Plane Merchant

Chapter 385 Change Room

Chapter 385 Change Room
Li Youran didn't know that this was typical father-in-law syndrome!But obviously his grandfather knew this well, and said to him "Look, you hesitated yourself! So it's not my fault! It can only be said that your father did not behave the way I hoped to see, in fact, if they don't If I run away, I will still agree, but unfortunately they will be wrong! I was very angry at the time, so I didn’t go to them anymore. I didn’t expect that it’s been so many years! The children are so old! And they are so promising , really deserves to be Xiulan's child!"

The implication is that Li Youran's excellence is due to his daughter, it's because of his family's good genes, and it has nothing to do with Li Youran's father!
What Li Youran could say, he could only cough a few times, could it be that his father's genes are better or his mother's genes are better in arguing with him?
Speaking of which, my grandfather really has eyesight, and he can tell who his father is at a glance. If there is no accidental encounter with Li Youran, he will probably be an ordinary citizen in this life. Imagine that his grandfather's family is full of professors. Forget about the scholarly family!

There is no great wealth, and I have to run around for my livelihood every day, so it seems that my grandfather was right!My father is indeed not a genius, he can only be said to be an honest person!

"Hey! It's all my fault. If you had agreed with them earlier, you wouldn't be what you are now. You can grow to this extent in that environment. If you were given enough resources, you would definitely be a proud child of heaven! It will also save you a lot of detours! I'm sorry for you!"

The old man looked at his grandson who was very similar to him, and felt very emotional. His son only had one daughter, and he didn't plan to have another child. Although he was very annoyed, he couldn't force this kind of thing. The regret in my heart is even heavier!You said that if you let him enter the door by marrying into a family back then, wouldn't it be solved!Why are you so stubborn!

Only now did Li Youran know what the old man meant when he said sorry after he entered the door!It turned out that he didn't let him enjoy a better education!Li Youran was suddenly moved, but if he knew what was going on in the old man's mind, he would probably turn around and leave immediately!
"What are you talking about now! I've seen you before! I'm leaving!" Li Youran was about to leave!He doesn't know what to say to him!
"Wait, I know that everything about your father is because of you! You have to be careful! If I'm not wrong, the reason why your uncle came to you this time is probably because of no other choice! Someone should have threatened him, I believe someone will catch up with you through them soon!"

Grandpa's words made Li Youran turn around, looked at him and said, "What else do you know! Who is it!"

"I don't know anything else, but I know that your uncle is a very filial person. Without my permission, he would not act without permission, but he went to an unpopular trip this time and brought you here! It means that he met It's a situation where he can't resist! Don't blame him, I believe that person should have told him that he won't do anything to you! Otherwise, he won't see you if you kill him! Cough cough cough!!!"

The old man who was still in high spirits suddenly coughed a few times, then sat down on the edge of the bed with a hunched body!

"Stop talking! Lie down first! What's the matter with you!" Li Youran helped the old man to lie down first, and then asked.

"It's okay, the doctor said, the body's function is degraded! I can live well in a few days! Leave Huaxia immediately and don't stay here. Although I don't know what secrets you have, after all, one person can't carry a country! I'm afraid of them It's not good for you." The old man obviously knew something, but he couldn't say it clearly, he was afraid that he would bring trouble to Li Youran, so he could only whisper it when Li Youran approached.

Li Youran froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's okay! Is it just that the body is aging? I think I have a solution! Don't worry! I'll take care of it! Then I'll go out first! You have a good rest."

Li Youran's words made his grandfather mistakenly think that he had understood what he said, and he was very relieved to see Li Youran go out!

As soon as Li Youran came out, his mother looked at him and said, "How about it, what did your grandfather tell you!"

"It's okay! I just briefly asked about his condition, and then talked about the education you have given me over the years! Dad, it seems that you have really failed." Li Youran said with a smile, what a pity the family No one can laugh, a doctor came just now and said that the old man's condition is very bad, all organs are showing signs of failure!Sudden death is likely.

Li Youran was also shocked after hearing what her mother said!He didn't tell himself!Maybe he doesn't know!Maybe he knows but doesn't say it, but Li Youran can't pretend that he doesn't know if he knows it, no matter it's because of his mother or something else!Originally, I wanted to wait a few days for Wang Hu to visit, but now it seems that I can't wait!
"It's okay, leave it to me! I'll take care of it!" Li Youran comforted her mother, and then called Wang Hu.

"I don't care where you are or what you're doing, come to Didu City Hospital as quickly as possible! I'll wait for you in the intensive care unit!" Before Wang Hu could reply, Li Youran hung up the phone!

Then he said to the people walking on both sides of the corridor: "Stop pretending! Since I came here, you have walked back and forth here more than ten times! If you don't bother me, I will be annoyed! Change the room! Now I need a An intensive care unit! Need it now! As for how to do it, that is your business!"

The two people pretending to be passers-by glanced at each other and hurried down. After a while, a large number of medical staff came and pushed the bed to the door of the ward!

"I'm so sorry! I'm the director of the hospital, and the people below don't understand the rules and have neglected the distinguished guests! I'm going to change the ward for the patient!"

Li Youran waved his hand indifferently, and the group of people below immediately moved the unknown old man onto the push bed quickly, and then hurriedly walked towards the intensive care unit. There were doctors and nurses along the way. Do various inspections for the elderly!I'm afraid something will go wrong.

The old man's body is extremely fragile, so they are very worried about accidents. The young man who looks very imposing obviously has a lot of background. If something goes wrong in their hands, it is hard to say whether he will be angered. Do you want to bow your knees to others!
The uncle's family also looked at Li Youran in surprise, because the dean obviously recognized Li Youran, and they didn't expect their nephew to have such great ability. It's not that they didn't have special care, but it's a pity that they gave him a sentence of no. Answered!They didn't even find a relationship, they didn't even meet the dean!
(End of this chapter)

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