Plane Merchant

Chapter 365

Chapter 365
Duke Osman rubbed his head in pain in his seat. Did one of his generals die like this?The strength of the enemy has expanded to this point, what are those powerful weapons that make loud noises? Everything bothers him.

But these will pass soon, because he has new things to worry about now, Zig's troops outside the city have arrived, standing quietly outside the city, watching the soldiers patrolling with torches on the city wall Ladies, Zieg sneered, and said to the soldiers behind: "Be quiet, go up and deal with them, remember that our goal is only the enemy, and don't hurt innocent people, understand?"

"Understood, but there are still a lot of troops inside. I'm afraid there will be chaos at that time! This is beyond our control!" As the selected captain, he has his own thoughts and opinions.

"You don't need to worry about this, they will help you solve it!" Zieg glanced at the mecha troops behind him, this is the first guarantee for this expedition.

"Understood! The first brigade comes with me!" The captain obviously also saw those huge guys, glanced at them enviously, and then left with his team. These things are not something that ordinary people can drive. Most of them are either half-orc slaves of the lord or diehard believers of the church, and they are all people who have absolutely no reason to betray.

Soon the first brigade climbed up the city wall with the help of the special forces equipment, holding the tactical dagger in their hands, and after waiting for all the men to come up, they immediately started to act. A half-elf!Approaching the enemy silently, he covered the soldier's mouth behind his back, and gently slashed the dagger at the throat, which separated the trachea and blood vessels, and the blood poured into the trachea, preventing the soldier from making a sound. The loss took away his strength, and the struggle became weaker and weaker!

The half-elves with the blood of the moon elves are the kings of the night. They are proficient in hiding and stealth. They are definitely the kings of killers, and the men taught and trained by the half-elves are naturally not weak, and soon the enemies on a section of the city wall are eliminated. It's over!He took out the tactical flashlight and flashed it five times in the air, indicating that he had completed the task!
Zig saw a flash of light in the distance and said: "They succeeded, attack immediately, seize the city wall, open the city gate! Let's go!"

With one order, more than 3000 people ran towards that section of the city wall. The huge mecha was naturally a huge target. It would not have been noticed at a long distance, but it weighed dozens of tons, and there were hundreds of them. There were so many, and the aura of running was so shocking that the army in the city soon discovered the abnormality.

"What happened outside? Is there a large group of cavalry coming?" The Duke came out of the mansion and asked the orderly at the door.

"My lord, I don't know, and no one came to report!"

"Then why don't you check it! Do you want me to ask it myself?" The Duke was angry. What kind of answer is this?Do you have to wait for someone to report everything?What if the city wall is breached and everyone dies, isn't he waiting to die?

The Duke didn't know that part of his thinking was correct, at least a section of the city wall was under Zieg's control!Looking at more and more torches and figures on the city wall, Zieg knew that the raid plan had failed, but he was not depressed, and he didn't expect to be able to hide it for long with these big guys around.

Zieg took out the flashlight and flashed it several times, and the team members who saw the flash on the city wall immediately understood: "Get out of here quickly! Let's assassinate those high-ranking generals, and leave this place to the general manager. They want to destroy this place." The city defense!"

As a result, there are more and more people on the other walls, only they are plunged into darkness here!Because of malnutrition, those soldiers from other worlds are basically unable to see in the dark without torches, but it is basically impossible to lack nutrition for the food in the city that never sleeps, so night blindness has long been cured. They who dropped the torch blended into the night.

Tonight will be a bloody night!Zig looked at the sky covered by dark clouds, waved his hand and said, "Attack!"

The mecha troops not only have the heavy firepower of Gatling, but also carry a large number of surface-to-air missiles, otherwise they would not weigh more than ten tons. You must know that each of those small warheads only weighs a few hundred kilograms!

It is said to be ground-to-air, but no one said that it cannot be used to attack ground troops!Not to mention the city wall!Ten mechas came forward, turned on the missile settings on their bodies, and then one after another, red warheads leaked out!
"Target locked! Attack!" Ignite and launch, illuminating the entire night sky in an instant, and only a group of silver-white monsters were seen standing outside on the city wall, and then they were burned to ashes by the shock and heat of the bomb explosion.

The messenger, who was halfway through the journey, felt a shock, and was sent flying a distance of more than ten meters. He hit a wall and finally stopped. He saw the most terrifying scene in his life!Thunder, fire, huge smoke, and countless fragmented corpses!
At this time, the city walls had all been destroyed, and Zieg entered the city swaggeringly. Fortunately, no residential buildings were allowed near the city gates and the city walls. Therefore, fortunately, there were no ordinary casualties, but the loud noise made them Know that something unusual is happening!
The messenger who spat out a mouthful of blood desperately got up and ran back to the city lord's mansion with his last strength. He had to tell the Duke about his situation.

In fact, it doesn’t need to be said by him, the Duke also knows that something big has happened. As long as you are not deaf or blind, you will know about the soaring flames and the huge explosion. At the same time, those generals and soldiers were awakened, including the one who had just rested and fled back to the barracks. General, you know they are calling as soon as you hear this voice!

He even crawled up, and at this time his remaining lieutenant general also came. Sure enough, there are servants for any kind of master. The lord is deeply afraid that he will ask him to end his queen!

"What are you looking at, don't rush to assemble the team." After finishing speaking, he looked around and found that there was no one.

"Let our people gather in front of the southern city gate! Leave from there when necessary!"

Then he picked up his weapon and ran to see the Duke in a hurry. You can't run at this time, it depends on the situation, otherwise you will die after you go back!
"My lord duke! The city gate has fallen, and the enemy has already attacked. No weapons..."

(End of this chapter)

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