Plane Merchant

Chapter 829 Obtaining the Origin of the World

Chapter 829 Obtaining the Origin of the World
"Bring the origin of this world!" Field finally put away all his troops. When the earth slowly healed in people's eyes, all the soldier races from the ground disappeared on the earth. If it weren't for the destroyed king It's still there, and people probably think it's an illusion.

There was a voice in the sky. After hearing this voice, the three gods looked towards the sky. There was no one but the voice was Li Youran from another world.

"You always knew?" the druid god said dejectedly.

"I didn't know it all the time, but if you listen to me, you don't have to make such a fuss!" Li Youran was sitting in his castle, drinking coffee leisurely, and everything on the opposite side was already under his control .

"It's easy to say, the most important thing for a god is your own belief. Without belief, there is nothing. After you enter the Space-Time God Sect, the Radiance God Sect will disappear within a month, and my Druid God Sect will naturally disappear." It's not your opponent, it's better to fight than to wait for death, since I've lost, I'll accept my fate, so you can deal with it as you like!"

"Give me the origin of the world. I know that in your hands, the God of Radiance has not obtained it. Otherwise, there is still room for you in this world. If you hold it, you are just inviting disaster. Believe me, God of Radiance will come back again. At that time, you can't stop it, and then he will not come alone, except me, no one can resist it!"

Li Youran raised a smile, took a sip of coffee and said.

"I'll hand it over. Will you let me go?" God Druid said after hesitating for a while.

"I never said I wanted to kill you. If I wanted to kill you, why didn't you think that Apophis didn't do it when he came? You can resist it? An Anxin is a druid god, planting what I need in the God Realm. The Druid religion belongs to the sect of the time and space gods, and it is my branch, which naturally guarantees that your faith will not be cut off, and even in the future, there will be no lack of opportunities to spread faith in other worlds, the key depends on how you do it." Li Youran said frankly. He replied that this world is a very important place to Li Youran.

"Okay, I'll hand it over." After hearing Li Youran's promise, although he still didn't believe it in his heart, the situation was stronger than others. Didn't you see three vicious guys waiting by the side?If he dared to say a word no, he would definitely be skinned and torn apart.

"Okay, those who know the current affairs are the best. Of course you don't understand this sentence, but it doesn't matter if you hand over the origin of the world, and you don't have to worry about other things."

Li Youran was very happy that he had achieved his goal. Li Youran knew from the very beginning that he threatened the belief of the druid god. If he was a druid god, he would definitely not be willing, so Li Youran gave him a chance , wanting to see what he would do, the result naturally did not exceed his expectations.

What surprised Li Youran was another person, Field. He didn't expect that Field would have an epiphany between life and death because of a confrontation with the gods, and then comprehend the mystery between life and death and become a godhead.

Field gave him a big surprise. The druid god finally took out a green ball from his body and handed it over. This is the capital for him to settle down in this world. Yuanyuan had already been killed hundreds of times by the God of Radiance.

Archimonde came out to accept the sphere, and sent it to Li Youran using the miniature teleportation array. Playing with the original core of the world, Li Youran threw it into the temple.

"Since the matter has been resolved, you can go back to your God Realm and be responsible for planting the things I need. Someone will tell you what I need in the future, so go back first!" Li Youran ordered the Druid God He flashed back to his God Realm.

The rest of the people suddenly found that they seemed to have nothing to do. The biggest threat in the world is gone now, so they can leave too. Faerun was very happy, but the other two were sad. Although the Great Elder is a druid People from the God religion, but now the Druid God religion has joined the Time and Space God religion, and Fei Lun is the apostle of the Time and Space God, and he is born one level older than him. It seems that it is clearly a big defeat.

"In the future, I will slowly settle this account with you! Come out now!" Fei Lun said harshly to the First Elder, and then pointed to the emperor wearing the armor of the Lionheart King family.
The Great Elder also knew the current situation, and left the emperor's side without the slightest hesitation. It would be good if he could save his own life at this time. Anyway, he and the emperor were just using each other.

The emperor also knew what his fate would be, and he couldn't beat him. Now that he is strong and strong, he is alone. As for fighting?Judging from the competition just now, he is not Fei Lun's opponent.

"Hehe, you won, but you are just someone else's puppet. One day your fate will be the same as mine! I am waiting for this day!" After finishing speaking, he took off his armor. Will die, will only suffer greater torture, the sword in his hand cut his throat without hesitation.

The smile on his face has never changed, but the look in his eyes is getting weaker and weaker, and finally the sword in his hand can no longer be held firmly, and his tall body falls straight down.

Fei Lun's expression was difficult to understand. Revenge was not as smooth as he imagined. In fact, only Fei Lun could understand the bitterness in it. It was just a throne representing power. In fact, most people in this position were not Happy, Phelan doesn't understand why some people are so obsessed with this position.

"Congratulations, child, you have fulfilled your wish, this country is yours now! If you need our help, just say it! Don't think too much, people in this world need you, have you forgotten your great wish? When you collect the gold in this world, you will become a god, and at that time, you may have the opportunity to meet your loved ones."

"Really? Can I really see my relatives?" Fei Lun asked eagerly, his eyes lit up.
Field nodded against his will. He understood Ferren's mood at this time. Compared with the other two individuals, Field was also a person who bore hatred. It is lost and cannot be retrieved at all.

And the emptiness after revenge can even completely destroy a person. If he hadn't met his master, he would have been a self-destructive killer. It gave Faerun an illusory hope and at least gave him the motivation to move forward. The person you care about will not have other thoughts afterwards! .

(End of this chapter)

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