotional. That's right, if a general doesn't listen to others' persuasion and is unreasonable at the same time, the people around him will probably be the first to betray at this time.

Zig suddenly stepped forward alone, walked to the general's side, looked at the big sword lying on the ground, bent down to pick it up, and picked up the heavy sword hilt with complicated pattern decorations, and the hammer logo on the sword body It shows that this is a fine product made by dwarves, and its length is slightly longer than that of ordinary swords. It seems to be specially made. Generally, only the customizer can use this kind of extended sword. The length is tailor-made, except for the wealthy people, most people can't afford it.

"A good sword! Its destiny is never to be discarded. A swordsman must not throw away his sword, otherwise your future martial arts will be very difficult! Hold it!" Zieg picked it up and handed it directly to the general. inside!

Looking at the big sword in his hand with a complicated expression, the enemy commander is so close to him at this time, he can grab him directly and threaten to leave, but he can't move, and he still has no way to convince himself to do such a thing .

"Do you know how dangerous you are? I can kill you or catch you at any time, and ask you to leave as a hostage!" He said dryly.

"You won't! I can see that since you have surrendered, I believe you. You can't go back anyway. A soldier left when you surrendered. I'm sorry, don't worry, I'm still outside He can't run away!" Zieg said, directly blowing up the general's last trace of luck, this person will definitely be able to return to the barracks of the Phantom Moon Dynasty, and then everyone will know that he has surrendered to the enemy. Thinking about my poor popularity in the military camp, and thinking about the fact that I have been working hard to prevent others from killing people when I came here, I am afraid that everyone wants to die by themselves!
"Where are the people who came with me! Did those people outside stop them?" Now that I think about it, when I was attacked outside, nothing happened at all, could it be that...

"They? Well, how should I put it? My soldiers just fired machine guns and killed a few guards, and then that coward fled with the crowd all night! There's no way, it's too dark for me to keep him, I'm sorry!" Zieg felt a little embarrassed!The general hated his teeth itching, wasn't it just because he was afraid that he would falsely surrender!Now this appearance is fake and can no longer be fake.

Think about the person who went back, in order to make his failure look less embarrassing, he will definitely blame the master on himself, although part of the reason for the failure is indeed his own, but he admits and tells others that this is two different concepts
"What will you do if I don't surrender?" the general wondered if this was just for him.

"This doesn't affect, in fact, my goal is not a part of you, but all of you, obviously you! Oh, I shouldn't talk about them now, they are more cautious, or they don't take me seriously! So you just It’s an accident, don’t worry too much about it, we treat the prisoners pretty well, and you’ll know when this war is over! Take it down, I hope you can settle down a bit, okay?” Zieg tidied up the general’s armor , patted the dust on it and said.

"I understand, and you can call me Mike, Mike Arthur." After speaking, Mike Arthur followed a robot and left.

"Okay guys, it looks like we have something to do. Since the enemy won't come in, let's rush over and annihilate them in one fell swoop in the dark! March quickly, let's go!" Zig gave an order, leaving only three mechas behind. Guarding the captives in the valley, 1 people came in, and the rest went to more than 6000 people, and more than 3000 people died. This made Zieg realize the cruelty of war and made him eager to end the battle. He didn't want to do this The disaster happened in the city that never sleeps.

In the dark of night, Zieger led his 3000 men and horses to run fast. The quality of the outsiders can definitely go to Pingmei's well-trained special forces, and the total equipment adds up to at least [-] kilograms!However, they still walked like flying, and slowly approached the city where the troops of the Huanyue Dynasty were sitting.

The other team arrived first. They were the ones waiting outside the valley. When they heard the sound of fighting inside, they really charged through the valley entrance. Taniguchi did not enter, not only did not enter, but also lost a forward team, 300 troops, but a back and forth shooting, a lieutenant also died under the gun of the sniper, the power of the anti-material sniper rifle is beyond doubt, the sky Under the opponent's intentional calculations, the lieutenant general of the second rank didn't even dodge, and was directly shot in the head.

This frightened the other general and lieutenant general. Fearing death, he immediately announced his retreat. As for the life and death of Mike and the others, compared with his own life, he obviously thought he was worth more, and he really needed a For the dead ghost, it is obvious that Mike, an unpopular and rash guy, is the most suitable candidate. I hope he dies inside, otherwise, he will use some tricks.

But before that, he still had a scene to act. He ruthlessly cut his hands and legs a few times, then called the medical soldiers to bandage himself, and finally ground the outer cloth strips into black with soil, and then Asked his subordinates to send an arrow, and ruthlessly inserted it directly into his thigh!The mount was also injured, and he had to perform a full set of acting. He rubbed his eyes with spicy spices!The spicy feeling rushed straight to the nose, and tears fell down!
"Master Duke, I...I should die!! Mike him, Lord Duke, send troops to rescue!!"

"Speak up, how can you be in such a hurry! What's wrong with Mike!" The Duke was in a hurry!

The Duke, who was sitting in the city lord's mansion waiting for the news, was waiting for the general who was covered with wounds. Looking at his appearance, he knew how miserable he was, and his general Mike Arthur was obviously in danger!

(End of this chapter)

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