Plane Merchant

Chapter 384 The First Meeting with Grandpa

Chapter 384 The First Meeting with Grandpa

Who would doubt what the little girl said!Immediately, Mother Li burst into tears!Immediately afterwards, a room full of women wiped their tears emotionally, which made the two big men inside very uncomfortable!Then Li's mother rushed to see her father, and she couldn't wait for a day!

Of course, as the core figure in the family, Li Youran will definitely be there!No matter how he tried to hide, it was useless, after he was blocked in the room by his mother for half an hour!Li Youran admits defeat!
No matter what excuse he used, my mother always said one word!I'll be waiting for you at the door!Whenever you come out, we will leave!

I can't get rid of it!Li Youran had no choice but to show up!After being teased by her own women!The family boarded the plane to the imperial capital!
The little girl was still clamoring to take her cousin's private plane to the imperial capital, Li Youran secretly rolled her eyes helplessly!No private jets, do you want to sit in a spaceship?
Not to mention, the biochemical technology is still very powerful, and the biological warship can carry out space navigation, and because it is alive, there is enough air inside, and food is energy!To generate power and maintain the survival of the battleship, the air and so on are just incidental products!

After a few hours of flying, Bai Bing'er got off the plane and made a phone call, calling for two Phantoms, and the family got off the plane. Li Youran's uncle directly told the driver to drive to the city hospital!Then he rushed to the hospital. Father Li felt something was wrong at this time!How could you go to the hospital!

Just as he was about to speak, he saw his wife's face getting worse and worse, her eyes were full of panic, as if she was afraid of something!Mouth opened in a daze, but nothing came out!
Father Li held her hand tightly, felt her husband's movement, glanced at him, and saw his gentle eyes, and his heart was no longer flustered. Father Li said: "Don't panic! Let's ask! How big is he?" Uncle! How do you drive to the hospital! Did you move to a residential area near the hospital?"

"Hey! No, I went to see my father. I was going to tell you in Shashi! But my mother didn't let me tell you! I was afraid that you would be in a hurry! This time, my mother and I went to see you without telling my father! Only one day Now Mom is in a hurry to deliver food to Dad!"

My brother-in-law, the co-pilot in front, told the truth after hearing the transparent questioning. This time, it was not only because someone was looking for him, but the main reason was that the old man was dying soon, and he would call his daughter in a daze at night. name!That's why he went to find the Li family!All he wanted was for his sister to see her father for the last time!
"What's going on! Isn't Dad's body in good condition all the time! How could it be... woohoo!" Tears came up as he spoke, Father Li hugged her shoulders, and lay on his shoulders and began to cry .

"It's okay, your father's illness is a geriatric disease! It's because of a problem with his body function. There's no way around it. He also sees it. He just misses you sometimes! But he just keeps his mouth shut and doesn't say anything. This time he sees you It was on TV that we found out where you were, and that's when we found you!" Mother Li's explanation made Mother Li feel uncomfortable.

All the way without talking, Li Youran didn't know until he arrived at the hospital that he was going to see his grandfather!Li Youran didn't have a good impression of this grandfather whom she had never seen before, but since it was requested by her mother, let's take a look!
Li Youran stood at the door, since Li Youran didn't go in, as his women, He Meili and the others naturally wouldn't go in either, only Li Youran's parents and his uncle's family went in, Li Youran saw that they were waiting outside, what did they do? After waiting for more than half an hour, Li's mother who bombarded her eyes came out!
"Go in! Your grandfather wants to see you! You are so old, he has never seen you!" Looking at the red eyes of my mother, I wanted to refuse, but there is no way to refuse!Nod!Seeing that Li Youran agreed, the others also breathed a sigh of relief!

Everyone came out, and Li Youran went in alone!See is a thin old man!The silver hair is combed meticulously, it seems that he has just been washed by him, and he looks refreshed!

"You're here! I've been waiting for you for a long time!" The old man said while sitting in front of the window with his back to him, looking at the scenery outside.

"Isn't it a bit late to say this now! If you want to see me, you will have a chance!" Li Youran said.

"You are right, it is indeed my problem, although it is meaningless to say it now! But I still hope you can forgive me?"

"Forgive you for what? Forgive you for not wanting your own daughter, or forgive you for being so strong in preventing this marriage! You don't need it! Your daughter, that is, my mother, is doing just fine without you! If you don't come I think it would be better if you bother me!" Thinking that he hadn't seen his mother for so many years, he thought he didn't have any grandparents!He was full of anger, not for himself, but for his mother.

"No! Compared to these, I feel more sorry for you! I have always been against your parents' marriage! Even if they look happy now, even if the time goes back to that time, I will still do it. Make such a decision! This is a father's insistence!"

The old man stood up and walked in front of Li Youran. The two looked alike. Li Youran seemed to see his old self, and the old man seemed to see his young self!

"Why are you so stubborn, can't you see that my mother is very happy! My father is a very successful person now, which proves that your vision is not good at all!" Li Youran yelled at him.

"Do you really think so? I know your father's ability clearly! Maybe he is a person who can live with peace of mind, and I admit that I didn't expect him to get to where he is today! But I know it's not his fault! If he is really capable, success will not come so late. He should have proved it to me 20 years ago. I gave them time at the beginning!

Let me ask you, if you are a father, a poor boy from the countryside goes after your daughter, do you think that person is worthy of your daughter?Don't tell me that you really love each other. Love cannot be eaten as food. She originally had the best living environment and the best educational resources. She should go shopping leisurely every day, drink afternoon tea, keep pets, and wear the most fashionable clothes. Instead of wandering around the kitchen every day!But in the end they eloped successfully!is you what will you do! "

Li Youran was speechless, thinking about what if her daughter was abducted by a poor boy!I guess I will be chased and killed by the ends of the world, no, I will never give others this opportunity at all!Seeing a man approaching with malicious intentions, kill him immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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