Plane Merchant

Chapter 830 Big Plan

Chapter 830 Big Plan

Phelan soon cheered up. It seemed that Field's words had an effect. Phelan became interested in conquering the world, and seeing his relatives seemed to have infinite motivation for him.

Looking at Fei Lun who went away to appease the refugees, Field shook his head helplessly. He didn't know what would happen if he knew the truth in the end, but I hope it won't be a big blow.

"Don't look, he still has a long way to go to achieve this condition. The growth of commerce will allow gold from the outside world to flow in. It is not so easy to collect all the gold in this world! Come here, The master has an order coming."
Archimonde called out behind Field, Field walked out of his thoughts, walked to Archimonde's side and saw the video from Li Youran.

"Archimonde, your wasteland world will become an important department I need in the future, and all heavy industry manufacturing will be carried out in your world in the future, so you need to make enough preparations, understand?" Li Youran Sitting in the gazebo watching the scenery outside while enjoying leisurely while giving orders.

"Understood Master, I will be ready!" Archimonde replied respectfully.

"In addition, the business plan cannot be stopped. It cannot be confined to your own world and open up more business routes. The plan used here this time is very good. It won the rights of the secular world without any effort, and it will be controlled like this in the future. Then Slowly eat away."

Li Youran appreciated Archimonde's method of using merchants as spies and controlling supplies to attack the enemy. It was indeed an easy way.

"The master has praised me, and I will do my best to live up to the master's expectations!" Archimonde said without arrogance after receiving the compliment.

Regarding Archimonde's calmness, Li Youran nodded in satisfaction, then turned her head to Field and said, "You did a good job, my knight, I didn't expect you to condense the godhead yourself, which makes me very satisfied. Since where are you?" If you understand it, let's control the entire nether world. I have seen that the rules of this world are not complete, and the reincarnation aspect is a bit chaotic.

Your nether world and your talent of time just make up for all this, so you go underground to build a nether world, if you have no experience, you can ask Apophis, he will help you!Remember you are an important part of my plan, nothing can go wrong!do you understand? "

"Understood!" The three replied together.

"Very good guys, take action! Archimonde, I need to see my merchant troops all over the universe in the shortest possible time, whether it's Earth space or Marvel space, I want to see it! Come on Field and build it as soon as possible! So be it!"

After Li Youran finished speaking, he turned off the video. After the three of them glanced at each other, Archimonde said: "Since everyone has something to do, let's separate now. I still need to sort out this world. Things need to be planned differently.”

"No problem, I can't wait to build my own world, the nether world, the world of death, to be honest, I like it here, but can I take over my wife?" Field seemed to miss Mo Shulin very much, In fact, before meeting Mo Shulin, only Heywood and Morton could chat with him, and the others basically ignored him. The question he asked now was obviously aimed at Apophis.

"Of course, anyone who belongs to you can enter the Netherworld, but I don't think your wife would like a world with only Yinfeng and sulfurous magma." Apophis gave him the answer directly.

"Well, it seems that I need to build a good-looking world, let's go, I need your help! By the way, Archimonde, help me find some special plants and building materials, my nether world needs living people Place! It's all up to you."

Archimonde naturally heard what Field said, but he just waved his hand and didn't even look back. He was in charge of this matter, so naturally he would not refuse.

Looking at Archimonde who was getting further and further away, Field glanced at Apophis and Nightmare beside him and said, "Let's go too, I'm really curious about the underground!" He waved his hand and opened a passage to enter. in it.

And Li Youran, who was leisurely in the city that never sleeps, also entered the temple at this time, and got another world source, so he naturally wanted to integrate into the temple. After entering the temple, he saw Alice playing with the source.

"It just so happens that you are here, so I don't need to look for you, let's integrate the true essence." Li Youran said naturally.

"Why are you so diligent recently? How long did it take to get the origin of a world?" Alice integrated the origin into the nebula, and lit up another star without accident.

"My children are about to be born, I need to give them a safe environment, try to build a strong fortress before they are born, and I found that there are enemies around me, this is not a good thing!" Li Youran explained the reason , Alice also understood.

"If this is the case, I think you should take care of your own world first. In fact, the world you have now is already perfect. As long as you take care of it carefully, it will be very strong!" Alice was very dissatisfied with Li The behavior of leisurely moving a hammer to the east and sticking a stick to the west.

"Of course I know, but this world is necessary. It and the wasteland world are plane worlds obtained later. The wasteland world is a world that was destroyed and reborn after the nuclear pollution of the previous civilization. In fact, there is a lot of nuclear pollution. devour.

Even the monsters there are actually a product of pollution. After I got it, I found that the world is being purified, or degraded. Once the power of pollution degenerates, the monsters in this world will be eliminated, just like the earth It's the same as being eliminated after practicing without aura on the Internet.

And other worlds can't stand nuclear pollution, only the wasteland world can, and even the wasteland world can turn nuclear pollution into a resource to use! "

"What does this have to do with the world you got now?" Alice stopped talking about the wasteland world after listening to it, but pointed to the green core.

"This is a botanical world of gods and spirits. Don't you think we manage a lot of universes? I want to integrate them together." Li Youran answered the wrong question.

"This is impossible, are you crazy? How to resolve the conflict of rules between worlds?" Alice obviously thought that Li Youran was crazy.

"Of course it's possible. That's what I'm doing. Don't you think that after the origin of the world is merged, the world also has the ability to merge?"

(End of this chapter)

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