Plane Merchant

Chapter 383 Relatives

Chapter 383 Relatives
The power of faith is the big head, Li Youran dare not relax in the slightest!After comforting Lincoln who was doing his best, Li Youran left. From the temple, he could know that Lincoln was developing well, at least his faith was steadily improving. As for the one who was pushed to a high position by him, he was a little restless now. guy.

Presumably, after seeing Li Youran meeting with people from Tianducheng, not only did nothing happen, but also received a gift from Tianducheng, Lincoln would teach him a lesson, so that he would not dare to think anything wrong!
Li Youran, who returned to the temple, looked at the newly opened space, hesitated, and finally did not enter. He had to arrange everything in order, otherwise who knows what is going on inside, in case it takes a year and a half Isn't it messed up if the content is contained in it!

Back on Earth, the whole family just happened to be at home and there were a few more people. The father who was on a nationwide charity tour turned out to be the busiest person in the family. Father Li, who has had enough of his addiction, is obviously a very self-controlled person.

Don't be fooled by the calls!Everything he owns now is because of his son, and after he became famous, he was a little annoyed, his life was completely disrupted, especially his wife was running around for him, he Very unhappy to see.

When he married her back then, the promise he made was that he would be responsible for making money to support the family, and she was only looking after him for his beauty!Although I am older now!But in his eyes, she is still the most beautiful, and all this is just to make her face in front of his family, and now the goal has been achieved!

When he went to the imperial capital, he had already met his brother-in-law. It was hard to imagine that a person who was very noble back then would talk carefully with him now!Originally, he wanted to pretend, but his wife came and coughed behind his back, and he fought coldly, so he didn't dare!
Afterwards, the whole family naturally had a casual meal together. During the dinner, we talked about Li Youran. I was very curious about this nephew whom I had never met. He is a scholar and a very noble man. People, but noble people still have to bow their heads in front of power, not for themselves, but for the people around them.

When talking with the person who persuaded me, he revealed something vaguely, saying that his brother-in-law has developed. This is not the most important thing. It's the reason why he came, what kind of ability is it to rely on a son!But when the son is capable, relying on the son is really capable!
When he learned that Li Youran hadn't returned home for a long time and said that he was going abroad for an inspection, he didn't ask any more questions. In addition, the women sitting next to his sister were not simple characters. She pretends to be well-behaved, but the arrogance in her bones can't be concealed no matter what!

"Son, you're back! When did you get home? Why did you come back without saying anything!" Father Li went up immediately after seeing Li Youran's return and said that he was covering for his son, and there was no sign of returning home from abroad!Could it be that he wants to say that his son is a lord in another world?Do not make jokes!
"Hehe! Didn't I miss you and my parents? I just came back in a private jet. Today is so crowded! These people are!" Li Youran looked at the two people who looked somewhat similar to her mother, and said Someone close to them said.

"Let me introduce you! This is your grandmother, this is your uncle, call me uncle! This is your aunt, and this is your cousin! They are here to visit your mother, and they will also meet you by the way! "Father Li introduced enthusiastically that he was really happy.

But Li Youran was obviously not very interested and said: "Oh! That's it! I just got back and went to rest first! You chat slowly!" He really doesn't have much affection for the so-called relatives he hasn't seen since birth !Now that he has developed and appeared again, it is inevitable that he will not be allowed to think elsewhere!
Li Youran's attitude made the atmosphere in the hall very delicate for a while, and the uncle was a little embarrassed. Although he thought about seeing his sister and brother-in-law these years, it is a pity that the old man has a bad temper, even though he misses his daughter very much. But he still didn't allow his son to see it.

In fact, he had already expected the current treatment before coming here!It's just that when you encounter it, it will still be embarrassing!

"Stop! How are you talking! What are you calling! Don't you know how to call someone!" Father Li couldn't hold back his face, so he straightened up and fired!

Seeing his brother-in-law's attitude, Bai Xiongqi, who had been accompanying the smiling face just now, immediately noticed something!He stood up and said, "Brother-in-law, I have something to discuss with you! Let's go up together!"

It was relieved of the embarrassment that Li Youran came down suddenly and had to leave immediately, Bai Binger secretly gave him a well-done look, which made Bai Xiongqi slightly proud, in fact, what Bai Binger was most satisfied with was that Ju brother-in-law, but Li Youran didn't object, just nodded and took Bai Xiongqi upstairs!
"Hey! Me." Seeing that Li Youran ignored him, Li's father immediately became furious and wanted to teach Li Youran a lesson but was stopped by his brother-in-law.

"Brother-in-law, calm down! The child has never seen us, and indeed we haven't seen you all these years. We are not familiar with you and have resentment. These are all understandable! But! Xiulan, you have to understand us! With Dad's temper, we Anyone who dares to come to see you! He will get angry! We can't help it, if you don't believe me, ask Mom, every time you are mentioned, Dad and I will quarrel!"

The eldest uncle is also full of grievances. I only have this younger sister, so can I not feel sorry for her!But you ran too fast and too stealthily!If it wasn't because Li's father was on TV this time, and then someone from an authority came to say that he wanted to contact Li Youran's family through them, he might not even know where his sister is now!
"Isn't it! The old man has a very stubborn temper! He just refused to bow his head. It turns out that he was wrong! My daughter has a good eye! Haha!" The mother who was able to see her daughter cried with joy. Also only over the phone a few times!Every time I say that I am very good, but I don't say where I am!She couldn't do it even if she wanted to see her.

But she also knew that her daughter had the same temper as her father, very stubborn. When she went out, she said that she would never come back if she didn't get ahead!
"Who said that! I've watched it many times, and every time my grandpa is holding the photo album and wiping away tears! All I see are photos of my aunt, and she even told me that this is my aunt!" As the youngest existence, only 16 years old The little cousin said something very discerning.

(End of this chapter)

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